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Bastian Baker 2018中国巡演(广州站)

价格: ¥80

2018年1月11日 星期四 21:00 至 23:00
TU凸空间 (T:union) 地址:广州市广州大道中361-365号东方花苑首层 Add:No. 361-365 1st floor, Dongfanghuayuan,Guangzhou Rd, Guangzhou
主办方: Miro China 更多活动

(35) 人已报名

  • 张斐然

  • Derek.su

  • Vivian zhang

  • Sammy刘

  • 刘伟金

  • 韦玲

  • 梁豪

  • 赵漫夏

  • 桑小姐

  • 缪敏慧

  • 林婷

  • 周荣

  • 郭俊

  • 许宇萱

  • 林英范

价格: ¥80

Bastian Baker 2018中国巡演(广州站)

2018年1月11日 星期四 21:00 至 23:00 TU凸空间 (T:union) 地址:广州市广州大道中361-365号东方花苑首层 Add:No. 361-365 1st floor, Dongfanghuayuan,Guangzhou Rd, Guangzhou

价格: ¥80

时间 地点

2018年1月11日 星期四 21:00 至 23:00

TU凸空间 (T:union) 地址:广州市广州大道中361-365号东方花苑首层 Add:No. 361-365 1st floor, Dongfanghuayuan,Guangzhou Rd, Guangzhou TU凸空间 (T:union) 地址:广州市广州大道中361-365号东方花苑首层 Add:No. 361-365 1st floor, Dongfanghuayuan,Guangzhou Rd, Guangzhou


主办方 联系主办方

Miro China

Miro China

在过去的20年间,苏黎世的文化交流公司“Miro China”一 直致力于为当代艺术和音乐领域提供顾问以及运营咨询服务,通过具体项目使“Miro China”成为引领中国瑞士的文化交流的先锋。除了上海世博会中的瑞士馆和苏 黎世馆的搭建以外,还多次将瑞士的爵士,摇滚,电子音乐的顶级音乐人带到中国演出,在过去的10年间多次 将中国的音乐人带到瑞士进行演出。为中国艺术家们提供了良好的在瑞士以及整个欧洲展示作品的舞台。得力于“Miro China”的不懈努力,瑞士作为对华的文化交流对象,文化内容早已经超越了音乐的范畴。

“Miro China”的成绩得力于创始人Michael Vonplon在过去数年间创建的专业人才网。Michael自90年代开始被中国电子乐界被人们知晓,成为中国电子音乐界的领军人物,并通过他对中国文化的了解,为瑞士(及海外)客户们提供了有价值,深度的参考,为中国瑞士的艺术家们的交换计划,创建了完美的平台。

中国地区联系:Jackie email: yzhang@miro-china.ch






浏览: 27,966


The devastating Swiss artist in the “Les Interprètes“ finally came to China,AGAIN !


Do you still remember last year's TV show  "Les Interprètes"? It was so popular in China! The TV serious was shot in Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Lausanne and Zurich which captured a big fan all over China and Switzerland. Apart from the interpretation, which is still an unfamiliar job to the general Chinese public, the film has demonstrated the beautiful sceneries of Switzerland and made the audience in China extremely impressive. Compared to countries like Germany and France, a lot of people in China know very little about Switzerland, so the TV serious and Bastian Baker helped them a lot for knowing this mountain country better.



In  "Les Interprètes", Cheng Jiayang and Qiao Fei came together to Switzerland, where they first met: at the University of Zurich. They eat the Cheese Fondue, walk along the Bahnhofstrasse in Zurich,  feed the swans by the Zürich lake, visit the Grossmünster Cathedral together. But for most of the audience: who’s the singing of the handsome singer in the BGM when they enter the bar.


这位歌手实际上正是瑞士洛桑国民级男神歌手巴斯蒂安·贝克(Bastian Baker)。这位年仅26岁的瑞士国民级歌手早在2011年便在瑞士发行了自己的首张专辑《Tomorrow May Not Be Better》,而其中的一首 “We'll Follow You”,则成为了世界上最受瞩目的网球官方赛事之一的戴维斯杯的主题曲,并记录在英国菲利普·韦斯工作室。

This singer is Bastian Baker, a superstar from Lausanne, Switzerland. The 26-year-old Swiss singer and songwriter released his debut album "Tomorrow May Not Be Better" in Switzerland in 2011, it’s single "We'll Follow You" has become The Davis Cup’s official theme song and was recorded in the Phillip Weiss studio in UK.


2014年,24岁的他登上了欧洲最大的舞台——2014年FIFA金球奖颁奖礼,一曲《79 Clinton street》,整个世界为他动容。2014年,发行了他的第二张专辑《Too Old to Die Young》,让他彻底成为流行音乐届的宠儿。2015年成为瑞士欧米茄(OMEGA)名人大使,并首次亮相中国的北京、上海和香港,中国粉丝更习惯称呼他的英文字字缩写BB,更加亲切。2015年年底推出了他的第三张专辑《Facing Canyons》,人们以排队买新鲜面包的热情,极力捧着这个阳光大男孩。 2016年获得« Best Album Urban National »及« Best Act Romandie »瑞士音乐奖;2016年4月,他的新专辑《FACING CANYONS》荣获瑞士白金奖!

