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VC/PE Investment Trends in Current Economic Environment
2016年10月20日 星期四 18:30 至 21:00
Yale Center Beijing, 36th Floor, Tower B, IFC Building 耶鲁北京中心,北京建国门外大街8号国际财源中心B座36层 Tel: 59090200
主办方: Yale Club of Beijing 更多活动

价格: ¥40 - 80

VC/PE Investment Trends in Current Economic Environment

价格: ¥40 - 80

VC/PE Investment Trends in Current Economic Environment
2016年10月20日 星期四 18:30 至 21:00
Yale Center Beijing, 36th Floor, Tower B, IFC Building 耶鲁北京中心,北京建国门外大街8号国际财源中心B座36层 Tel: 59090200
主办方: Yale Club of Beijing 更多活动

价格: ¥40 - 80



VC/PE Investment Trends in Current Economic Environment

2016年10月20日 星期四 18:30 至 21:00 Yale Center Beijing, 36th Floor, Tower B, IFC Building 耶鲁北京中心,北京建国门外大街8号国际财源中心B座36层 Tel: 59090200

价格: ¥40 - 80

时间 地点

2016年10月20日 星期四 18:30 至 21:00

Yale Center Beijing, 36th Floor, Tower B, IFC Building 耶鲁北京中心,北京建国门外大街8号国际财源中心B座36层 Tel: 59090200 Yale Center Beijing, 36th Floor, Tower B, IFC Building 耶鲁北京中心,北京建国门外大街8号国际财源中心B座36层 Tel: 59090200


主办方 联系主办方

Yale Club of Beijing

Yale Club of Beijing

The Yale Club of Beijing was founded in 1995 and is a volunteer organization that aims to serve the Yale-affiliates and greater community in Beijing. We hold regular speaker series and other special events, charity projects in and beyond Beijing, and support Yale's programs and mission in China.

Questions, comments, and membership inquiries can be directed to

Please visit our website at yaleclubofbeijing.net to sign up for this newsletter. Both Yalies and friends are welcome to join our email list!




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Yale VC/PE panel:

VC/PE Investment Trends

in Current Economic Environment

6:30-9:00 pm, Thursday, October 20

 The Yale Club of Beijing and Yale Center Beijing invite you to a Venture Capital/Private Equity(VC/PE) panel discussion with Yale alumni working in the VC/PE industry. Benjamin Cheng郑国器(MA '87), Senior Advisor of IFU, will be the moderator. 

China’s economy is at a new crossroad. Its efforts to transition from a manufacturing-based, export-led economic model to a domestic-consumption and service-driven economy have met with significant headwinds. The real economy has slowed and vast liquidity has been siphoned into real estate sector, leading to a heated debate of whether a real estate bubble is brewing. Against this macro backdrop, what do investors see as the latest trends for investment opportunities, what are the sectors that will drive long-term investment returns, and what are the key challenges investors face today? To discuss these and many related burning questions, we invited several distinguished Yale alumni working across the investment life cycle and within several stages of VC/PE to give their insights on this topic.  The panelists will also take questions from the audience. When registering, please send us one or more questions for the panelists. 

Panelists include:

Shirley Chen 陈十游 (SOM '95)   
Managing Director at China International Capital Corporation Limited 

Sally Shan 单丽红 (SOM '97) 
Managing Director and Head of China for HarbourVest Partners
HarbourVest Partners 董事总经理兼中国区负责人

Bing Yuan 袁兵 (JD '98) 
Managing Director at Hony Capital

Sean Fan 范翔(YC '99)
Managing Director of Goldman Sachs 

Tina Tao 陶宁 (SOM '10) 

Chief Operating Officer  and partner at Sinovation Ventures

Event details:

Date: Thursday, Oct. 20th


 6:30~7:00pm  Registration & Reception

 7:00~9:00pm  Panel Discussion and Q&A

Venue: Yale Center Beijing, 36F, Tower B, IFC Building, 8 Jianguomenwai Avenue http://map.baidu.com/?shareurl=1&poiShareUid=520ec2b99a6b6484921fc9b5&cityCode=131&tn=B_NORMAL_MAP


Eligibility: This event is open to all. 

