| EN
源自谷歌——“探索内在的自己”领导力课程中文版首次登陆中国!Born at Google: SIY Workshop - First Time in China in Mandarin
2017年8月3日 星期四 09:00 至 8月4日 星期五 17:00
音昱听堂,徐汇区建国西路357号,近太原路 The Living Room by Octave, No. 357 West Jianguo Road, Xuhui, Shanghai
主办方: 音昱听堂 更多活动

价格: ¥7,000 - 8,000

源自谷歌——“探索内在的自己”领导力课程中文版首次登陆中国!Born at Google: SIY Workshop - First Time in China in Mandarin

价格: ¥7,000 - 8,000

源自谷歌——“探索内在的自己”领导力课程中文版首次登陆中国!Born at Google: SIY Workshop - First Time in China in Mandarin
2017年8月3日 星期四 09:00 至 8月4日 星期五 17:00
音昱听堂,徐汇区建国西路357号,近太原路 The Living Room by Octave, No. 357 West Jianguo Road, Xuhui, Shanghai
主办方: 音昱听堂 更多活动

价格: ¥7,000 - 8,000



源自谷歌——“探索内在的自己”领导力课程中文版首次登陆中国!Born at Google: SIY Workshop - First Time in China in Mandarin

2017年8月3日 星期四 09:00 至 8月4日 星期五 17:00 音昱听堂,徐汇区建国西路357号,近太原路 The Living Room by Octave, No. 357 West Jianguo Road, Xuhui, Shanghai

价格: ¥7,000 - 8,000

时间 地点

2017年8月3日 星期四 09:00 至 8月4日 星期五 17:00

音昱听堂,徐汇区建国西路357号,近太原路 The Living Room by Octave, No. 357 West Jianguo Road, Xuhui, Shanghai 音昱听堂,徐汇区建国西路357号,近太原路 The Living Room by Octave, No. 357 West Jianguo Road, Xuhui, Shanghai


主办方 联系主办方








浏览: 14,915

“Search Inside Yourself 探索内在的自己” (简称SIY)于2007年在Google谷歌创立,是Google谷歌最受欢迎的课程。其他知名公司福特、SAP、LinkedIn领英、美国运通等全球各大企业纷纷引进这堂SIY课程。

无论您是希望提高影响力和效率的商界领导、承受多重压力依然成绩斐然的职场人士,或是希望从工作中获得幸福感的普通人, 我们诚挚地邀请您参与源自谷歌的“探索内在的自己” (简称SIY)课程。



此次SIY中文课程将由两位资深SIY认证培训师于8月3号及4号在上海举办,课程为期两天,将帮助你发展领导力和情商, 提升专注力,管理压力,发掘创造力,提高韧性。
  • SIY课程教授情商技巧有利于可持续的高效表现,强大的团队协作和有效领导。
  • 正念学习和注意力训练可以提升你的自我觉察力,帮助你在应对复杂的情况时,将在深思熟虑后给出回应,而不是防御性的反击。
  • 发展你的同理心,可以更加有效地沟通。
  • 增加你的韧性,帮助你从挫折中学习和快速恢复。把所有这些付诸实践,将创造一个拥有积极的情绪和强大精神的,鼓舞人心的领袖。


在 SIY课程中教授的技巧可帮助


*数据来自SIY官网 https://siyli.org/results


翁凡行 Peter Weng 
“探索内在的自己”课程(SIY) 认证教师
“探索内在的自己”领导力学院(SIYLI) 市场营销副总裁

Peter Weng是一位经验丰富的高科技行业管理人员,他热衷于探究正念对个人及社会变化的影响作用。他曾作为Google和Dell的部门主管,在美国、欧洲和亚洲多地领导过销售、市场营销以及运营部门,在中国有5年销售/市场营销/业务推广经验。目前他在探索内在的自己领导力课程(SIYLI)担任负责市场营销的副总裁。他在正念及冥想项目上的成果涵盖了多种情境,运用到了企业及监狱等不同领域。
Peter是Insight Santa Cruz协会中的一员,同时也参与了支持野生动物保护与可持续运输的工作。Peter在康奈尔大学取得了农业及生物工程科学学士,并拥有加州大学洛杉矶分校的电气工程科学硕士学位及MBA学位。

