8x8 Brewing Project
2017年11月3日 星期五 20:00 至 11月4日 星期六 23:00 中国北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区尤伦斯当代艺UCCA 悦廊 UCCA, 798 Art District, No. 4 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
价格: ¥300 - 1,188
2017年11月3日 星期五 20:00 至 11月4日 星期六 23:00
京A Brewing Co.
京A Brewing Co.
京A is the story of Alex Acker and Kristian Li, two longtime Beijingers and friends with a passion for great beer. What started as a hobby in 2011 with a couple of pots and plastic buckets quickly became an obsession. Our brewery in Sanlitun launched in April 2013 and packs a punch for its small footprint. Core to everything we do at 京A is our drive to make great full-flavored beers while shaking things up with experimental brews with Chinese characteristics. We dream up recipes infused with unique local flavors and are dedicated to forever changing the palate of Chinese beer guzzlers.
浏览: 33,915
Cloudburst Brewing (西雅图) X 气泡实验室 (武汉)
Gigantic Brewing Co. (波特兰) X 门神精酿酒坊 (香港)
Breakside Brewery (波特兰) X 牛啤堂 (成都/北京)
10 Barrel Brewing Co. (本德) X 胖胖啤酒马 (厦门)
Culmination Brewing (波特兰) X 高大师 (南京)
The Commons Brewery (波特兰) X 台虎精酿 (台北)
Holy MountainBrewing (西雅图) X 京A精酿啤酒 (北京)
Parallel 49 Brewing (温哥华) X TAPS (深圳/重庆)
Welcome to 8x8!
The brewery pairs have worked together over the to develop a new beers that bring together the experience, culture and personality of each brewery. On November 3 & 4, 2017, all 16 breweries will gather in Beijing to release their collaborations, pouring them alongside their own specialty beers at the 8x8 Festival, a ticketed event with free-flow tasting (that's why you're here, right?)
The brewers will be there in person so you'll have a chance to learn the stories behind what you're drinking - straight from the source!
-The 8x8 Festival is spread over two days, with 4 free-flow tasting sessions.
-Each session is 3 hours long, so you've got plenty of time to try as much beer as you'd like!
-The 8 collaboration beers made specifically for 8x8 will pour at all sessions.
-In addition, the 16 breweries will each pour two of their own beers at each session, for a total of 40 Beers to try per session.
-That means you'll have a chance to taste 136 unique beers across the four sessions (4x32 = 128 beers + 8 collaboration brews).
-On Saturday, there will be two 90-minute breaks between the three sessions - check out some of the many art galleries in 798 while you sober up!
What do the different tickets get you?
All guests will receive an 8x8 tasting glass & access to exclusive after-party deals (Friday and Saturday nights) at Xian Bar, EAST, Beijing Hotel.
-Single Session passes get you 3-hours of free-flow tasting during the specific time period listed on the ticket.
-All-Session gets you into all four tasting sessions at 8x8 if you're looking to try all the beers at the festival.
-All-Session VIP (limited to 25 tickets) gets you access to all sessions PLUS an exclusive bottle tasting with the brewers from 7-8PM on Friday, immediately prior to Session 1, and an 8x8 T-Shirt (a clean change of clothes will come in handy by the end of the night).
We'll see you in November!
In the meantime, learn more about the breweries of 8x8 at:
京A是两个久居北京的、对啤酒有极大热情的“老北京人”和朋友们的故事。2011年,Kris 和 Alex 因为对啤酒的喜好,从几只盆和塑料桶开始,逐渐迷恋上了酿酒,最终决定把共同的兴趣酿成梦想,并把梦想付诸行动。2013年4月,京A酿酒坊在三里屯幸福村正式开启,踏出了坚实的一大步。我们的使命是要让你永远不满足于平庸的啤酒!为此我们致力于使用最优质的酿酒原料并结合本土特色食材来酿制啤酒,持续改变和提升中国精酿啤酒爱好者的消费体验。
京A is the story of Alex Acker and Kristian Li, two longtime Beijingers and friends with a passion for great beer. What started as a hobby in 2011 with a couple of pots and plastic buckets quickly became an obsession. Our brewery in Sanlitun launched in April 2013 and packs a punch for its small footprint. Core to everything we do at 京A is our drive to make great full-flavored beers while shaking things up with experimental brews with Chinese characteristics. We dream up recipes infused with unique local flavors and are dedicated to forever changing the palate of Chinese beer guzzlers.