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S.T.D.万圣节十周年派对 Featuring Yung Lean, 李大奔 and more
2017年10月28日 星期六 22:00 至 10月29日 星期日 03:00
Arkham, Julu Road 168,Shanghai。
主办方: STD独立音乐派对 更多活动

价格: ¥220

S.T.D.万圣节十周年派对 Featuring Yung Lean, 李大奔 and more

价格: ¥220

S.T.D.万圣节十周年派对 Featuring Yung Lean, 李大奔 and more
2017年10月28日 星期六 22:00 至 10月29日 星期日 03:00
Arkham, Julu Road 168,Shanghai。
主办方: STD独立音乐派对 更多活动

价格: ¥220

S.T.D.万圣节十周年派对 Featuring Yung Lean, 李大奔 and more

2017年10月28日 星期六 22:00 至 10月29日 星期日 03:00 Arkham, Julu Road 168,Shanghai。

价格: ¥220

时间 地点

2017年10月28日 星期六 22:00 至 10月29日 星期日 03:00

Arkham, Julu Road 168,Shanghai。 Arkham, Julu Road 168,Shanghai。


主办方 联系主办方








浏览: 10,478


It’s that time of year again, and this time, we’re going harder than ever because it’s our 10th Anniversary! Because of this exciting milestone, this isn’t gonna be just any Halloween party, but also our 10 year celebration.

今年的万圣派对我们准备了一系列 重磅 惊喜,回馈一直以来支持我们的你!

As a way of giving back, we’ve prepared a HUGE surprise for YOU, our intrepid and loyal family.



十年前,S.T.D.势在将前卫好音乐带向中国,我们将Flying Lotus, Andreson Paak., ZHU等先锋音乐人带到中国的舞台。十年过去了, S.T.D.将继续做好音乐导航人,为你们带来更多好听的音乐和好玩的派对。



10 years ago, STD sought out to bring the best of avant-garde, underground music to China – since then, we have brought the likes of Flying Lotus, Anderson .Paak, ZHU, among many other to performs on China’s global stage. 10 after its founding, STD contitnues to be the leader in bringing quality music to China and throwing some of its most enthralling parties.

This year, we’ll be holding it down at in the underground (literally) venuen Arkham at No. 168 Julu Lu, transforming it to a high speed spacecraft that will thrust you into the future! It doesn’t matter if you’re a zombie crawling out of the ground or an extra terrestrial from some Hollywood movie, fly with us this Halloween to another world. A specially invited visual artist whose name is tba will make the transformation and transport you to another dimension.


在公布了首位演出艺人新千禧青年文化的风向标Yung Lean后,中国有嘻哈9强选手李大奔强力加盟S.T.D. 十周年万圣派对。我们的演出阵容将持续更新,更多厉害音乐人即将揭晓!

Headlining the show will be king of the youth and pioneer in millennial culture, Young Lean, alongside “China has Hip-Hop” contestant Benzo. We will update you as we continue to add exciting names to our 10th Anniversary roster.

Yung Lean

Yung Lean是谁? 他是新千禧青年文化的风向标,网络LOFI热潮的领头人。他是不合群的异类,却成为影响全世界的文化符号。他在17岁便发行了自己的第一张MIXTAPE《Unknown Death 2002》,在没有任何外力助推的情况下,Yung Lean主宰了meme横行的互联网。有人说他是昙花一现的流行现象,他却携手Lil Wayne, Frank Ocean等人从YouTube走向主流,将现代Hip Hop与自身的北欧式忧郁风格融合在一起,惊艳了上至主流下至地下整个音乐界。

出生在瑞典先锋家庭的Yung Lean 生来便流淌着一身艺术因子。自由撰稿人父亲和LGBT活动家母亲自幼便带着他辗转于越南于俄罗斯。在这段时间里,Yung Lean偷偷地在学校的图书馆中查阅着伟大摇滚明星的故事,被他们辉煌坎坷的命运而感动。也是在学校小小的图书馆中,他与音乐结缘,开始录制自己的第一个项目。四年以后,《Ginseng Strip 2002》诞生了。Yung Lean骨子里的朋克气质与他深受影响的90年代南方饶舌孕育出一种无法用单一曲种定义、集合了流行文化过去、今天和未来的一切元素。

