Berkeley Shanghai Ball 2018: 150 Years of Light
2018年11月10日 星期六 17:30 至 22:00 The Rose Ballroom, The Peninsula Shanghai
价格: ¥1,800
浏览: 3,766
The Berkeley Shanghai Ball 2018: 150 Years of Light is part of several events celebrating Berkeley's 150th birthday in Shanghai.
Saturday, November 10, 2018
The Rose Ballroom, The Peninsula Shanghai 上海半岛酒店 玫瑰宴会厅
No. 32 The Bund, 32 Zhongshan Dong Yi Road, Shanghai 200002 上海外滩中山东一路32号
5:30pm Registration
6:00pm Cocktail Reception
7:30pm Gala Dinner
Dress Code: Black Tie / Formal Attire
Featuring Chancellor Carol T. Christ, College of Engineering Dean Tsu-Jae King Liu, and entertainment by the Cal Dance Team, Oski, and others.
Ticket Price: RMB1800 per person (includes cocktails and Chinese set menu)
NOTE: Please fill up the registration form in English. We will make the nametags and table cards according to the information you provided.
Registration closes on Wednesday, October 31, 2018.
For Inquiries or sponsorship opportunities, please feel free to contact