Spring 中国用户组北京活动 5月11号
2014年5月11日 星期日 14:00 至 18:00 ThoughtWorks Office, Beijing 北京市东直门国华投资大厦11层, Beijing
价格: 免费 - ¥199
2014年5月11日 星期日 14:00 至 18:00
Spring 中国用户组
Spring 中国用户组
浏览: 5,536
Of course, you can just show SMS or electronic ticket instead of printing.
If you registered, but cannot come, please contact organizers with button on the right to free seat for other guest.
previous event at https://yoopay.cn/event/58458792
Event by Spring 中国用户组 http://spring-ug.github.io/beijing/。
5月11日,周日 2点 Sunday, May 11th 2p
ThoughtWorks Office, Beijing
北京市东直门国华投资大厦11层, Beijing
Organizers and volunteers come at 1:45pm.
议程 Agenda:
14:00-14:40 王博 中国移动研究院 《我们是如何用Spring来构建一个PaaS平台的?》 14:40-14:50 李美丰 大街网(闪电演讲) 《缓存方案》 14:50-15:05 吴俊 品友互动(闪电演讲) 《Redis的性能优化》 15:05-15:45 贾朝阳 ThoughtWorks 《在单元测试中设置Autowired组件的几个技巧》 15:45-15:55 Paul Verest(闪电演讲) 风行网 《Grandle的妙用》 15:55-16:10 茶歇 Break 16:10-16:50 赵鹏 MadeiraCloud 《VisualOps:一个白盒PaaS产品的架构分析》 16:50-17:30 刘赫伟 华为《Cloud Foundry在电信领域的实践》 17:30-18:00 吴疆 Pivotal 《在Pivotal Cloud Foundry上的开发运维一体化探讨》 18:00-18:30 激烈讨论
Supported by 受支持
议程 Agenda 在 https://github.com/spring-ug/beijing/wiki/Spring.io-Beijing-event-May-11th
Scope of the topics - Spring, Pivotal related:
本次活动我们围绕一个主题:“从传统IT架构到PaaS云的一次旅程”。我们从开发、测试、部署运维三个方面分别邀请了7位经验丰富的架构师依次分 享,我们尝试去探索开发、测试、部署运维中的主要问题及挑战,然后在PaaS分享环节中去验证这些问题有无可能得以改善?最后我们会有一个开放式讨论的环 节,一起探讨PaaS如何在应用全生命周期发挥价值?我们期待的PaaS功能应该是怎样的?
In this event, we focus on : “a trip from the traditional IT architecture to PaaS cloud”. We invited 7 experienced architects in order to share from develop, test, deploy, operation and maintenance aspects, we try to explore the main problems and challenges of three aspects, and then share in the PaaS to verify these problems the possibility to improve? Finally, we have a open discussion to explore how PaaS play in the application lifecycle value? We look forward to the PaaS function should be like?
Main challenges: rapid development, hight-performance and elastic architecture, ...?
1,王博 Wang Bo, Senior Architect, China Mobile Research Institute, responsible for China Mobile's PaaS cloud platform development.
主题:《我们是如何用Spring来构建一个PaaS平台的?》 topic: 《How to build a PaaS platform by Spring》, topic abstract:
The topic will show you how Spring powerful integration capabilities, to build a master node PaaS platform. I engaged with applications running engine (MMAE.cn) development, for example, involves how the Spring with MQ middleware, REST components, WebService component, MyBatis, etc. as well as security, transactions, and other characteristics timed task to implement a complete PaaS control node and with the entire PaaS systems combine together.
本次分享将向您展示,如何通过Spring强大的集成能力,来构建一个PaaS平台的主控节点。以笔者从事的应用运行引擎(MMAE.cn)开发为 例,涉及如何通过Spring搭配MQ中间件、REST组件、WebService组件、MyBatis等以及安全、事务、定时任务等特性来实现一个完整 的PaaS控制节点并与整个PaaS系统有机结合在一起的。
2,李美丰 Li Meifeng, 现就职于大街网-中国职业社交网站缔造者。曾先后供职百度人才、用友软件。多年的企业软件和互联网产品开发经验,善于从业务角度思考技术问题。
主题(闪电演讲):《缓存方案》 topic (lightning talk):《cache solution》
随着网站规模的提升,会面临缓存的选择和使用问题。而业务开发人员对缓存的使用和操作都有较高的学习成本。每个人的 背景不一至,代码习惯也各异,会导致缓存的维护复用的各方面成本偏高。种种原因,一套框架级的缓存组件变的很有必要。
3, 吴俊 Wu Jun, senior architect, ipinyou品友互动
主题:《Redis的性能优化》 topic: 《redis performance optimization》
Main challenges: Agile, reliable, automated test, ...?
4, 贾朝阳,ThoughtWorks开发,帮助客户落地敏捷实践,加入ThoughtWorks之前曾就职久其软件。多年的项目开发经验,熟悉多种语言和工具,当前在Telstra Identity 项目。
Jia Chaoyang ThoughtWorks, Developer. Enabling agile practices for customers. Currently, working in Telstra Identity project.
主题:《在单元测试中设置Autowired组件的几个技巧》 topic: Several ways to setup Autowired components in unit tests
Main challenges: automated operation, MTTR, ...?
5,赵鹏 Zhao Peng, founder of MadeiraCloud.
主题:《VisualOps:一个白盒PaaS产品的架构分析》 topic:《VisualOps: the whitebox PaaS》
the most easy tool to build a PaaS customized to your need without any constraint
6, 刘赫伟 华为 Dr. Hewei Liu is a Senior Software Engineer and Architect from Huawei’s Central Software Institute. He is the technical leader of Huawei’s PaaS development team and open source community. Besides PaaS and cloud computing, his work experience includes network traffic analysis, enterprise application platform and big-data frameworks.
主题:《Cloud Foundry在电信领域的实践》 topic: 《Cloud Foundry practice in telecommunications》
7,吴疆 Jack Wu,Pivotal架构师. 先后供职于IBM,Brightcove.Inc. 多年企业软件和互联网开发和运维经验。Architect of Pivotal Inc. Worked in IBM and Brightcove Inc before. Experienced in Enterprise and Internet development and operation.
主题:《在Pivotal Cloud Foundry上的开发运维一体化探讨?》 topic:《How to better devOps by Pivotal Cloud Foundry》
next event is Eclipse DemoCamp https://yoopay.cn/event/31347339 (including Spring topic)
and next SpringUG meeting is to be in August