In 2014, at the age of 24, he went on the largest stage in Europe - the 2014 FIFA Ballon d'Or award ceremony, make the whole world listen to his song “79 Clinton street”.  In the same year, he released his second album "Too Old to Die Young", he has completely become the favorite singer of pop music in all over Switzerland. In 2015, Bastian Baker represented the OMEGA watch in Europe, and toured in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. Chinese fans are more used to addressing his English nick name BB(Baby) which makes everyone feels closer to him. At the end of 2015, his third album "Facing Canyons" was released, right after that, he won the "Best Album Urban National" and the "Best Act Romandie" Swiss Music Awards. In April 2016, his new album "FACING CANYONS" won the Swiss Platinum Award!


纵观其成就,年仅26岁的巴斯蒂安·贝克已经成为了拥有三张白金唱片、五座瑞士音乐奖、MTV欧洲音乐奖等大大小小不计其数奖的瑞士当红歌手、音乐创作人。年轻的他就像当红炸子鸡引得Shania Twain、Bryan Adams、Johnny Hallyday和Mark Lanegan纷纷邀他合作,他还曾受邀担任“比利时好声音”导师。让其在主流音乐界牢牢站稳了自己的位置。

Look at his achievements, Bastian Baker has become a huge Swiss singer with three platinum albums, five Swiss Music Awards, MTV European Music Awards, when he was just 26 years old. Young as he is already attracted Shania Twain, Bryan Adams, Johnny Hallyday and Mark Lanegan inviting him to work together on their music. He had also been invited to be the judge of "The Voice of Belgium".

2011年开始,在短短数月成功征服了公众、媒体甚至蒙特勒爵士音乐节;首场演唱会即俘获 3000 名热情观众。Baker散发着不可阻挡的魅力:天使外观、声音、出类拔萃的才华,让他在欧洲赢得了多项奖项和众多歌迷的心。他带着音乐在世界各地巡演受到了热烈欢迎。

Since 2011, he successfully conquered the audience, the media and even the Montreux Jazz Festival in just a few months; his first outdoor concert got 3,000 audience. Bastian Baker emits an unstoppable charm with angel appearance, voice and outstanding talent, that make he won a number of awards and the heart of the fans in Europe. He was also always warmly welcomed while he’s touring the world.


Bastian Baker曾在超过35个国家进行过600多场现场演出,包括:瑞士、美国、法国、英国、比利时、德国、俄罗斯、巴西、韩国、日本、加拿大、新加坡、荷兰、阿尔及利亚、智利、中国、泰国、澳大利亚、马达加斯加等。他非常喜欢中国,去年受邀在北京进行了自己的首次在华演出,2018初始,“Bastian Baker2018中国巡演“在1月份将陆续在北京、上海、广州、深圳四城展开, 给中国乐迷带来全新的音乐体验。

Bastian Baker has performed over 600 live shows in over 35 countries including Switzerland, the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Russia, Brazil, South Korea, Japan, Canada, Singapore, the Netherlands, Algeria, Chile, China, Thailand, Australia, Madagascar and others. He likes China very much, he was invited to perform here last year as his first performance in China. In 2018, the "Bastian Baker 2018 China Tour" will be launched in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen in January. This will bring a brand new music experience to Chinese fans.



NetEase cloud music: http://music.163.com/#/artist?id=855428



Xiami Music:




QQ Music: https://y.qq.com/n/yqq/singer/001xPGyP3jIxud.html


DateJan. 11th




AddNo. 361-365 1st floor, DongfanghuayuanGuangzhou Rd, Guangzhou



票价:预售80元 现场100

TicketsAdv. 80 RMB/At Door 100 RMB





在过去的20年间,苏黎世的文化交流公司“Miro China”一 直致力于为当代艺术和音乐领域提供顾问以及运营咨询服务,通过具体项目使“Miro China”成为引领中国瑞士的文化交流的先锋。除了上海世博会中的瑞士馆和苏 黎世馆的搭建以外,还多次将瑞士的爵士,摇滚,电子音乐的顶级音乐人带到中国演出,在过去的10年间多次 将中国的音乐人带到瑞士进行演出。为中国艺术家们提供了良好的在瑞士以及整个欧洲展示作品的舞台。得力于“Miro China”的不懈努力,瑞士作为对华的文化交流对象,文化内容早已经超越了音乐的范畴。

“Miro China”的成绩得力于创始人Michael Vonplon在过去数年间创建的专业人才网。Michael自90年代开始被中国电子乐界被人们知晓,成为中国电子音乐界的领军人物,并通过他对中国文化的了解,为瑞士(及海外)客户们提供了有价值,深度的参考,为中国瑞士的艺术家们的交换计划,创建了完美的平台。

中国地区联系:Jackie email: yzhang@miro-china.ch


  • 张斐然
  • 张斐然
  • Derek.su
  • Vivian zhang
  • Sammy刘
  • Sammy刘
  • Sammy刘
  • Sammy刘
  • Sammy刘
  • Sammy刘
  • Sammy刘
  • Sammy刘
  • Sammy刘
  • Sammy刘
  • Sammy刘
  • Sammy刘
  • Sammy刘
  • Sammy刘
  • Sammy刘
  • 刘伟金



