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Heritage Talk Series: Zhao Heng and Partrice Fava, on Authentic Beijing Culture
2017年3月4日 星期六 14:30 至 17:00
Yale Center Beijing, 36th Floor, Tower B, IFC Building 耶鲁北京中心,北京建国门外大街8号国际财源中心B座36层 Tel: 59090200
主办方: Yale Club of Beijing 更多活动

价格: ¥60

Heritage Talk Series: Zhao Heng and Partrice Fava, on Authentic Beijing Culture

价格: ¥60

Heritage Talk Series: Zhao Heng and Partrice Fava, on Authentic Beijing Culture
2017年3月4日 星期六 14:30 至 17:00
Yale Center Beijing, 36th Floor, Tower B, IFC Building 耶鲁北京中心,北京建国门外大街8号国际财源中心B座36层 Tel: 59090200
主办方: Yale Club of Beijing 更多活动

价格: ¥60



Heritage Talk Series: Zhao Heng and Partrice Fava, on Authentic Beijing Culture

2017年3月4日 星期六 14:30 至 17:00 Yale Center Beijing, 36th Floor, Tower B, IFC Building 耶鲁北京中心,北京建国门外大街8号国际财源中心B座36层 Tel: 59090200

价格: ¥60

时间 地点

2017年3月4日 星期六 14:30 至 17:00

Yale Center Beijing, 36th Floor, Tower B, IFC Building 耶鲁北京中心,北京建国门外大街8号国际财源中心B座36层 Tel: 59090200 Yale Center Beijing, 36th Floor, Tower B, IFC Building 耶鲁北京中心,北京建国门外大街8号国际财源中心B座36层 Tel: 59090200


主办方 联系主办方

Yale Club of Beijing

Yale Club of Beijing

The Yale Club of Beijing was founded in 1995 and is a volunteer organization that aims to serve the Yale-affiliates and greater community in Beijing. We hold regular speaker series and other special events, charity projects in and beyond Beijing, and support Yale's programs and mission in China.

Questions, comments, and membership inquiries can be directed to

Please visit our website at yaleclubofbeijing.net to sign up for this newsletter. Both Yalies and friends are welcome to join our email list!




浏览: 3,996

Heritage Talk Series: Zhao Heng and Patrice Fava, on Authentic Beijing Culture


14:30-17:00, Saturday, March 4th


什么是北京文化?北京文化是不是就是“京味文化”?亦或等同于是“胡同文化”? 本次活动我们有幸邀请到两位对北京文化有相当深入研究的学者--原北京燕山出版社总编辑赵珩先生和法国社会科学院教授范华先生--来探讨这个有趣的话题,欢迎您的参加。


What is Beijing Culture? Is it just Beijing folk culture, or hutong culture? It is actually a question not easy to answer. We are honored to invite two experts on Beijing culture for this event: Mr. Zhao Heng and Mr.Patrice Fava. Please join us for this panel discussion with the two experts.

This event is co-sponsored by Yale club of Beijing, Yale Center Beijing and Beijing Cultural Heritage Protection Center. Mr. Matthew Hu, Trustee of Beijing Cultural Heritage Protection Center and Co-founder of The Courtyard Institute, will be the moderator.

Event details:

Date: Saturday, March 4th


2:30~3:00pm Registration & Reception

3:00~5:00pm Panel Discussion and Q&A

Venue: Yale Center Beijing, 36F, Tower B, IFC Building, 8 Jianguomenwai Avenue http://map.baidu.com/?shareurl=1&poiShareUid=520ec2b99a6b6484921fc9b5&cityCode=131&tn=B_NORMAL_MAP


Eligibility: This event is open to all. 

Language:  Chinese

Costs:  On-line: RMB60. Walk-ins: RMB100. 

The revenue will be donated to  Beijing Cultural Heritage Protection Center.

About Panelists






Mr. Zhao Heng was the Chief Editor of Yanshan Publishing House, a major local publisher in Beijing which focused on the promotion of Beijing culture.

Mr. Zhao was born and brought up in Beijing. He has spent his more than four decades on the research of Chinese cultural history, Beijing history, and Chinese opera history. He has written a number of books on his personal experience as well as the anecdotes of Old Beijing and Chinese food culture.

Mr. Zhao is also an advisor for Beijing Administration of Cultural Heritage, and a board member of Beijing History Research Institute.


范华先生法文名字为Patrice Fava,现为法国远东学院北京中心的副研究员。范华先生新近完成一部关于北京文化的纪录电影:《妙峰山庙会 400年的历史 》(发行和制片:文化部民族民间文艺发展中心, 2017年)。



Mr. Patrice Fava is French, and he is now the deputy researcher of École française d'Extrême-Orient. Mr. Fava has recently completed a documentary on the temple fairs at Miaofengshan Mountain, called 400 Years’ History of Miaofengshan Temple Fairs (Produced and distributed by Minority & Folklore Cultural Development Center, Ministry of Culture, 2017).

Mr. Fava studied Chinese in France when he was a college student. After graduation in 1968, he first taught Chinese in a French high school, then came to Beijing and worked in the French Embassy. Since 1992, Mr. Fava moved back to Beijing and has been spending most of his time in China.

Miaofengshan Temple Fair originated in Ming Dynasty, and it was the largest temple fair in Northern China. In 1925, a very famous Chinese scholar, Prof. Gu Jigang, had done an extensive field survey and social research about the temples and temple fair in Miaofengshan area. With the publication of his research book, Miaofengshan Mountain, this mountain has attracted attention of all the folklore researchers from China ever since.       

About Moderator







Mr. Matthew Hu is Co-founder of the Courtyard Institute, Trustee of Beijing Cultural Heritage Protection Center(CHP), China Representative of The Prince’s School of Traditional Arts (PSTA).

Since November 2013, Matthew and two friends started an educational project called "the Courtyard Institute", aiming at increasing visibility of traditional culture education in the public, as well as exploring a new methodology for alternative education.

From July 2006 to March 2009, Matthew worked as the Managing Director of Beijing Cultural Heritage Protection Center (CHP). As the first professional Managing Director of the organization, Matthew set a solid foundation for its development strategy, overall project management and general administration system. Since October 2015, Matthew accepted the invitation of Mr. He Shuzhong, the founder of CHP, and take up the role of trustee for the next three years at CHP.

From October 2009 to November 2014, Matthew served for five years in the Prince’s Charities Foundation (China), a sister charity of PSTA, as its China Representative. 

About the Organizer


The Beijing Cultural Heritage Protection Center (CHP)   was founded in 2001. In 2003, with sponsorship from the Beijing Administration of Cultural Heritage, CHP was legally registered with the Beijing Bureau of Civil Affairs as a non-profit organization. Our mission is to “support  communities to       protect  their cultural heritage”. CHP works at the grass roots level to assist  local communities     to    preserve tangible and intangible   local culture heritage through training and capacity building.  





The Yale Club of Beijing was founded in 1995 and is a volunteer organization that aims to serve the Yale-affiliates and greater community in Beijing. We hold regular speaker series and other special events, charity projects in and beyond Beijing, and support Yale's programs and mission in China.

Questions, comments, and membership inquiries can be directed to

Please visit our website at yaleclubofbeijing.net to sign up for this newsletter. Both Yalies and friends are welcome to join our email list!