Language:  English

Costs:  On-line: RMB80 for regular admission or RMB40 for Yale undergraduate college graduates of 2014 or later. Walk-ins: RMB100. 

About Panelists

Shirley Chen 陈十游 (SOM '95)

Shirley Chen is Managing Director at China International Capital Corporation Limited (“CICC”). She has over 20 years experience in investment and investment banking. At the end of 2006, Ms. Chen began developing CICC’s private equity business which now has over USD 15 billion under management, including fund of fund, VC funds, growth capital funds, M&A funds, and real estate funds. In 2016, Ms. Chen and her team have won the prestigious contract to be the manager of RMB 40 billion Chinese central government sponsored emerging industries guidance fund (fund of funds).

Ms. Chen joined CICC in 2003. She was Managing Director of the Investment Banking Department. Prior to joining CICC, she was Director at Credit Suisse First Boston and had worked in its Investment Banking Division in New York and Hong Kong for eight years. 

Ms. Chen holds an MBA degree from Yale  School of Management and a Bachelor of Laws degree in International Law and a Master of Laws degree in International Investment Law from Wuhan University, China.





Sally Shan 单丽红 (SOM '97)

Ms. Sally Shan is the Managing Director and Head of China for HarbourVest Partners. Sally focuses on private equity fund of funds investment, covering primary, secondary and direct coinvestment deals. She also leads the firm to build and enhance relationships with institutional investors in China. Prior to HarbourVest, Sally held various senior management positions in Lehman Brothers and J. P. Morgan. Sally has spent over 20 years in the financial industry and acquired extensive experience in private equity and capital markets. 

Sally received a BA in Finance from Renmin University in Beijing in 1992 and an MBA from Yale School of Management in 1997. Sally is a member of Aspen Institute China Fellowship. In 2014, Sally co-founded Shero Fellowship, a young woman leadership program.

单丽红女士现任 HarbourVest Partners 董事总经理兼中国区负责人,主要致力于私募 股权母基金、二级市场及共同直接投资。此外,她还专注于建立并增进公司与机构投资 者的关系。加盟 HarbourVest 之前,单女士一直担任摩根大通亚太区投资银行部董事总 经理以及亚洲高科技投资银行部的负责人。通过她在摩根大通和之前雷曼兄弟 (硅谷和纽 约全球高科技投资银行部)等机构的二十多年从业经历, 单女士积累了在高科技行业、股 权投资与兼并收购, 以及资本市场的丰富经验。 

单丽红女士 1992 年毕业于中国人民大学国际金融专业,并于 1997 年在耶鲁大学获得了 MBA 学位。单女士还是美国高端智库 Aspen Institute China Fellowship 的成员,并于 2014 年共同创办年青女性领导力 Shero Fellowship 项目,旨在培养有公益心的未来女性领袖。

Bing Yuan 袁兵  (JD '98)  

Mr. Yuan joined Hony Capital as a Director in April 2009 and was promoted to Managing Director in January 2010. Mr. Yuan is in charge of PE Investment Management Department at Hony, which oversees the private equity investment activities. Prior to joining Hony, Mr. Yuan was a Managing Director in Morgan Stanley Principal Investments based in Hong Kong and is responsible for Morgan Stanley’s principal investment activities in China. Prior to joining Morgan Stanley Principal Investments, Mr. Yuan was a Managing Director in the China Corporate Finance Group of Morgan Stanley based in Hong Kong. Prior to Morgan Stanley, Mr. Yuan was a Vice President with Credit Suisse First Boston in Hong Kong and New York, focused on corporate finance and merger & acquisitions transactions in the technology, media and telecom industry. Mr. Yuan assisted numerous prominent Chinese SOE and private sector companies in successfully completing their IPO, corporate finance and M&A transactions. Before that, Mr. Yuan has also worked as a financial analyst in project finance with Fieldstone Private Capital Group, L.P. in New York.

Mr. Yuan graduated from Nanjing University with a BS in English in 1990; he received a Master in International Relations from Yale University in 1993, and a J.D. degree from Yale Law School in 1998.

