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Lasting Wellbeing - Cities or Countryside? With Green Drinks Beijing

价格: ¥55 - 75

2018年6月12日 星期二 18:30 至 21:00
naked Hub@Dongdaqiao, 3F, East Gongxiao Building, 28 Guandongdian Street, Chaoyang District,, Beijing Metro: Dongdaqiao Metro Exit D2
主办方: Green Drinks Beijing 更多活动

价格: ¥55 - 75

Lasting Wellbeing - Cities or Countryside? With Green Drinks Beijing

2018年6月12日 星期二 18:30 至 21:00 naked Hub@Dongdaqiao, 3F, East Gongxiao Building, 28 Guandongdian Street, Chaoyang District,, Beijing Metro: Dongdaqiao Metro Exit D2

价格: ¥55 - 75

时间 地点

2018年6月12日 星期二 18:30 至 21:00

naked Hub@Dongdaqiao, 3F, East Gongxiao Building, 28 Guandongdian Street, Chaoyang District,, Beijing Metro: Dongdaqiao Metro Exit D2 naked Hub@Dongdaqiao, 3F, East Gongxiao Building, 28 Guandongdian Street, Chaoyang District,, Beijing Metro: Dongdaqiao Metro Exit D2


主办方 联系主办方

Green Drinks Beijing

Green Drinks Beijing

Green Initiatives is a nonprofit organization that promotes awareness, facilitates actions, implements projects, and stimulates change toward sustainable models of growth and consumption.


18612499615 (Alina Zhang)




浏览: 2,778

‘Big city life’ is what most of young successful people strive for today. Moving to big cities like Shanghai is often seen as a recipe for success: build a career by speed of light, earn a lot of money and after few years of hectic and stressed life simply change your job. Life in the big cities is surely somehow comforting. Everything seems available at all times, quality social life, transportation, interactions that broaden our horizons, entertainment, convenient stores, bars, parks… It’s a never ending running around. We are slave of the city life time, always on-the-go, rarely stopping to self-reflect or to just have time to rest.

Why is living at the countryside so attractive to so many people? Is it organic food, unpolluted air, clean water, a different kind of high quality lifestyle? Did those individuals that Andy gives introduction to in his book gave up big city life for those reasons? Is Japanese counterculture movement of living in the countryside an alternative model for path forward more sustainable living? Is deciding to live in the countryside a big turning point that humanity will in the future strive for?

So will we thrive in cities or in the countryside? Could it really be that these individuals can show us a path which brings balance to both, our lives and the global ecosystem?

Green Drinks Beijing has invited Andy to Beijing to share his insights with our community. Join a public dialogue about our collective future.

About the Speaker:

Andy Couturier is the American author of two books, Writing Open the Mind: Tapping the Subconscious to Free the Writing and The Abundance of Less. He is the director of The Opening, a school for creative writing. His essays and articles on ecology, sustainable living, nuclear power have appeared in The Japan Times, The North American Review, Kyoto Journal, The Oakland Tribune, etc. 

He was recently awarded the prestigious 2017 NAUTILUS literature award in the category ecology and sustainability.

For more details visit www.greeninitiatives.cn or the official website for Andy's China trip www.taol.greeninitiatives.cn


  • Discount code applicable only to naked Hub members and staff. 
  • Preference will be given to prepaid attendees. At-the-door attendees (without registration) will be required to pay 100RMB (subject to space availability).





  • 18:30

    18:30-19:15 Registrations and networking 19:15-19:45 Andy Couturier speaking on The Abundance of Less 19:45-20:15 Moderated discussion / Q&A 20:15-20:45 Open discussion with the attendees 20:45-21:30 Networking / end of event



Green Initiatives is a nonprofit organization that promotes awareness, facilitates actions, implements projects, and stimulates change toward sustainable models of growth and consumption.


