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Binge Joking
2018年7月21日 星期六 15:00 至 18:00
The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
主办方: The Beijing Bookworm 更多活动

价格: ¥80

Binge Joking

价格: ¥80

Binge Joking
2018年7月21日 星期六 15:00 至 18:00
The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
主办方: The Beijing Bookworm 更多活动

价格: ¥80

Binge Joking

2018年7月21日 星期六 15:00 至 18:00 The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

价格: ¥80

时间 地点

2018年7月21日 星期六 15:00 至 18:00

The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing


主办方 联系主办方

The Beijing Bookworm

The Beijing Bookworm

希思黎.威尔逊(Sisley Wilson),一个由一群艺术家、喜剧编剧、动画艺术家和科学家创造的虚拟艺术家,721日在北京首次展出无稽之谈系列作品,跟大家开一场文字玩笑。即使你不会见到本人,但是从的文字,你能感受的个性:幽默、犀利, 当然,具有有所有女孩子的个性-善变


Sisley Wilson is an Virtual Artist created by a group of chaps whom are artists, comic playwright, animation artists and scientists. “Her” opus Binge Joking will be shown the very first time in Beijing on 21st July. We shall see “Her” talk the talk as well as joke the joke. You probably won’t see Her the way as you might have seen other artists. Nonetheless, from her jokes and words, surely you will perceive her character, homourous and witty. And of course she has a distinguishing feature that all girls have, changeable.


这次展览的策展人 Paolo De Grandis, 是威尼斯双年展的策展人,跟当代艺术史上许多重要的艺术家合作过,包括凯斯.哈林(Keith Haring)、小野洋子(Yoko Ono)、埃米利.奥为多瓦(Emilio Vedova)、米罗.罗泰拉(Mimmo Rotella)等。 跟一位虚拟艺术家合作 Paolo  因为太有趣了


Paolo De Grandis, the curator of this exhibition, who was the curator of La Biennale di Venezia, who also have been working with many well-known contemporary artists, such as Keith Haring, Yoko Ono, Emilio Vedova, Mimmo Rotella etc. This time he chose to collaborate with an Virtual Artist in Beijing, because “She” is such a lark.



This exhibition will last one day, the opening ceremony contains a stand-up comedy show and a performance art


Danny Stone Brittain,游历了几十个国家,宗教般虔诚的热爱单口相声,受Frankie BoyleJimmy Carr影响最大。全球旅行的路上,他遗失的物品不计其数,他说唯一让他遗憾地是,从来没有遗失过他的贞操

Danny stopped learning a third language in case he could never shut up.

Danny is subtle and diplomatic: he won’t confront the sex attacker in the alleyway about his depravity directly, but prefers to turn his back…

He travels, he loses, a lot of stuff – camera, wallet, and himself. All the while. Never losing one thing, his faith and the imaginary girlfriend.


镕孜,生活和工作在伦敦的中国艺术家,近年的作品关注弱势群体、创伤性记忆以及对家的定义(什么是归属感  )


Rongzi, a Chinese female young artist, living and working in London. Recent works mainly focus on traumatic experience, vulnerable group-disadvantage people. Traumatic experience, and the definition of home, what is the sense.



Tickets are in great demand, early worm always one step ahead to be eaten.


活动时间:2018.07.21 周六 15:00-18:00

Event Time: 2018.07.21 Sat 15:00-18:00



Early and industrious worm 80rmb

Slow and sleepy worm 120rmb

Both get a glass of wine or beverage  


10 6586 9507




浏览: 1,785





希思黎.威尔逊(Sisley Wilson),一个由一群艺术家、喜剧编剧、动画艺术家和科学家创造的虚拟艺术家,721日在北京首次展出无稽之谈系列作品,跟大家开一场文字玩笑。即使你不会见到本人,但是从的文字,你能感受的个性:幽默、犀利, 当然,具有有所有女孩子的个性-善变


Sisley Wilson is an Virtual Artist created by a group of chaps whom are artists, comic playwright, animation artists and scientists. “Her” opus Binge Joking will be shown the very first time in Beijing on 21st July. We shall see “Her” talk the talk as well as joke the joke. You probably won’t see Her the way as you might have seen other artists. Nonetheless, from her jokes and words, surely you will perceive her character, homourous and witty. And of course she has a distinguishing feature that all girls have, changeable.


这次展览的策展人 Paolo De Grandis, 是威尼斯双年展的策展人,跟当代艺术史上许多重要的艺术家合作过,包括凯斯.哈林(Keith Haring)、小野洋子(Yoko Ono)、埃米利.奥为多瓦(Emilio Vedova)、米罗.罗泰拉(Mimmo Rotella)等。 跟一位虚拟艺术家合作 Paolo  因为太有趣了


Paolo De Grandis, the curator of this exhibition, who was the curator of La Biennale di Venezia, who also have been working with many well-known contemporary artists, such as Keith Haring, Yoko Ono, Emilio Vedova, Mimmo Rotella etc. This time he chose to collaborate with an Virtual Artist in Beijing, because “She” is such a lark.



This exhibition will last one day, the opening ceremony contains a stand-up comedy show and a performance art


Danny Stone Brittain,游历了几十个国家,宗教般虔诚的热爱单口相声,受Frankie BoyleJimmy Carr影响最大。全球旅行的路上,他遗失的物品不计其数,他说唯一让他遗憾地是,从来没有遗失过他的贞操

Danny stopped learning a third language in case he could never shut up.

Danny is subtle and diplomatic: he won’t confront the sex attacker in the alleyway about his depravity directly, but prefers to turn his back…

He travels, he loses, a lot of stuff – camera, wallet, and himself. All the while. Never losing one thing, his faith and the imaginary girlfriend.


镕孜,生活和工作在伦敦的中国艺术家,近年的作品关注弱势群体、创伤性记忆以及对家的定义(什么是归属感  )


Rongzi, a Chinese female young artist, living and working in London. Recent works mainly focus on traumatic experience, vulnerable group-disadvantage people. Traumatic experience, and the definition of home, what is the sense.



Tickets are in great demand, early worm always one step ahead to be eaten.


活动时间:2018.07.21 周六 15:00-18:00

Event Time: 2018.07.21 Sat 15:00-18:00



Early and industrious worm 80rmb

Slow and sleepy worm 120rmb

Both get a glass of wine or beverage  


