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价格: ¥99

2019年5月31日 星期五 19:00 至 20:30
Casual 便装 (Bilingual event 双语活动)
The Lounge @ WFC No.1 E 3rd RING RD MIDDLE | CHAOYANG, BEIJING, CHINA | LEVEL 2 北京朝阳区东三环中路1号 | 环球金融中心西塔2层Lounge
主办方: RedThread Artful艺术生活Living 更多活动

价格: ¥99


2019年5月31日 星期五 19:00 至 20:30 The Lounge @ WFC No.1 E 3rd RING RD MIDDLE | CHAOYANG, BEIJING, CHINA | LEVEL 2 北京朝阳区东三环中路1号 | 环球金融中心西塔2层Lounge

价格: ¥99

时间 地点

2019年5月31日 星期五 19:00 至 20:30

The Lounge @ WFC No.1 E 3rd RING RD MIDDLE | CHAOYANG, BEIJING, CHINA | LEVEL 2 北京朝阳区东三环中路1号 | 环球金融中心西塔2层Lounge The Lounge @ WFC No.1 E 3rd RING RD MIDDLE | CHAOYANG, BEIJING, CHINA | LEVEL 2 北京朝阳区东三环中路1号 | 环球金融中心西塔2层Lounge


主办方 联系主办方

RedThread Artful艺术生活Living

RedThread Artful艺术生活Living

紅線國際是一個藝術 (redthread.cn) 慈善 (eduthread.org) 項目


對美的感觸是我們全人類的一個共同點,紅線國際通過一種artful藝術生活living的理念,促成優秀藝人與藝術愛好者之間的連接、我們與自己身體、 環境、其他生物、甚至與大自然之間的連接。我們為提供解決方案的個人與組織給予不同層面 、深度的支持,通過一個藝術生活的平台,為世界帶來一個更美好、更健康的未來。 

Redthread International is a part of an art (redthread.cn) and charity (eduthread.org) project. 

Through arts and culture, we promote a philosophy of Art of Living, enriching the mind, body, and soul through a variety of community engagement activities, events, and initiatives. 

Response to the aesthetics is a commonality we all share, and through what's common between us, Redthread Int’l makes connections not only between art and art lovers, but also important connections we have with our bodies, health, our environment, and all life on this planet. We support organizations and individuals providing solutions at various levels through a platform for collaborations, for a better, healthier, more artful life. 


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Nancy Zhou is the founder of the Redthread arts and charity project, and is passionate about personal wellbeing and the art of living.   She has four years of financial experience at a Wall Street financial firm in the US; for family reasons she returned to China in 2007, became very involved in education and philanthropy for over a decade as an educator and administrator. She still sits on the board of directors of one of the first private schools in China. Nancy is also the only certified TaoYoga instructor in China.  She is involved in arts, music, culture, life style, and philanthropic projects.  She is also an active member of the RenAi Foundation environmental education program.  

Nancy是美国企业RedThread公司和EduThread非营利机构的创始人,在健康、环保及生活品质方面极具热忱。她具有美国Wall Street金融公司4年的理财经历;2007年回到了中国,在国际教育领域做了10年多的贡献,具有世界权威的教师和教育管理资质和学历,也是中国唯一获得道瑜伽资质认证的职业教练。现在从事着教育、文化、艺术、慈善、道瑜伽、环保、养生等公益活动。






浏览: 791





紅線國際是一個藝術 (redthread.cn) 慈善 (eduthread.org) 項目


對美的感觸是我們全人類的一個共同點,紅線國際通過一種artful藝術生活living的理念,促成優秀藝人與藝術愛好者之間的連接、我們與自己身體、 環境、其他生物、甚至與大自然之間的連接。我們為提供解決方案的個人與組織給予不同層面 、深度的支持,通過一個藝術生活的平台,為世界帶來一個更美好、更健康的未來。 

Redthread International is a part of an art (redthread.cn) and charity (eduthread.org) project. 

Through arts and culture, we promote a philosophy of Art of Living, enriching the mind, body, and soul through a variety of community engagement activities, events, and initiatives. 

Response to the aesthetics is a commonality we all share, and through what's common between us, Redthread Int’l makes connections not only between art and art lovers, but also important connections we have with our bodies, health, our environment, and all life on this planet. We support organizations and individuals providing solutions at various levels through a platform for collaborations, for a better, healthier, more artful life. 


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Nancy Zhou is the founder of the Redthread arts and charity project, and is passionate about personal wellbeing and the art of living.   She has four years of financial experience at a Wall Street financial firm in the US; for family reasons she returned to China in 2007, became very involved in education and philanthropy for over a decade as an educator and administrator. She still sits on the board of directors of one of the first private schools in China. Nancy is also the only certified TaoYoga instructor in China.  She is involved in arts, music, culture, life style, and philanthropic projects.  She is also an active member of the RenAi Foundation environmental education program.  

Nancy是美国企业RedThread公司和EduThread非营利机构的创始人,在健康、环保及生活品质方面极具热忱。她具有美国Wall Street金融公司4年的理财经历;2007年回到了中国,在国际教育领域做了10年多的贡献,具有世界权威的教师和教育管理资质和学历,也是中国唯一获得道瑜伽资质认证的职业教练。现在从事着教育、文化、艺术、慈善、道瑜伽、环保、养生等公益活动。


