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STORY POWER: A Full-Day Master Class

Price: ¥1,000 - 1,400

Saturday, January 11, 2020 10:00 to 18:00
Business Casual
328 Hunan Road (WeWork, 1F) , near Gaoyou Road, Xuhui District.
Organizer: The Storytelling Company More Events

Price: ¥1,000 - 1,400

STORY POWER: A Full-Day Master Class

Saturday, January 11, 2020 10:00 to 18:00 328 Hunan Road (WeWork, 1F) , near Gaoyou Road, Xuhui District.

Price: ¥1,000 - 1,400

When & Where

Saturday, January 11, 2020 10:00 to 18:00

328 Hunan Road (WeWork, 1F) , near Gaoyou Road, Xuhui District. 328 Hunan Road (WeWork, 1F) , near Gaoyou Road, Xuhui District.
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The Storytelling Company

The Storytelling Company

A coaching experience for speakers and brand storytelling. 

When your speech, your stories, your ideas must have impact. 

When you must give the best speech of your life.

This is the place where your TED Talks, business presentations and investment pitches, come alive. With engaging stories, concise, vivid language, and a voice and delivery that matches your compelling messages, passion and clear purpose. 

But too often speakers are word machines, and the speech is just flat. Everything sounds the same. No emphasis on anything. No connection with the listeners. No connection with your purpose. Or no purpose. When that happens the message is lost.

It doesn’t have to be that way. We provide truly world class speech coaching, training, and brand storytelling. 

About Larry Schuster 

* TEDx Coach, Speaker
* Chinaccelerator investment pitch coach for startup CEOs
* Founder, The Storytelling Company
* 2012 North China speech evaluation champion, Toastmasters International 
* Executive speech coach for multinational companies

Larry applies 20 years experience as a US journalist to help his clients find and shape their compelling stories and messages, to connect to their audiences for impact. 

He is coaches executives and others in a way that energizes their speeches and helps them give the best speech of their life.

His clients have included global architecture and design leader Aedas, Standard Charter Bank, PayPal, a world leader in cross-border payments, consumer audio innovator Harman, and 7-time world-champion boxer Michele Aboro.

Client Testimonials

  • * His storytelling techniques, and other advice and constructive way of teaching made it fun and easy to apply to my current workshops and talks. Thank you, Larry. Karina Blancarte, Holistic Psychologist
  • * Larry and I worked together to prepare a pitch for over 200 investors, the end result being a deal worth half a million dollars. Through Larry's knowledge and creative approach to storytelling we crafted a convincing and entertaining narrative that energized a room full of people and sold investors on our vision. — Adam Place, startup CEO, Nusic
  •  *  My challenge is to deliver information that most people are resistant too. So I knew I had to work harder and hire the best possible professional. Larry's experience was key to making my talks a success from day 1, Rebecca Cappelli, independent film maker (Let Us Be Heroes)
  • *  Larry was a great help to bring this more complex planning topic (cities of the future) to a wider audience… he was able to extract the message from what I was trying to say to personalize it for those people (for his TEDx event in Shanghai) — Keith Griffiths, Chairman, founder, Aedas, a world leader in architecture and design. 
  • * Your training helped a lot Larry!! Yesterday was very interactive. I made the presentation really funny throughout with the short stories. This was the best presentation I’ve done yet thanks to you! — Andy Wen, Ph.D, Aedas Global Board Director



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Views: 204

STORY POWER: A full-day Master Class

When you are ready to push through to the next level!

With TEDx coach, The Storytelling Company master Larry Schuster

100% focused on your stories, for business, for your mission.  To find your voice.

To speak with more clarity, more focus, more influence. 

Together, on that day, let's work to make a difference on your specific story projects!

A full day of PERSONAL ATTENTION and small group coaching on you storytelling challenges and needs.

Limited to 12 people! 

  1. You want to better prepare your employees for big changes in the company.  How can you use stories to help your employees embrace the changes, to manage the change.
  2. You want to speak at an important company meeting.  How to include stories so your audience can remember and repeat your message?
  3. Or you want to pitch your new product, project or proposal. But how can stories energize your messaage, and add impact?
  4. You want to your internal trainers to be more effective. How can stories make their trainings more vivid an more memorable?
  5. Your are interviewing for a new position.  How can you use stories to standout from the crowd and show your true character?
  6. You feel compelled to share your mission with your world.  How to use stories to capture their attention?

Who should attend: Executives, speakers, organization leaders, anyone who must sell an idea, launch a product, deliver a proposal, pitch a project, or pitch themselves in a job interview.

Common storytelling issues that hold people back:

  1. The main idea or purpose is too vague or doesn't connect or apply to they audience.
  2. The main takes too long to express and needs a lot of explaining. 
  3. Not sure how to find a suitable story for my business purpose.
  4. Not sure how to compress all the events and details to fit into my story.
  5. Not sure how to start my story. 
  6. I've got a great story but it still does not connect to my listeners.
  7. What details to include, what to exclude? 
  8. I have a wonderful story, but I don't kow what the message should be?
  9. How to invite listeners into your story?
  10. How to adjust it so it connects to your audience?
  11. How to build emotion and keep people’s attention from beginning to end?

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A coaching experience for speakers and brand storytelling. 

When your speech, your stories, your ideas must have impact. 

When you must give the best speech of your life.

This is the place where your TED Talks, business presentations and investment pitches, come alive. With engaging stories, concise, vivid language, and a voice and delivery that matches your compelling messages, passion and clear purpose. 

But too often speakers are word machines, and the speech is just flat. Everything sounds the same. No emphasis on anything. No connection with the listeners. No connection with your purpose. Or no purpose. When that happens the message is lost.

It doesn’t have to be that way. We provide truly world class speech coaching, training, and brand storytelling. 

About Larry Schuster 

* TEDx Coach, Speaker
* Chinaccelerator investment pitch coach for startup CEOs
* Founder, The Storytelling Company
* 2012 North China speech evaluation champion, Toastmasters International 
* Executive speech coach for multinational companies

Larry applies 20 years experience as a US journalist to help his clients find and shape their compelling stories and messages, to connect to their audiences for impact. 

He is coaches executives and others in a way that energizes their speeches and helps them give the best speech of their life.

His clients have included global architecture and design leader Aedas, Standard Charter Bank, PayPal, a world leader in cross-border payments, consumer audio innovator Harman, and 7-time world-champion boxer Michele Aboro.

Client Testimonials

  • * His storytelling techniques, and other advice and constructive way of teaching made it fun and easy to apply to my current workshops and talks. Thank you, Larry. Karina Blancarte, Holistic Psychologist
  • * Larry and I worked together to prepare a pitch for over 200 investors, the end result being a deal worth half a million dollars. Through Larry's knowledge and creative approach to storytelling we crafted a convincing and entertaining narrative that energized a room full of people and sold investors on our vision. — Adam Place, startup CEO, Nusic
  •  *  My challenge is to deliver information that most people are resistant too. So I knew I had to work harder and hire the best possible professional. Larry's experience was key to making my talks a success from day 1, Rebecca Cappelli, independent film maker (Let Us Be Heroes)
  • *  Larry was a great help to bring this more complex planning topic (cities of the future) to a wider audience… he was able to extract the message from what I was trying to say to personalize it for those people (for his TEDx event in Shanghai) — Keith Griffiths, Chairman, founder, Aedas, a world leader in architecture and design. 
  • * Your training helped a lot Larry!! Yesterday was very interactive. I made the presentation really funny throughout with the short stories. This was the best presentation I’ve done yet thanks to you! — Andy Wen, Ph.D, Aedas Global Board Director

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