袁兵先生于 2009 年 4 月加入弘毅投资,负责弘毅投资的 PE 业务的管理。加入弘毅投资之前,袁兵先生担任摩根士丹利直接投资部董事总经理,驻于香港,负责摩根士丹利在中国的直接投资业务。此前,袁兵先生曾任摩根士丹利中国企业融资业务董事总经理。在加入摩根士丹利之前,袁兵先生任瑞士信贷第一波士顿副总裁,先后于香港和纽约公司工作,负责科技、媒体和电信行业的企业融资和并购,协助众多中国知名的国有和民营企业成功完成了在海外的上市,融资和收购兼并项目。此前,袁兵先生曾在纽约的富通资本担任项目融资的金融分析员。

袁兵先生于 1990 年毕业于南京大学,取得英美文学学士学位,并于 1993 年获耶鲁大学国际关系硕士学位,1998 年获耶鲁大学法学博士学位。

Sean Fan (YC '99)

Sean is Managing Director of Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking and responsible for corporate private equity investments in China and other regions in Asia Pacific Ex-Japan of Goldman Sachs. He first joined Goldman Sachs in 2004 as an associate and rejoined the firm in 2007 as an executive director. Sean was named managing director in 2011. Prior to rejoining the firm, Sean was an associate at KKR. 

Sean earned a BA in Economics and Computer Science from Yale University and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

范翔先生是高盛直接投资部董事总经理,负责高盛中国及除日本外亚太其他地区的企业私募股权投资。他最初于2004年加入高盛担任经理,后于2007 年重新加入公司担任执行董事。范翔先生于2011 年被任命为董事总经理。范翔先生参与的项目包括青岛利群百货、雷士照明、中复连众、中国圣牧有机奶业、雅迪集团、国双科技等。范翔先生也是高盛人民币基金的法人代表。重返高盛之前,范翔先生在KKR担任经理。


Tina Tao 陶宁 (SOM '10) 

Ms. Tina Tao serves as a COO (and Partner) of Sinovation Ventures, leading all daily operations and all the professional services teams at SV. Sinovation Ventures’ investment areas are mainly in artificial intelligence, big data, digital entertainment, smart device, O2O, online education, enterprise service, cloud computing. To fully leverage its advantages as a dual-currency, cross-border venture capital firm, Sinovation Ventures actively collaborates with top research institutes, universities and premier funds in both China and the U.S. to identify key trends and technologies, source deals, and acquire talents.

Prior to SV, Ning had worked for years at the headquarters of, in succession, Microsoft, IBM and Google. She has held leadership roles in product management, marketing, strategy and operations. Ms. Tao holds a B.A. and M.A. in Information Management from Peking University and a Masters in Business Administration from Yale University.

陶宁女士2010年加入创新工场担任合伙人和首席运营官。 创新工场管理12亿美元,专注于互联网技术投资的VC。 投资领域涵盖人工智能、数字娱乐、互联网教育、互联网金融、大消费等天使和A/B轮。投资地域包括中国和北美。

陶宁女士拥有北京大学信息管理系学士与硕士学位以及耶鲁大学MBA学位。 陶宁曾在Microsoft、IBM、Google等公司的中国和美国总部工作,职责包括产品市场、战略规划、营销运营等。

About Moderator

Benjamin Cheng 郑国器M.A., ’87

Ben is a Senior Advisor to IFU, the Danish government’s investment fund for developing countries.  He was previously a partner at Actis, the global emerging market private equity firm.  Prior to this, he had worked for Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., Citicorp, Emerging Markets Partnership, and Lee & Li Attorneys-at-Law.

Ben holds an M.A. from Yale’s International Relations program, an LL.M. from University of Pennsylvania Law School and an LL.B. from National Chengchi University in Taipei.





The Yale Club of Beijing was founded in 1995 and is a volunteer organization that aims to serve the Yale-affiliates and greater community in Beijing. We hold regular speaker series and other special events, charity projects in and beyond Beijing, and support Yale's programs and mission in China.

Questions, comments, and membership inquiries can be directed to

Please visit our website at yaleclubofbeijing.net to sign up for this newsletter. Both Yalies and friends are welcome to join our email list!


