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《30岁前别结婚》陈愉分享会 | ''Do Not Marry Before 30'' - An Afternoon with Author Joy Chen
2012年7月7日 星期六 14:00 至 17:00
北京南河沿大街111号欧美同学会报告厅 (长安街和南河沿大街路口,南河沿大街往北200米,看到北京香江戴斯酒店-南湾子胡同-往左走80米即到) | Beijing Nanheyan Street #111 (From intersection of Chang'an and Nanheyan Street, go North 200m on West side of the street, turn left at Days Inn hotel and go 80m, entrance on left)
主办方: 兰溪沙龙,欧美同学会青委会 更多活动

价格: 免费 - ¥50

《30岁前别结婚》陈愉分享会 | ''Do Not Marry Before 30'' - An Afternoon with Author Joy Chen

价格: 免费 - ¥50

《30岁前别结婚》陈愉分享会 | ''Do Not Marry Before 30'' - An Afternoon with Author Joy Chen
2012年7月7日 星期六 14:00 至 17:00
北京南河沿大街111号欧美同学会报告厅 (长安街和南河沿大街路口,南河沿大街往北200米,看到北京香江戴斯酒店-南湾子胡同-往左走80米即到) | Beijing Nanheyan Street #111 (From intersection of Chang'an and Nanheyan Street, go North 200m on West side of the street, turn left at Days Inn hotel and go 80m, entrance on left)
主办方: 兰溪沙龙,欧美同学会青委会 更多活动

价格: 免费 - ¥50

《30岁前别结婚》陈愉分享会 | ''Do Not Marry Before 30'' - An Afternoon with Author Joy Chen

2012年7月7日 星期六 14:00 至 17:00 北京南河沿大街111号欧美同学会报告厅 (长安街和南河沿大街路口,南河沿大街往北200米,看到北京香江戴斯酒店-南湾子胡同-往左走80米即到) | Beijing Nanheyan Street #111 (From intersection of Chang'an and Nanheyan Street, go North 200m on West side of the street, turn left at Days Inn hotel and go 80m, entrance on left)

价格: 免费 - ¥50

时间 地点

2012年7月7日 星期六 14:00 至 17:00

北京南河沿大街111号欧美同学会报告厅 (长安街和南河沿大街路口,南河沿大街往北200米,看到北京香江戴斯酒店-南湾子胡同-往左走80米即到) | Beijing Nanheyan Street #111 (From intersection of Chang'an and Nanheyan Street, go North 200m on West side of the street, turn left at Days Inn hotel and go 80m, entrance on left) 北京南河沿大街111号欧美同学会报告厅 (长安街和南河沿大街路口,南河沿大街往北200米,看到北京香江戴斯酒店-南湾子胡同-往左走80米即到) | Beijing Nanheyan Street #111 (From intersection of Chang'an and Nanheyan Street, go North 200m on West side of the street, turn left at Days Inn hotel and go 80m, entrance on left)


主办方 联系主办方



兰溪沙龙致力于为都市白领女性打造一个共同分享、成长的平台;为大家丰富业余生活,发掘自身潜力,更好提升和完善自我。微博:@兰溪沙龙 QQ群:95429548(仅限女生)





浏览: 9,731

《30岁前别结婚》陈愉分享会 | "Do Not Marry Before 30" - An Afternoon with Author Joy Chen

7月7号,兰溪沙龙及欧美同学会青委会荣幸邀请前洛杉矶市副市长,《30岁前别结婚》作者,陈愉(Joy Chen)来给我们分享她的传奇经历.她将给我们带来最崭新的世界观、爱情观、婚姻观、以及有效的职场建议,她不仅会与你分享如何运用技巧将梦寐以求的男人“收入囊中”,更将用最精彩的故事告诉我们什么才叫“不枉此生”。她坚信无论单身、已婚还是离异,作为女性,我们都可以凭借自己的力量让生命如繁花般怒放.

On July 7th, Lanxi Club and the Western Returned Scholars Association are honored to host former Deputy Mayor of Los Angeles and author of "Do Not Marry Before 30", Ms. Joy Chen.  Joy will share her amazing experiences with us, and teach us how to succeed in life, love, marriage, and career.  She will show us how to find that "Mr. Right," as well as how to life a life without regrets.  She believes that no matter if one is single, married, or divorced, women can achieve wonderful lives through the power that lies within them.


陈愉女士(Joy Chen)是一位在美国出生的华人,一位公众领袖、演说家、及《30岁前别结婚》的作者,这本书是现代中国女性在事业、生活和爱情上如何得到一切的锦囊。



陈女士在加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)获得了MBA学位和城市规划硕士学位,在杜克大学(Duke University)获得本科学位。目前,她与丈夫大卫(Dave)以及两个女儿贝恩(Pip)和莱恩(Lila)于美国洛杉矶定居。


Speaker / Author Bio:

Joy Chen is an American-born Chinese civic leader, speaker and author of “Do not marry before age 30,” a book for modern Chinese women about how to get it all in career, life and love.

Ms. Chen is a former Deputy Mayor of Los Angeles, a post to which she was appointed at age 31.   While Deputy Mayor, she was responsible for education and workforce development for America’s 2nd-largest city. Following her time in public service, Ms. Chen was a Principal with global executive search firm Heidrick & Struggles, where she specialized in cross-border searches between the United States and China.

For two decades, Ms. Chen has been helping people achieve their dreams.  In her role as Los Angeles Deputy Mayor, she spearheaded major education and workforce-training programs which have become nation-wide models. Her college-access program was in 2007 signed into California state law by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and has helped over 100,000 families send their children to college.  Additionally, she created an innovative nationwide model for helping Los Angeles companies train their employees in the 21st skills they need to succeed in the global business marketplace.

Ms. Chen’s work has appeared in the Financial Times, The Economist, BusinessWeek, CCTV, Tencent QQ, China Radio International, Marie Claire China, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Chinese World Journal, Cosmopolitan Trends, Rayli, and other leading global and regional business and fashion media.

Ms. Chen earned MBA and M.A. in Urban Planning degrees from UCLA, and a BA from Duke University. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband Dave and two young daughters, Pip and Lila.

To learn more about Ms. Chen, visit her blog at www.GlobalRencai.com.  To view the blog in English, click ENGLISH in the upper-right corner of the blog.





兰溪沙龙致力于为都市白领女性打造一个共同分享、成长的平台;为大家丰富业余生活,发掘自身潜力,更好提升和完善自我。微博:@兰溪沙龙 QQ群:95429548(仅限女生)



