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Brasil In Trio 巴西三重奏
2018年7月20日 星期五 22:00 至 23:30
The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
主办方: The Beijing Bookworm 更多活动

价格: ¥100

Brasil In Trio 巴西三重奏

价格: ¥100

Brasil In Trio 巴西三重奏
2018年7月20日 星期五 22:00 至 23:30
The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
主办方: The Beijing Bookworm 更多活动

价格: ¥100

Brasil In Trio 巴西三重奏

2018年7月20日 星期五 22:00 至 23:30 The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

价格: ¥100

时间 地点

2018年7月20日 星期五 22:00 至 23:30

The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing


主办方 联系主办方

The Beijing Bookworm

The Beijing Bookworm


10 6586 9507




浏览: 1,652


Live :Brasil in Trio

地点:Beijing Bookworm


票价:100 rmb

“Brasil In Trio巴西三重奏”的作品包括多种巴西元素的韵律,如轻音乐,桑巴,马克西舞曲,Maracatu,Baião,Bossa-Nova和一些爵士乐元素。 这个三人组成立于2007年,呈现出巴西当代流行乐的特色,但是它不但没有脱离传统,而且以现代和创新的方式进行调色。 “Brasil In Trio巴西三重奏”包括Everton Luiz(萨克斯和长笛),Diego Amaral(打击乐)和Julio Lemos(七弦吉他),这三位音乐家也是巴西戈亚斯联邦大学的音乐教师。

" Valsa Choro Para Garoto "

The group “Brasil In Trio” works consists of a diversity of Brazilian rhythms such as Choro, Samba, Maxixe, Maracatu, Baião, Bossa-Nova and a bit of Jazz. Formed in 2007, the trio presents a traditional work regarding brazilian’s popular music but spices it up with modern and innovative aspects without breaking away from tradition. “Brasil In Trio” consist as  Everton Luiz (saxophone and flute), Diego Amaral (percussion) and Julio Lemos (7-string guitar), the three musicians are also music teachers at the Federal University of Goiás, in Brazil. 

" interpreta Maracatudo "

子龙巴西:电影、道教、朋克、bossa nova,经典与传统的混搭

ZILONG BRAZIL: A mashup of Sino-Brazilian bossa nova, cinema, taoism, punk, classic and tradition. 

Zilong Brazil是一家由Ale Amazonia(又名赵子龙)创办的文化制作公司,Ale Amazonia是上海朋克乐队脏手指的鼓手。该公司的主要业务是促进以及联合巴西艺术家和中国艺术家之间的合作。自2014年成立以来,Zilong Brazil主要与巴西驻中国大使馆联合制作电影节、电影、纪录片以及音乐巡回演出项目。 2016年,Zilong Brazil带领两只中国独立摇滚乐队(小怪兽&老阿姨)到巴西巡演。并在同一年制作了故事片“INAUDITO / UNHEARD-OF”(尚未在中国发行),它讲述了70年代巴西热带雨林运动时最疯狂的音乐家吉他手兰尼·古丁的故事,兰尼·古丁出生在上海。这部电影以街头游击的形式进行拍摄,邀请上海地下文化场景中的艺术家,比如视觉艺术家片子,音乐人F(Pairs /老阿姨)、黒木,上海老爵士乐队“和平饭店”与吉他手兰尼古丁在街头相遇并相互交流。这部电影拍摄于上海、巴西圣保罗两地。

Zilong Brazil is an production company founded by AleAmazonia (aka ZhaoZilong), Shanghai’s  Dirty Fingers Drummer. The main focus of the company is to promote and create coo-production between Brazilians and Chinese artists. Since its foundation in 2014 produced, mostly in partnership with the Brazilian Embassy and Consulates in China, film festivals, movies, documentaries and tours. In 2016, brought to Brazil two Chinese indie rock bands (Little Monster & Old Aunties) for a tour on the Brazil underground. In the same year produced the feature film “INAUDITO/UNHEARD-OF” (not released in China yet), that tell the story of the guitar player Lanny Gordin one of the most insane musician during the Brazilian Tropicalia Movement in 70’s, that was born in Shanghai. The movie was shoot in guerrilla style, casting artists from the underground scene in Shanghai such as the visual artist 片子, F (Pairs/老阿姨), 黒木, Shanghai  Old Jazz Band Peace Hotel and bunch of random people met on the street in Shanghai having interactions with the guitarist. The movie happens between Shanghai and Sao Paulo in Brazil. 

今年,Zilong Brazil将以中国巡演制作人的身份亮相,为巴西的爵士乐队bossa-nova集团“Brasil In Trio巴西三重奏”在北京和上海之间举办4场音乐会。

This year, Zilong Brazil will have its debute as China tour producer, bringing to the middle kingdom the Brazilian jazz bossa-nova group, “Brasil In Trio” for 4 concerts between Beijing and Shanghai. 






