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nichat Workshop
2019年7月13日 星期六
Business Casual
Hangzhou nispace, ChengGao Mansion, LianHui Road #300 Room 1402/1403
主办方: nihub Innovation Center 更多活动

价格: ¥750

nichat Workshop

价格: ¥750

nichat Workshop
2019年7月13日 星期六
Business Casual
Hangzhou nispace, ChengGao Mansion, LianHui Road #300 Room 1402/1403
主办方: nihub Innovation Center 更多活动

价格: ¥750



nichat Workshop

2019年7月13日 星期六 Hangzhou nispace, ChengGao Mansion, LianHui Road #300 Room 1402/1403

价格: ¥750

时间 地点

2019年7月13日 星期六

Hangzhou nispace, ChengGao Mansion, LianHui Road #300 Room 1402/1403 Hangzhou nispace, ChengGao Mansion, LianHui Road #300 Room 1402/1403


主办方 联系主办方

nihub Innovation Center

nihub Innovation Center






浏览: 981

nihub Innovation Center will be hosting our four course WeChat Workshop at nispace - Hangzhou! The course will be centered around how to setup, utilize, and promote your own WeChat Official Account (WOA) for your business! The whole workshop is broken down into four separate courses including:

1.) Account Creation & Setup: How to register your account, use the WeChat backend platform, and setup your account's menu's, automatic messaging, and more!

2.) Content Creation & Strategy: An in-depth look at content marketing and ROI-driven content strategy. Discuss different ways of writing and thinking about the content you post on your WOA. 

3.) Formatting & Design: An introduction to the basic tools you can use to formatting and design your WeChat posts to look more professional. Insight into WeChat's many glitches and bugs and how to avoid / fix them when they occur. 

4.) Data & Community: How to access, read, and analyze the data on your WOA. Understanding your target audience, your content, and how the two of them come together.

Please Note: Each workshop is hands on and interactive, helping you to setup your account, create or format content, and leave each course with a real foundation to start your own WeChat marketing.

Course Lead by:

Claire Lily Squire: 

Years of experience in Shanghai's media circuit, copywriting, and content strategy. Claire is currently a project director at nihub Innovation Center, leading the companies "nichat" WeChat management service for over 30 startups and small businesses in China. 

Joshua R. Bunnell: 

Background and years of experience in data analysis, content marketing, and digital strategy, Joshua is the Chief Marketing at nihub Innovation Center and setup the company's offline / online marketing strategy and nichat service back in 2017.

Seats are limited to 25 people only!

nispace - Hangzhou Address:

ChengGao Mansion, LianHui Road #300 Room 1402/1403
Binjiang District, Hangzhou, China

Tel.: +86 400 826 093

Please reach out directly to Joshua with any questions, comments, or concerns. 

Email: joshua@nihub.co

WeChat: jrussbunnell






