| EN
周六Sat 2.10 | Celebrating Spring Festival with BIG 与BIG共度春节!
2018年2月10日 星期六 20:00 至 21:30
中美喜剧中心:北京东城区小经厂胡同65号“朋友”四合院 US-China Comedy Center65 Xiaojingchang Hutong, “Project Pengyou” Courtyard Dongcheng District Beijing
主办方: BIG&中美喜剧中心 BIG&US-China comedy center 更多活动

(34) 人已报名

  • Joe Wang

  • V Wang

  • 杨先森

  • Roberto Perez

  • Estrella Fei-Yan Zhu Zhou

  • 明鸽

  • Mike

  • 向泽华

  • 刘静

  • Ruth Novales

  • Albert Christopher Lee

  • Andreas Thull

  • zhang shengnan

  • 刘岳

  • 关玮骐

  • Debbie Liu

  • Chrissy

  • 魏华

价格: ¥50

周六Sat 2.10 | Celebrating Spring Festival with BIG 与BIG共度春节!

价格: ¥50

周六Sat 2.10 | Celebrating Spring Festival with BIG 与BIG共度春节!
2018年2月10日 星期六 20:00 至 21:30
中美喜剧中心:北京东城区小经厂胡同65号“朋友”四合院 US-China Comedy Center65 Xiaojingchang Hutong, “Project Pengyou” Courtyard Dongcheng District Beijing
主办方: BIG&中美喜剧中心 BIG&US-China comedy center 更多活动

(34) 人已报名

  • Joe Wang

  • V Wang

  • 杨先森

  • Roberto Perez

  • Estrella Fei-Yan Zhu Zhou

  • 明鸽

  • Mike

  • 向泽华

  • 刘静

  • Ruth Novales

  • Albert Christopher Lee

  • Andreas Thull

  • zhang shengnan

  • 刘岳

  • 关玮骐

  • Debbie Liu

  • Chrissy

  • 魏华

价格: ¥50



周六Sat 2.10 | Celebrating Spring Festival with BIG 与BIG共度春节!

2018年2月10日 星期六 20:00 至 21:30 中美喜剧中心:北京东城区小经厂胡同65号“朋友”四合院 US-China Comedy Center65 Xiaojingchang Hutong, “Project Pengyou” Courtyard Dongcheng District Beijing

价格: ¥50

时间 地点

2018年2月10日 星期六 20:00 至 21:30

中美喜剧中心:北京东城区小经厂胡同65号“朋友”四合院 US-China Comedy Center65 Xiaojingchang Hutong, “Project Pengyou” Courtyard Dongcheng District Beijing 中美喜剧中心:北京东城区小经厂胡同65号“朋友”四合院 US-China Comedy Center65 Xiaojingchang Hutong, “Project Pengyou” Courtyard Dongcheng District Beijing


主办方 联系主办方

BIG&中美喜剧中心 BIG&US-China comedy center

BIG&中美喜剧中心 BIG&US-China comedy center






浏览: 982

本商品为电子票,商品显示发货成功后,演出当天,在剧场检票口报ID即可入场。门票一经售出,无法退换。This ticket is a virtual item. The status "shipped" means that the transaction is successful. On the day of the show, show your ID at check-in counter to enter the theater. Once tickets are sold cannot refund.

Celebrating Spring Festival with BIG 与BIG共度春节

Chinese new year is coming! And we are going to hold a Spring Festival Special just for you. How do English speakers celebrate their Chinese new year? How to have a great bilingual holiday? How to do….? You know what, all our BIGers have the answers. Come and join us on Feb 10th, our troop members will “make up”(In a good way) lots of stories about Chinese new year, and show the true truth about how to have a great time!


TIME / 时间:

Saturday 2月10号 周六晚上 20:00-21:30
Location / 地点: 
US-China Comedy Center: 65 Xiaojingchang Hutong, “Project Pengyou” Courtyard. 
Map / 地图:(看资料)
Tickets / 票价:50元 (利润捐给“花旦”慈善组织)
Notice / 注:The language for this show is Bilingual. 本次演出的语言为双语

Emerged from hutongs in heart of Beijing, Beijing Improv is the first and longest Improv organization in China. Run by ex-professional and semi-professional performers, Beijing Improv is an all-volunteer organization that holds regular English, Chinese and Bilingual shows in the Gulou and Sanlitun area. In addition, Beijing Improv runs free weekly bilingual workshops with the objective to offer everyone a chance to experience Improv and share in the Improv spirit! All proceeds from Beijing Improv performances are donated to the community.


The US-China Comedy Center was established with the goal of being a place for comedy and cultural exchange. We host bilingual comedy of all sorts, as well as weekly improv workshops to get people from all over the world laughing and playing together.







  • Joe Wang
  • Joe Wang
  • V Wang
  • 杨先森
  • Roberto Perez
  • Estrella Fei-Yan Zhu Zhou
  • 明鸽
  • Mike
  • Mike
  • zhang shengnan
  • 马刚
  • 向泽华
  • 刘静
  • Ruth Novales
  • Ruth Novales
  • Ruth Novales
  • Ruth Novales
  • Ruth Novales
  • Albert Christopher Lee



