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S.T.D. Presents 17th June GoldLink at Arkham
Featured Artist: GoldLink
Date:17th June from 10:00pm
Address: Arkham,168 Julu Road
Price:200(presale),250(at the door)
Where the intersections of the DMV (DC, Maryland and Virginia) collide, GoldLink is a direct product. The 23 year old emcee, after accruing over 500 million music streams, has captured the attention of an entire industry with his only two projects, The God Complex and And After That We Didn't Talk, which were released in 2014 and 2015, respectively.
GoldLink’s sound is densely weighted with shimmering polyrhythmic sounds, constructed with formidable producers like Kaytranada, Lakim and Louie Lastic. His sound milks nostalgic cuts of 90s hip-hop and R&B and the area’s natural go-go heritage with transcending circadian drops of EDM and Afro-Caribbean drum patterns. GoldLink’s raps are calculated, tackling them with a roller-coaster delivery, with a distinct voice and unmeasurable cadence. With his unyielding charm, GoldLink tackles his own battles of social and cultural injustice, pursuing a relatable voice of romantic instability. Without relying on talent alone, GoldLink has studied rap’s hierarchy, building his biting flow that’s quicker than a salesman and fouler than a sailor. Citing Edgar Allan Poe, Grimes, and Pink Floyd as his main influences, GoldLink’s subject matter highlights dealing cocaine, gun-toting friends, an absent father, and the general hardship of growing up in the ghetto.
With only two projects under his belt, Goldlink has still been able to receive the support of outlets like FADER, Pitchfork, Complex, Noisey, Teen Vogue, Shade 45 and VSCO––which documented GoldLink’s meeting with Def Jam co-founder Rick Rubin at his Malibu-based Shangri La studio. The recognition spread further than the web, as GoldLink played several showcases at SXSW, Calvin Klein's Coachella day party, toured with Mac Miller and embarked on his first headlining US tour in summer 2015. In 2016, the DMV rapper additionally embarked on a European tour as well as toured Australia/New Zealand before closing out the year. While working on his 3rd solo effort, GoldLink is additionally preparing for his first Coachella performance at Coachella 2017.
The short career of GoldLink thus far has shown him relative success, winning crowds over with his explosive energy that’s engaging at each live show. As he prepares for his third project with glowing support from Redbull, Adidas, Beats by Dre and Calvin Klein, we are all excited to watch, experience, and dance to his progression.
Latest releases additionally include “Fall in Love,” which Annie Mac deemed “Hottest Record of the Week” on August 25th and his December 2016 single “Crew,” which landed on Spotify’s “Most Necessary” and “Channel X” playlists.
出生在普通中产阶级家庭的美国音乐人GoldLink算不上来自音乐世家。尽管如此,他却并没有输在所谓的起跑线上。GoldLink毫不费力地把自己的爱好玩向世界,并让自己独特的风格Future Bounce回响在全球音乐雷达的顶端。
2014年GoldLink发布了首张混音专辑The God Complex, 赢来极大好评。音乐杂志Complex将专辑称作2014最好的项目之一, Clash杂志将它评选为2014年10大最佳混音专辑, 在Spin杂志2014年40张最好的Hip Hop专辑的榜单中 The God Complex位列19。
Hip Hop杂志XXL将GoldLink选入2015 XXL Freshman Class,这个巨头杂志每年评选一次的潜力新人名单堪称业界明日之星对照表。如今红得发紫的Rapper比如Kendrick Lamar,Chance the rapper,Future,Big Sean等都曾是榜单上的一员。
就在选入XXL Freshman Class的同一年,GoldLink发布了自己的第二张混音专辑After That, We Didn't Talk, 再一次受到媒体的大力赞赏。很快,GoldLink在2016年加入索尼旗下的厂牌RCA Records。
从2014年第一张混音专辑问世到2016年收到RCA Records的橄榄枝,短短两年的时间 GoldLink凭借超人的音乐才华跻身A$AP Rocky,Iggy Pop,Prince等大牌音乐人同属厂牌,用他独特的魅力虏获着更多的追溯者。
作为新浪潮音乐的代表,GoldLink巧妙地将90年代复古Hip-Hop、R&B、House以及Reggae起源地加勒比的鼓点结合在一起,性感,慵懒,干净又高级。GoldLink的音乐灵感取自Pink Floyd、Edgar Allan Poe、 Grimes,他精粹了Hip Hop让人止不住扭动腰臀的活跃节奏,配以R&B的浪漫质感以及回响到内心最深处的House鼓点,发展成为带有强烈个人色彩的Future Bounce风格。与GoldLink合作过的制作人包括Kaytranada,Lakim, Louie Lastic。
然而这还不是最厉害的,与包括Jay-Z, Kanye West ,Red Hot Chili Peppers等众多响亮名字合作的传奇唱片制作人Rick Rubin听完GoldLink的音乐后说“It’s Good!”
今年3月,万众瞩目之下GoldLink发布了自己的第一张录音室专辑At What Cost, 在与pitchfork的采访中GoldLink这样说到:“我认为99%的说唱歌手都在说唱的时候说假话, 但是我说真话。说唱歌手们歌颂毒品、枪击,但是他们不会告诉你这些事情的后果。我成长在一个毒品、抢劫满天飞的地方, 我的好朋友因为持枪抢劫被判刑33年,这可不是什么值得炫耀的事情。我不会在我的音乐里浮夸地美化这些东西,那样的生活一点不酷。 ”
GoldLink如今已是大型音乐节SXSW, Coachella的座上客,6月17日他即将带着跃动的新音乐在Arkham与我们见面。