杨嘉庆 KarKheng Yeoh
“探索内在的自己”课程(SIY) 认证教师

杨嘉庆为英国牛津大学化学博士,现任马来西亚理科大学高级讲师。杨博士有超过15年的正念实践及教学经验。他曾在英国牛津正念中心完成正念认知疗法(MBCT) 培训,同时也是台湾正念工坊首席客座讲师。作为马来西亚正念发展先驱之一,他常受邀到国内、外各大企业、大专院校等机构带领正念培训,对象包括INTEL, JABIL及 INFINEON等。




日期:2017年8月3日(周四)  - 8月4日(周五) 共两天
时间:09:00 - 17:00

团体价:人民币7000元 (5位或以上)

沈瑜 13818365347 


  • Are you a business leader wanting to improve your influence and effectiveness? 
  • Are you a professional trying to deal with multiple stressors and still be a high performer? 
  • Do you want to cultivate a sense of happiness that extends into your work?
You are invited to experience Search Inside Yourself (SIY), the leadership program that introduces practical tools for focus, self-awareness and resilience.

Backed by world experts in neuroscience, mindfulness and emotional intelligence, Search Inside Yourself has already changed thousands of lives in over 100 cities around the world.

Born at Google in 2007 with unprecedented popularity among Google employees, this leadership program spread to Ford, SAP, LinkedIn, American Express, Roche and other corporations.

Search Inside Yourself Workshop in Mandarin for the First Time in China

SIY program in English was conducted in China for the first time in December 2016 in Shanghai. There were 80 attendees from companies and associations such as PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), YUM!, Dow, American Chamber of Commerce Shanghai, Shanghai American School, China Business News Daily, Jiemian Media and Didi Chuxing.  

Given the stellar response from the attendees of SIY December 2016 program, Octave is bringing another SIY to Shanghai on Thursday August 3 and Friday August 4.  

This time, SIY will be taught in Chinese by two SIY trainers.  This 2-day program helps people develop the leadership and emotional intelligence skills needed to increase focus, manage stress, harness creativity and improve resilience. 

SIY teaches emotional intelligence skills that lead to sustained peak performance, strong collaboration and effective leadership. 

  • Learn mindfulness and attention training to increase your self-awareness, which can be applied to a wide variety of situations to respond thoughtfully, rather than react defensively. 
  • Develop your empathy to communicate more effectively. 
  • Increase your resilience and bounce back from setbacks with a growth-oriented mindset. 
  • Create head space to unleash creativity and innovative thinking. 
Putting all of these traits into practice creates a positive emotional and mental state which is the foundation of strong and inspiring leadership presence. 

Over two days in person and four weeks of virtual follow-up, the SIY program is focused on equipping you with a set of practical skills to take back to your workplace and apply immediately.

Data from Search Inside Yourself programs shows significant improvement across multiple dimensions.

*Data source:SIY website https://siyli.org/results

About the Trainers:

Peter Weng 
Certified Search Inside Yourself (SIY) Instructor 
Vice President, Sales Marketing, Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI)

Peter Weng is an experienced high-tech executive who is passionate about exploring how mindfulness can affect individual and social change. As a director at Google and Dell, he led sales, marketing, and operations organizations in the US, Europe, and Asia with 5 years of China experience in sales/marketing/business development. 
Presently at Search Inside of Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI), Peter is the Vice President, Sales and Marketing.  His work on mindfulness and meditation programs has spanned various settings including corporations and prisons.  Peter serves on the board of Insight Santa Cruz and is also involved in work supporting wildlife conservation and sustainable transportation.  Peter has an MBA from University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Anderson School of Management, Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from UCLA and Bachelor of Science, Agricultural & Biological Engineering from Cornell University.

KarKheng Yeoh
Certified Search Inside Yourself (SIY) Instructor 

Dr KarKheng Yeoh obtained his doctorate degree in Organic Chemistry from University of Oxford, UK. He joined the School of Chemical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) as a Senior Lecturer in 2012. He completed a Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) training at Oxford Mindfulness Center and has over 15 years of experience in practicing and teaching Mindfulness. In Malaysia, he is one of the pioneers in introducing mindfulness training to corporate organizations (INTEL, JABIL, INFINEON, ViTrox etc). He is the founding chairman of Malaysia Mindfulness Association and has frequently been featured in local mass media.

SIY Clients all over the World

Program Details:

Date:  Aug 3rd & 4th, 2018 Thursday & Friday
Time: 09:00 – 17:00
Venue: The Living Room by Octave, No. 357 West Jianguo Road, Xuhui, Shanghai
Language: Chinese

Regular Price: RMB8,000 
Group Price: RMB7,000 for 5 pax and above

Wing Shen 13818365347 wingshen@livingoctave.com






