| EN
《相遇‧下午茶》 / Encounter - Afternoon Tea

价格: ¥45 - 100

2014年5月31日 星期六 14:00 至 6月8日 星期日 18:00
北京东城区东直门外大街46号天恒大厦A座26层均然艺术中心 No. 46 Str. Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Tianheng Plaza Bldg. A, Floor 26, Balance Art Center,Dongcheng District, Beijing
主办方: 盘伟信 更多活动

价格: ¥45 - 100

《相遇‧下午茶》 / Encounter - Afternoon Tea

2014年5月31日 星期六 14:00 至 6月8日 星期日 18:00 北京东城区东直门外大街46号天恒大厦A座26层均然艺术中心 No. 46 Str. Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Tianheng Plaza Bldg. A, Floor 26, Balance Art Center,Dongcheng District, Beijing

价格: ¥45 - 100

时间 地点

2014年5月31日 星期六 14:00 至 6月8日 星期日 18:00

北京东城区东直门外大街46号天恒大厦A座26层均然艺术中心 No. 46 Str. Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Tianheng Plaza Bldg. A, Floor 26, Balance Art Center,Dongcheng District, Beijing 北京东城区东直门外大街46号天恒大厦A座26层均然艺术中心 No. 46 Str. Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Tianheng Plaza Bldg. A, Floor 26, Balance Art Center,Dongcheng District, Beijing


主办方 联系主办方






浏览: 1,421

身体力行戏剧舞蹈工作室2014年作品 / Work of the Body Acts, 2014

《相遇‧下午茶》 / Encounter - Afternoon Tea

策 划 与 导 演 / Producer and Director: 王家明 / Jiaming Wang
特邀客席团体 / Special Guest: “相遇”肢体表演 / “Encounter” Body Performance
开  放  日  期  / Open Date: 2014.5.31/6.1/6.7/6.8(逢周六、日 / Saturday and Sunday) 
开  放  时  间  / Open Time: 14:00 - 18:00
地              点 /   Location: 均然艺术中心 / Balance Art Center
活  动  网  址  /   Website: http://www.douban.com/event/21441301/





About the Work:

This is a restaurant, and a theatre. The performers will appear as different characters to both serve and perform in this dynamic environment, which will not be defined by the structure of the stage, or pretty costumes, or somewhat exaggerated service, or luxurious decoration.

All we have here is an unprecedented view of consumption/performance that you’ve never experienced.











Director’s Note:

In a normal setting, our performance will happen in a large, regular and closed space, where we would build a stage with lights (light stands), music (orchestra) and other stage decorations (curtain and other devices). We would also write a script, and hire a director and some actors to complete the performance. The show would take place on the stage, with the audience sitting in a given spot, which is essential to build the relationship between the actors and audience in the theatre. This very relationship has added a distance between the audience and the performance, but it also allows more possibilities for performance and creation. However, our work will change the theatre in to a safe place where anything could happen for the audience and actors.

What we are trying to accomplish in Encounter – Afternoon Tea is to rearrange the given space/environment, confuse people’s sense of space and make the “Theatre” an unidentifiable but sensible abstract concept. Our purpose is to build a “theatre” experience in any environment.

We want to symbolize “performance”. By amplifying the behavior of performance and blurring the identification of a performer, we hope that every audience will feel that everyone is a performer, therefore accept the environment as a theatre. The goal is to reconstruct the boundary and distance of audience and performer, and return the rights of perform, watch, enter and exit to the audience.

The performance will take place in a restaurant in an office building with real restaurant service. Anything around you may be entirely changed in the next second. The guest sitting next to you might come and chat with you. The waiter might walk towards you in a slow-motion way. Will the restaurant become an amusement park, a slaughter house or even a church in this kind of group behavior performance?

When an audience enters this space, he will gradually lost his identity and become lost!

However, this isn’t a theatre after all. There is no backstage, no audience seats. You can come or leave as you wish. The choice is totally yours.


王家明,1987年出生于上海,自幼习舞。17岁完成第一部舞剧《东邪西毒》的创作后,放弃芭蕾专业,奔赴法国钻研当代舞蹈编创,赴法期间,开始与建筑、音乐、图像等当代艺术领域展开了亲密的接触,最后离开于法国里昂国立高等音乐学院。2010-2012间,历经北京当代芭蕾舞团、身体力行戏剧舞蹈工作室后,与谢殊、盘炜信联合创建了“均然艺术中心/BALANCE ART”,旨在培养国际舞蹈人才,与剧场表演的创作研究。并启动了国内首个集综合密集式训练、引导式创作启发、国际一线舞团总监指导教学的艺术培训计划-《蜕变》。近年,他着重探究表演与跨媒介及跨领域间的交叉实验,与中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院具体媒体工作室、UFO媒体实验室、肉媒体/MeatMedia研究机构开始了密切的合作。2010年至2013年间王家明最据代表性的空间实验作品有《无色无味II》、《尘》、《夜﹒奔party》、和《相遇下午茶》。与不同领域艺术家进行跨界创作实验的代表作品有《梦魇》、《椅子上的人》、《身体彰显》、《染色体》和《夜奔》。

About the Director:

Jiaming Wang was born in Shanghai in 1987. He has started studying dance when he was very young. At the age of 17, he completed his first dance drama, Ashes of Time, and gave up his courses in Ballet to study contemporary dance choreography in French. During his life in France, he started to research contemporary art fields including architecture, music and graphic arts, and finished his study in Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Lyon. From 2010-2012, he worked in Beijing Dance Theatre and the Body Acts Dance Drama Studio. In 2012, he co-founded Balance Art with Shu Xie and Wayson Poon for international dance education, theatre performance creation and research. In the same year, he initiated Metamorphosis, the first art training program in China to combine comprehensive and intensive training, inspirational creative training and guided study under first-class international dance company director. During the recent years, his main focus is cross-boundary exploration between performance and cross-media. He has built close partnership with the Studio of Embodied Media in the Cross-Media Art Department of China Academy of Art, UFO Media Lab and the MeatMedia Studio. From 2010 to 2013, some of the most representative works of space exploration from Jiaming Wang include Colorless, Odorless, Dust, Fleeing by Night Party and Encounter – Afternoon Tea. He has also worked with artists from different fields for cross-boundary works including Nightmare, Man in Chair, Body Demonstration, Chromosome and Fleeing by Night.


Producer and Director: Jiaming Wang
Performance: Fang Yin, Aping Li, Zhi Zheng, Yuexing Huang, Mengxi Chen, Zhen Cui, Miao Sun, Huaiyu Niu, Jiaming Wang
Co-operatives: “Encounter” Body Performance, The Moment Cafe
Supportive Artists: Yuxi Cao
Assistant Producer: Wayson Poon
Planning: Lei Geng, Ying Han
Photography: Aping Li, Xinyi Xie
Script: Naizhu Wang, Yan Liu
Location: No. 46 Str. Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Tianheng Plaza Bldg. A, Floor 26, Balance Art Center,Dongcheng District, Beijing
谘询电话: 84608852(座机)、13522455533(中/CH)、15210963508(英/EG)
Sponsor: Balance Art Center, the Body Acts Dance Drama Studio