这股Yung Lean风暴从《Kyoto》的微风刮起,随后在《Yoshi City》和《Hoover》的旋律中迅速升级,并在《Hennesy & Sailor Moon》中显现出最有威力的轮廓。顺着Yung Lean的音乐轨迹,瑞典男孩每一次作品的变换不仅仅是单纯得更好,却是一种全新的创造。他懒洋洋的flow 与 GUD和 Yung Sherman 的旋律天衣无缝地融于一体,无论是旋律还是歌词,Yung Lean都以独特的风格展现着自己的品味。

年仅21岁,Yung Lean就已经取得了巨大的成就。他独立发行了与众不同的前卫专辑《Warlod》,世界巡演场场爆满。他还献唱法海Frank Ocean的专辑《Blonde》, 并出境Calvin Klein的季度广告#mycalvins。他成立了自己的厂牌Sad Boys Entertainment, 并创造出相应的Sadboys潮流品牌,联与潮牌Eytys联名设计了运动鞋。Yung Lean还与 Död Mark和GUD发行了朋克专辑。今年, Yung Lean将发行他的第三张专辑,紧跟着又是一场世界巡演,帅气的人怎么可以这么优秀呢?也许在S.T.D.的派对现场就可以抢先听到Yung Lean新专辑中的新歌!

The tale of Yung Lean is as unassuming as it is wildly exploratory, a contradictory narrative about a misfit stranger from Stockholm who became a worldwide phenomenon - a protracted and at times grievous metamorphosis from pubertal, post-internet novelty to D.I.Y icon with an extensive, organic influence over anything and everything from off-beat art projects and mainstream culture alike.

Originating with a nomadic upbringing in Vietnam and Belarus via secretly experimenting and recording in a highschool computer lab to first hand encounters of the triumphs and tragedies of rockstar hyperbole, the mere 4 years passed since “Ginseng Strip 2002” saw the light of day have seen him set off on a seemingly genreless and open minded dispatch into the past, present and future of pop culture, an alternate reality where early internet aesthetics, late 90´s southern rap and a punk mindset all fused perfectly together.

The momentum born from the gentle, abstract touch of his first tracks were swiftly embodied by “Kyoto”, electrified by “Yoshi City” deconstructed again via “Hoover” and then re-animated by “Hennesy & Sailor Moon”; emerging each time perhaps not rejuvenated but in many ways re invented, his trademark lethargic flow and singular lyrical content elevated and seamlessly integrated with GUD and Yung Shermans´s resourceful and labelfree sonic scenery.

Still merely 21 years of age, the past year was huge for Yung Lean; besides kicking off with the independently released, eclectic album“Warlord” and embarking on a sold out world tour, it also saw him featured on Frank Ocean´s “Blonde”, star in Calvin Klein´s #mycalvins campaign, launch his own Sadboys Gear brand, co-design a sneaker for Eytys and drop a full length punk album together with GUD as Död Mark - to name a few highlights.

Later this year, Yung Lean will write the next chapter of the story by releasing his 3rd studio album project, followed by an extensive world tour.



The native Chinese hip-hop rapper graduated from one of the top art academies- China Academy of Fine Arts. In a subsequent battles in the "China Has Hip Hop" television show, he came out on top of his hip-hop predecessor Big Dog, placing 3rd in Panweibo’s Group and 9th in the entire country. He released his single "Bibble Fashion Bible" in August.


更多惊喜即将公布,请持续关注我们的微信公众号: STDparty 。

10月28日星期六,S.T.D. 万圣节x10周年庆典派对,SAVE YOUR DATE!

Presale will be on sale on an online, first-come-first-serve basis. More names will be announced, so stay tuned to our Wechat (STDparty) as we continue to post updates.

Saturday, October 28th, STD Halloween x 10th Anniversary Party – SAVE THE DATE!






