| EN
悠航鲜啤家庭日 - “在海边” | Slow Boat Family Day - “At the Beach”

价格: ¥218 - 436

2018年8月11日 星期六 12:00 至 15:00
悠航鲜啤三里屯店内3层 | Slow Boat Sanlitun Brewpub 3F
主办方: Slow Boat Brewery 悠航鲜啤 更多活动

价格: ¥218 - 436

悠航鲜啤家庭日 - “在海边” | Slow Boat Family Day - “At the Beach”

2018年8月11日 星期六 12:00 至 15:00 悠航鲜啤三里屯店内3层 | Slow Boat Sanlitun Brewpub 3F

价格: ¥218 - 436

时间 地点

2018年8月11日 星期六 12:00 至 15:00

悠航鲜啤三里屯店内3层 | Slow Boat Sanlitun Brewpub 3F 悠航鲜啤三里屯店内3层 | Slow Boat Sanlitun Brewpub 3F


主办方 联系主办方

Slow Boat Brewery 悠航鲜啤

Slow Boat Brewery 悠航鲜啤

Join us for Slow Boat Family Day “At the Beach” on Saturday, August 11 from 12PM to 3PM. This everything-but-water event includes slushies for kids, margaritas for adults, free children’s brunch, fishing games, an inflatable play pool, beach toys, and all things tropical. Tickets are 218RMB per adult and all children under age 10 are admitted for free. The buffet-style brunch will include pumpkin pancakes, sausages, home fries, fried eggs, yogurt, fresh fruit, and one drink (margarita, coffee, tea, any Slow Boat beer, or soft drink). Our previous Family Days have filled up fast, so make sure to register through Yoopay by scanning the QR code below. Seats are limited. See you at the beach

最近北京连日的高温一定把各位小朋友们给热坏了吧!悠航鲜啤为大家准备了一场夏日“在海边”主题的家庭日活动!8月11日(星期六),从中午12点始到下午3点钟,悠航鲜啤三里屯店三层将会开启海边模式!充气游泳池,池中玩具,钓鱼挑战以及草裙花环等等多种玩乐模式,不仅如此,还有美味的活动自助餐供应(供应时间为12点至下午2点),包含:南瓜煎饼、煎香肠、煎荷包蛋以及炸土豆,更有酸奶和新鲜水果哦!每位家长仅需218元,除了上述多款自助餐美食外,还包含一杯饮品(咖啡/茶/悠航自酿鲜啤/软饮/玛格丽特冰沙 任选其一),小朋友们依然免费享用(仅限10岁以下儿童)。按照历往的惯例,我们活动的门票会很快售空,如果你想参加的话一定要提早购票哦!数量有限,赶快行动吧!


010 6592 5388




浏览: 1,773





Join us for Slow Boat Family Day “At the Beach” on Saturday, August 11 from 12PM to 3PM. This everything-but-water event includes slushies for kids, margaritas for adults, free children’s brunch, fishing games, an inflatable play pool, beach toys, and all things tropical. Tickets are 218RMB per adult and all children under age 10 are admitted for free. The buffet-style brunch will include pumpkin pancakes, sausages, home fries, fried eggs, yogurt, fresh fruit, and one drink (margarita, coffee, tea, any Slow Boat beer, or soft drink). Our previous Family Days have filled up fast, so make sure to register through Yoopay by scanning the QR code below. Seats are limited. See you at the beach

最近北京连日的高温一定把各位小朋友们给热坏了吧!悠航鲜啤为大家准备了一场夏日“在海边”主题的家庭日活动!8月11日(星期六),从中午12点始到下午3点钟,悠航鲜啤三里屯店三层将会开启海边模式!充气游泳池,池中玩具,钓鱼挑战以及草裙花环等等多种玩乐模式,不仅如此,还有美味的活动自助餐供应(供应时间为12点至下午2点),包含:南瓜煎饼、煎香肠、煎荷包蛋以及炸土豆,更有酸奶和新鲜水果哦!每位家长仅需218元,除了上述多款自助餐美食外,还包含一杯饮品(咖啡/茶/悠航自酿鲜啤/软饮/玛格丽特冰沙 任选其一),小朋友们依然免费享用(仅限10岁以下儿童)。按照历往的惯例,我们活动的门票会很快售空,如果你想参加的话一定要提早购票哦!数量有限,赶快行动吧!


