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2018年3月11日 星期日 12:00 至 13:30
Business Casual
The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Phone: 10 6503 2050 老书虫 北京市朝阳区南三里屯路4号院 电话:10 6503 2050 Notice: due to high demand, we cannot take reservations over phone or email; please purchase your tickets at The Bookworm or online.
主办方: The Beijing Bookworm 更多活动

价格: ¥60


价格: ¥60

2018年3月11日 星期日 12:00 至 13:30
Business Casual
The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Phone: 10 6503 2050 老书虫 北京市朝阳区南三里屯路4号院 电话:10 6503 2050 Notice: due to high demand, we cannot take reservations over phone or email; please purchase your tickets at The Bookworm or online.
主办方: The Beijing Bookworm 更多活动

价格: ¥60




2018年3月11日 星期日 12:00 至 13:30 The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Phone: 10 6503 2050 老书虫 北京市朝阳区南三里屯路4号院 电话:10 6503 2050 Notice: due to high demand, we cannot take reservations over phone or email; please purchase your tickets at The Bookworm or online.

价格: ¥60

时间 地点

2018年3月11日 星期日 12:00 至 13:30

The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Phone: 10 6503 2050 老书虫 北京市朝阳区南三里屯路4号院 电话:10 6503 2050 Notice: due to high demand, we cannot take reservations over phone or email; please purchase your tickets at The Bookworm or online. The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Phone: 10 6503 2050 老书虫 北京市朝阳区南三里屯路4号院 电话:10 6503 2050 Notice: due to high demand, we cannot take reservations over phone or email; please purchase your tickets at The Bookworm or online.


主办方 联系主办方

The Beijing Bookworm

The Beijing Bookworm






浏览: 1,020


Xia Jia, Dan Goldman, Ma Boyong, in conversation with Brendan O’Kane 

Sunday, March 11, 12 Noon | 60 RMB 

How to tell stories that speak to and make some sense of modernity and the complex planet we live on? What voices, formats, genres, styles can best deliver the text and the subtext? This afternoon we gather three extremely versatile talents to discuss how they approach their craft. Xia Jia is a multi award-winning writer and filmmaker whose writing style blends and bends genres such as sci-fi, fantasy, romance and mythology. Dan Goldman is an award-winning writer, artist and narrative designer working in graphic novels, television, mixed-reality experiences and video games. He produces activist fictions like Priya’s Shakti that build empathy while delivering social messaging. And award-winning author Ma Boyong writes a range of genres including historical fiction, fantasy and mystery and is known for his humorous, often hilarious style. His books include Antique Game, The Doomsday Book and Goddess of Wind and Rain.

This event will be consecutively translated in English and Chinese.


夏笳Dan Goldman,马伯庸 
主持人 Brendan O'Kane

311日(星期日),中午12| 60 RMB | BW11-12

如何讲述那些具有一定现代感、与我们所居住的这颗复杂星球有关的故事?哪种声音,形式,流派,风格最能完美传达那些台词与潜台词?今天下午,我们有幸将三位非常多才多艺的创作者请到一起,共同探讨他们如何达成自己的作品。夏笳是一位屡获殊荣的作家及电影制作人,她的创作风格融合了科幻、奇幻、浪漫、神话等多种流派。Dan Goldman作为一位作家、艺术家以及情节设计师,其工作领域涉及漫画小说、电视剧、混合现实体验和电子游戏。他与非政府组织合作,通过多种媒体进行创作,以建立共鸣并呈现信息。他还为《绝命毒师》《行尸走肉》等电视剧设计了跨媒体体验——数字化,交互式的第二屏幕体验,并荣获多项艾美奖。屡获奖项的马伯庸作品涉猎广泛,包含历史小说、奇幻与悬疑小说,以奇谲幽默的风格著称。他的作品有《古董局中局》、《末日焚书》、《风雨<洛神赋>》等。


Xia Jia is a writer, translator, filmmaker and a Xi'an Jiaotong University associate professor. Her writing style often blends genres and integrates sci-fi, fantasy, romance and mythology. She has won the Galaxy Award seven times and was nominated for Global Chinese Science Fiction Nebula Award four times. Her works have been translated into English, Japanese, French, Russian, Tibetan, Polish and Italian. Her storyLet's Have a Talkwas published in the science-fiction section of the British journalNature. Her representative works includeA Time Beyond Your Reach,Carmen,100 Ghost Night Street, 2044 Spring Festival, Winter Night PedestrianandGoodnight, Gloomy.

夏笳,科幻作家,西安交通大学副教授。2004年开始发表科幻与奇幻小说,七次获 “银河奖”,四次入围“全球华语科幻星云奖”,作品被翻译为英、日、法、俄、藏、波兰、意大利等多种语言。英文小说Let’s Have a Talk发表于英国《自然》杂志科幻短篇专栏。代表作品《关妖精的瓶子》、《卡门》、《百鬼夜行街》、《童童的夏天》、《2044年春节旧事》、《龙马夜行》、《热岛》、《寒冬夜行人》、《晚安忧郁》等。

Dan Goldman is a narrative designer and visual artist telling stories in comics, television, interactive media and video games. Coming to prominence as the co-creator of the dystopian graphic novelShooting War, his first major work was nominated for an Eisner award for Best Digital Comic. Shortly after, he created08: A Graphic Diary of the Campaign Trail, a work of nonfiction graphic journalism created in real-time marrying the visual languages of magazine design and sequential comics that was dubbed “Highbrow Brilliant” byNew York Magazine. His paranormal horror comicRed Light Properties, which mashes up ghost stories, real estate and urban shamanism is currently in development as a live-action cable TV series. Dan has also produced Emmy-winning experiences for AMC Television, written two video games based onThe Walking Dead, written animated TV shows for Man of Action Studios, and created work forWired, BBC,Time Magazine, and many others. A frequent speaker at conferences and universities on the confluence of digital activism and narrative, Dan currently serves as Narrative Lead at Kinjin Story Lab, where he incubates story-based projects at the intersection of technological innovation and social good. He lives in Los Angeles.

Ma Boyong was born in the 80s in Chifeng in Inner Mongolia and was raised in Guilin. He studied in Shanghai and overseas. His work is known for its humorous, often hilarious, nature. He writes a range of genres including historical fiction, fantasy and mystery, and his representative books includeAntique Game, The Doomsday Bookand Goddess of Wind and Rain.He has won the People’s Literature Prize, the Zhu Zhiqing’s Essay Award and China Book Power’s annual Top Ten List.

马伯庸,1980年出生于赤峰,曾留学新西兰数年,自2005年起在外企工作十年,自称“低压配电行业从业人员”。 擅长以奇特的想象重构历史,被誉为“文学鬼才”。他的作品具有厚重的历史底蕴,行文旁征博引,时而犀利泼辣,时而妙趣横生,真正做到了把历史写得“好看”。代表作有《风起陇西》《三国机密》《古董局中局》《龙与地下铁》《长安十二时辰》等。荣获人民文学奖、朱自清散文奖以及国内科幻文学最高奖项“银河奖”。《古董局中局》入选中国“图书势力榜”文学类年度十大好书。多部作品被改编成影视剧。






