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Wetware Douban Music Festival 潮潮豆瓣音乐周

Price: ¥239 - 889

Thursday, May 18 20:30 to Sunday, May 21, 2017 23:30
Main Stage and Second Stage: Tango Live House, 79 Heping W St (50m north of the Yonghegong Bridge) School Stage: School Bar,53 Wudaoying Hutong, Dongcheng District,Beijing 主舞台位于糖果三层,第二舞台位于糖果一层,地址:北京市东城区和平里西街79号(北二环雍和宫桥北50米)  School 舞台位于 School 酒吧,地址:北京市东城区五道营胡同53号 
Organizer: 豆瓣音乐 More Events

Price: ¥239 - 889

Wetware Douban Music Festival 潮潮豆瓣音乐周

Thursday, May 18 20:30 to Sunday, May 21, 2017 23:30 Main Stage and Second Stage: Tango Live House, 79 Heping W St (50m north of the Yonghegong Bridge) School Stage: School Bar,53 Wudaoying Hutong, Dongcheng District,Beijing 主舞台位于糖果三层,第二舞台位于糖果一层,地址:北京市东城区和平里西街79号(北二环雍和宫桥北50米)  School 舞台位于 School 酒吧,地址:北京市东城区五道营胡同53号 

Price: ¥239 - 889

When & Where

Thursday, May 18 20:30 to Sunday, May 21, 2017 23:30

Main Stage and Second Stage: Tango Live House, 79 Heping W St (50m north of the Yonghegong Bridge) School Stage: School Bar,53 Wudaoying Hutong, Dongcheng District,Beijing 主舞台位于糖果三层,第二舞台位于糖果一层,地址:北京市东城区和平里西街79号(北二环雍和宫桥北50米)  School 舞台位于 School 酒吧,地址:北京市东城区五道营胡同53号  Main Stage and Second Stage: Tango Live House, 79 Heping W St (50m north of the Yonghegong Bridge) School Stage: School Bar,53 Wudaoying Hutong, Dongcheng District,Beijing 主舞台位于糖果三层,第二舞台位于糖果一层,地址:北京市东城区和平里西街79号(北二环雍和宫桥北50米)  School 舞台位于 School 酒吧,地址:北京市东城区五道营胡同53号 
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豆瓣音乐是国内成立最早、最活跃、最专业、 户黏性最高的音乐平台,是独立音乐领域潮流塑造者,专注于帮助用户发现最新、最酷的好音乐, 致力打造一个多元、优质的音乐生态圈。



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In May 18th - 21th, we’ll launch Wetware: the first ever Douban Music Week. Over the last 9 months we have put together Wetware, a 4 day event at Tango & School Bar in Beijing, featuring progressive, contemporary music styles, visual arts, talks, workshops and technology. With the performance of 60 musicians from worldwide, you will have the most magic experience.  

Main Stage 

Wetware’s main stage (located on the 3rd floor of Tango) is its spiritual core. We have indie rock pioneers like Low and Cass McCombs, as well as Stephen O’Malley, founder of drone metal group SunnO))) and modular synth pioneer Alessandro Cortini.  The originator of IDMMouse on Mars will bring their creative performance.


2nd Stage

2nd stage

On the Wetware’s second stage (1st floor of Tango), multimedia artists Kim Laughton and Jonathan Zawada will turn the stage into a ever-flowing, ever-changing digital landscape, a world which will develop and evolve throughout the festival. Performing in this digital environment will be legendary producer Nightmares on Wax, footwork originator RP Boo and Teklife member DJ Earl, PC Music’s A.G. Cook.


Wetware’s third stage (at School Bar) is an extension of the ‘Outside the Billboard’ spirit of Douban Artists. Diel Guik, whose works are rooted in the traditional music and culture of the Miao people; Liujiafan, a young band that sings in the old dialect of Teochew; and Wong Hin Yan, a singer-songwriter with a social focus on local life and thoughts in Hong Kong. 

Evian Christ

Mouse on Mars


Forum & Live Performance with Cutting-edge Synthesizers at Douban Music’s Wetware Festival

The forum will be held on the afternoon of May 19th on the second floor of Tango. Later that evening, the engineers from the forum will give live music at School Bar.

Synthesizers of all dimensions and from different eras will be seen on-stage at Douban Music’s Wetware Festival. Aside from hearing them in live performances, Douban Music has invited scientists and engineers from four cutting-edge synthesizer brands — Elektron, Make Noise, Verbos Electronics and Teenage Engineering — to present an afternoon forum during the Wetware Festival. What design philosophies and aesthetic concepts do the instrument makers of this new generation espouse? What are their opinions on the prospects of music and musical instruments for the future? Han Han, vocalist of the band Duck Fight Goose, and Benjamin Bacon, musician and designer of Shanghai’s Dogma Lab, will host the discussions.

The schedule of Wetware Douban Music Week

Wetware Douban Music Week official site:


从公告牌之外小型演出到阿比鹿音乐奖再到独立厂牌大福唱片,现在豆瓣终于开始自己做音乐节:潮潮 wetware 豆瓣音乐周! 

5 月 18 日 - 21 日,北京糖果 + School,4 天,3 个舞台,来自全球的 60 余组音乐人,超过 60% 的海外阵容。此外更有美酒美食,电影放映与论坛讲座,全球最前沿的音乐文化,尽在潮潮 wetware 豆瓣音乐周! 


IDM 鼻祖人物 Mouse on Mars;近年剑走偏锋的前卫电子新锐 Andy Stott, Actress, Tim Hecker, Evian Christ;独立摇滚中的低调前行者 Low,Cass McCombs;操控着碾压级密集声场的 Stephen O' Malley(实验金属乐团 Sunn O))) 组建者);拼贴了暗潮、实验噪音和合成器流行的 Cold Cave;传奇制作人 Nightmares on Wax;Footwork 创始人 RP Boo;研究苗族传统音乐与文化的叠贵;用古老的潮汕话演唱的六甲番;香港电影《一念无明》的主题曲演唱者黄衍仁…… 


School 舞台:School 酒吧 

糖果 地址:北京市东城区和平里西街79号(北二环雍和宫桥北50米) 
School 酒吧 地址:北京市东城区五道营胡同53 


5 月 18 日:预售票 239 元;现场票 269 元 
5 19 - 21 日:预售票 329 元;现场票 389  
四日通票:889 元(仅限预售) 

三日通票(519 - 521日):699元(仅限预售)

详情请访问潮潮 Wetware - 豆瓣音乐周官网 




论坛邀请了欧洲目前最火的几家顶级合成器品牌,包括Verbos、Teenage Engineering、Elektron、Mouse on Mars的厂商和创始人进行对谈,由鸭打鹅乐队主创韩涵和上海艺术家Bacon担任主持。


西柏林纪录片放映 / 豆瓣阅读·科幻小说家论坛 / 瑞典大使馆·瑞典流行音乐历史与影响 / Hyperdub厂牌创始人演讲 / 新锐设计师毛婷演讲 / Vice影片放映





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豆瓣音乐是国内成立最早、最活跃、最专业、 户黏性最高的音乐平台,是独立音乐领域潮流塑造者,专注于帮助用户发现最新、最酷的好音乐, 致力打造一个多元、优质的音乐生态圈。

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