| EN
Class of 2020 & 2021 Graduation Ceremony in Shanghai
2021年8月22日 星期日 13:30 至 17:00
正装 | 可自带毕业礼服
主办方: AustCham Shanghai 更多活动

价格: ¥100

Class of 2020 & 2021 Graduation Ceremony in Shanghai

价格: ¥100

Class of 2020 & 2021 Graduation Ceremony in Shanghai
2021年8月22日 星期日 13:30 至 17:00
正装 | 可自带毕业礼服
主办方: AustCham Shanghai 更多活动

价格: ¥100

Class of 2020 & 2021 Graduation Ceremony in Shanghai

2021年8月22日 星期日 13:30 至 17:00 上海新天地朗廷酒店(马当路99号)三楼宴会厅

价格: ¥100

时间 地点

2021年8月22日 星期日 13:30 至 17:00

上海新天地朗廷酒店(马当路99号)三楼宴会厅 上海新天地朗廷酒店(马当路99号)三楼宴会厅


主办方 联系主办方

AustCham Shanghai

AustCham Shanghai

Founded in 1994, AustCham Shanghai is now the largest Australian Chamber of Commerce in the Greater China region. As the trading relationship has evolved beyond energy and resources to encapsulate a wide variety of sectors, AustCham Shanghai has also grown to represent businesses in every sector, from manufacturing to health and aged care, to education and financial services.

Today, our Chamber brings the business community together through membership serviceseventsdelegationsproject management, representation and advocacy.

AustCham Shanghai exists only to serve its members. The Chamber also undertakes significant fundraising efforts to support our Corporate Social Responsibility partners each year, having raised RMB 5,000,000 over the past 20 years.


+86 21 6149 0600




浏览: 5,244



  • 本次活动主要面向澳大利亚2020和2021届的毕业生,也欢迎其他届澳洲大学校友参加。
  • This event is mainly for Australian graduates of 2020 and 2021 and alumni are welcome.



  • 请注意毕业生及携带的客人都必须购票入场。如您总共购买了3张票,那么您自己和另外两位客人则可出席。
  • Please note that both graduates and accompanying guests must purchase tickets to enter the venue. If you have purchased 3 tickets in total, you and two other guests can attend.


  • 本次活动除已销售门票外不提供任何免费票,如未提前购票,活动当天无法在现场临时购买。
  • This event does not provide any free tickets except for the tickets already sold. If the tickets are not purchased in advance, they cannot be temporarily purchased on the spot on the day of the event.


  • 若门票售罄,且因疫情管控无法提供额外门票情况下,欢迎您注册候选名单,我们将根据该名单的最终信息决定加场的规模。如果你在等候名单上,如果有名额释放,我们会发邮件通知你。进场时需要有效且有名字的友付门票。
  • If the tickets are sold out, no additional tickets will be provided due to epidemic control. But you are welcome to register on the waiting list, and we will determine the size of the addition based on the final information on the list. If you are on the waiting list, you will be notified via email if a spot opens up. You will need to receive a valid Yoopay admissions ticket with your name on it in order to enter the event.


  • 请注意除不可抗力因素,门票一经售出概不退款。很遗憾我们无法处理个人的退票诉求,除非是在不可抗力的影响下(比如:因为疫情取消活动),我们将会通过邮件通知您并通过系统自动全额退款。当活动延迟,您原先的门票在新的活动日期依然有效。
  • Please note that except for force majeure, tickets are non-refundable once they are sold. Unfortunately, we are unable to satisfy individual ticket refund requests. However, in a situation of force majeure (i.e., cancellation of the event due to COVID), you will be notified via email and the full amount will be refunded automatically. Where the event has been postponed, your original ticket will still be valid at the new date.







Founded in 1994, AustCham Shanghai is now the largest Australian Chamber of Commerce in the Greater China region. As the trading relationship has evolved beyond energy and resources to encapsulate a wide variety of sectors, AustCham Shanghai has also grown to represent businesses in every sector, from manufacturing to health and aged care, to education and financial services.

Today, our Chamber brings the business community together through membership serviceseventsdelegationsproject management, representation and advocacy.

AustCham Shanghai exists only to serve its members. The Chamber also undertakes significant fundraising efforts to support our Corporate Social Responsibility partners each year, having raised RMB 5,000,000 over the past 20 years.


