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雪佛兰 2016天地世界音乐节-新虹桥中心花园专场

价格: ¥100 - 120

2016年9月25日 星期日 15:00 至 19:30
上海长宁区延安西路2238号(近伊犁路) New Hongqiao Central Park(No.2238West Yan'an Road)
主办方: 2016天地世界音乐节 更多活动

价格: ¥100 - 120

雪佛兰 2016天地世界音乐节-新虹桥中心花园专场

2016年9月25日 星期日 15:00 至 19:30 上海长宁区延安西路2238号(近伊犁路) New Hongqiao Central Park(No.2238West Yan'an Road)

价格: ¥100 - 120

时间 地点

2016年9月25日 星期日 15:00 至 19:30

上海长宁区延安西路2238号(近伊犁路) New Hongqiao Central Park(No.2238West Yan'an Road) 上海长宁区延安西路2238号(近伊犁路) New Hongqiao Central Park(No.2238West Yan'an Road)


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浏览: 3,322



“Yi” Band(Multinational)

壹乐团由聂小均发起并成立于2008年。乐团成立初期致力于用Yamaha CP80、毛里求斯放克节拍与爵士小号表现马勒式的黑暗和弦,如今他们的风格更加偏向“有机城市仪式科幻”式的音响,cp80电钢琴在大提琴、琵琶、人声、箱鼓、改装爵士鼓中熠熠生辉。近期他们正在筹备他们的第一张录音室专辑。乐团目前的成员有:中国著名音乐家、音乐制作人聂小钧;美籍华裔大提琴家、中国新音乐领军人物李带菓、沪上著名毛里求斯鼓手Jhonny Allen Joseph组成。

“Yi” was formed in 2008 by Nie Jun. In the beginning the band was focused on dark Mahlerian chord structures on a Yamaha CP80 over funk beats with Mauritian bloodlines and Jazz trumpet, and has constantly been evolving. Today their sound is more "organic metropolitan ritual science fiction,” with the CP80’s sound glowing amid cello, pipa, voice, cajon, modified trap set, and manual electronic percussion.  They are currently working on their first studio album. 



图利古尔(Tulegur),在蒙古语中意为顶天立地的柱子。来自内蒙古大草原的刚子(主唱/吉他)多年来以个人身份演出,2014年底邀请宗璨(打击乐/伴奏吉他,前 Nova Heart、前 ZIYO 乐队吉他手)加入,自此以“图利古尔”之名行走世界。他们看似在说笑间就轻松登上了世界各地的大小舞台,唱遍了欧洲,领略了留尼汪岛和印度,更在新西兰登上了 iTunes 世界音乐销售榜单之首,所到之处,CD 皆被抢购一空。

他们把每一场演出都演绎得不尽相同,总能让人看到改变和惊喜,在自己享受音乐之余,更用不可多得的人格魅力,给观众们呈现轻松、难得的现场体验。作为一支根植于蒙古音乐的乐队,他们用呼麦的表现方式继承了民族的传统,也用吉他、Cajon 等现代乐器向传统挑战,通过全新的编配与融合,彰显着新民族音乐中的力量和张力,更通过对电子元素的运用,让他们的作品听上去更加细腻丰满,令人深深沉醉。 

Tulegur is a modern nomad music duo, rooted in traditional tunes of Inner Mongolia (Mongolian part of China) and influenced by contemporary music. Their sound is a great mixture of traditional Mongolian music, acoustic rock, throat-singing (also known as "Khoomei") and electronic music. This combination results in a unique style which some described as “ethnic post-rock” or “psychedelic nomadic rock”. Within two years they went on several extended tours in China, India, Europe and also Australia/New Zealand where they gained overwhelming reactions by the audience. Especially in Australia and New Zealand, all CDs went sold out immediately and for the first time they appeared on iTunes Top 200 World Music Charts with peak at #8 in Australia and #1 for 3 days in New Zealand! This makes us more curious about the full length debut album to be release later this year.Vocalist and acoustic guitar player Gangzi is the soul of Tulegur, educated in classical music and opera, and his voice is trained for a broad range of throat singing. After years of solo performances, Gangzi has achieved remarkable success all around China and worldwide. Towards the end of 2014, percussionist / electric guitarist Wang (alias Zongcan) joint Tulegur’s new bigger picture to help extend the music to a wider range in expression. As a multiple instrumentalist and sophisticated artist, Wang has traveled to many places within and beyond China and gained has his special ways to embrace different cultures to be fused into with his world of music.

