KB Retreat 2018
2018年9月14日 星期五 19:00 至 9月16日 星期日 15:00 Country house near Mutianyu
价格: 免费 - ¥250
浏览: 554
Join us Sep. 14-16th near the Great Wall for our community retreat!
A relaxing weekend for all ages. There will be opportunities for learning and discussion, (gentle) hiking, eating, drinking, and enjoying time away from the hubbub of the city with our special community.
We’ll leave from the Capital Club after Shabbat dinner on Friday and come back together on Sunday afternoon. You’re also welcome to make your own way there and back. The cost includes transportation, lodging, and meals. Let us know if you’ll be traveling separately, if you would like to have your own room/be matched with roommates/have special family rooming needs, or have any other questions or concerns! info@sinogogue.org