Aysenur Kolivar(Turkey)


Aysenur Kolivar是著名的土耳其黑海音乐女歌手,音乐人类学博士,学生时代她饱受土耳其文学和黑海音乐的熏陶,成为黑海音乐孜孜不倦的探索者,1992年,Aysenur和朋友们在海峡大学发起了著名的民歌演唱系列音乐会Kardes Turkuler,对土耳其多元音乐文化的交流和发展产生了深远影响。她将多年田野经验所带来的灵感灌注进《Bahceye Hanimeli》专辑中,惊艳了众多土耳其音乐评论家。这张专辑后来也被fRoots誉为“黑海音乐爱好者的首选”、“土耳其音乐的里程碑”。黑海地区由于常年雨季,山峦被海水包围,在这片狭长的山与海之间,曾生活着本廷希腊人和亚美尼亚人,如今却只剩下格鲁吉亚人的近亲——拉兹(Laz),Kolivar和她的乐队用细腻的旋律、优美的歌喉将这些历史娓娓道来,扣人心弦,如痴如醉,如泣如诉。2013-2015年,Kolivar已先后在WOMEX和美国进行演出,受到了观众和媒体的一致赞誉。

Ayşenur Kolivar was born near Rize in SE Turkey’s Black Sea region.During the course of her undergraduate and graduate studies in Turkish language and literature at Bogazici University,she began to study music and folklore with the Bogazici University Folklore club.From 1993-2000,she performed with Kardes Turkuler as a solo and additional vocalist in various Black Sea music projects.From 2001 to 2003 she taught and performed in the Dalepe Nena(Sisters’ Voice)women’s music group;and since 2001,has been a soloist and researcher with the Helesa Project,which collects and performs folk music from the Black Sea.Kolivar’s album under her own name ‘Bahceye Hanimeli’(Honeysuckle for the Garden but the Turkish word hanimeli for honeysuckle is literally ‘lady’s hand’ so there’s a double sense)was released in 2012 by Kalan Muzik. Aysenur Kolivar had a very successful official showcase at WOMEX 2013.Following the showcase she received excellent feedback from WOMEX participants and attracted the attention of promoters,record labels and the media.

“This is the go-to album for anyone interested in the Black Sea music,and a key recording for Turksh music in general,but more importantly,this will reward anyone adventures enough to want to connect with one of the great albums and singers of our times.Masterpiece.Chris Potts.”fRoots



多元的文化背景造就了DAGADANA独特的表演风格,Daga和Dana之间的默契早已超越了个人和民族的界限,他们如饥似渴地追寻现代音乐的潮流。敏锐的音乐嗅觉、过人的艺术灵感以及超乎常人的好奇心,让他们彼此间惺惺相惜。乐队的表演蕴含多种文化元素,完美地体现出斯拉夫民族灵魂的丰富性——狂放而温和。DAGADANA曾与国际上许多著名的音乐家进行过演出,并与中国大提琴演奏家宋昭和蒙古乐手Hasibagen合作出版了世界音乐专辑《Meridian 68》,这张专辑在欧洲和环球世界音乐榜上都取得了不俗的成绩。

DAGADANA is a fusion of jazz, electronica, Polish, and Ukrainian folk music. The band incorporates traditional folk melodies which are set to words of traditional songs, modern poetry, and lyrics. Their approach to performing and recording music includes the use of vocals sang through voice processors, trance, jazz acoustic bass influences, and various musical instruments.

DagaDana’s unique feature is their great gift for blending cultural elements from Poland and Ukraine. Daga and Dana can create a dialogue – not just with each other, not just between their national traditions, but also with contemporary musical trends. Sensitive, intelligent, curious about the world and its people.

The band has performed with recognized musicans from around the world. In China, DAGADANA has performed with  musicians from North Lab Song Zhao AIYS (China) and Hasibagen (Mongolia). They are also guests at DAGADANA’s later album recorded in Poland and Beijing - Meridian 68.

"Meridian 68" hit #9 of World Music Charts Europe and #16 at Transglobal World Music Chart.

届时Dagadana还将邀请两位重量级嘉宾一同演出。一位是大提琴先锋艺术家/自由艺术者/独立艺术策划人——宋昭,SONGZHAOART宋朝策画Studio、CANON卡农系列音乐品牌的创始人,长年从事独立多元艺 术策划、大提琴职业演奏、实验音乐、即兴音乐、艺术视觉设计、合作艺术探索等工作。





