Lift China 2014
2014年9月10日 星期三 09:00 至 18:00 上海当代艺术博物馆 Shanghai Power Station of Art
价格: 免费
浏览: 6,528
Recommended by Wired UK and TechCrunch, Lift is one of the leading conferences on innovation in Europe and a key annual meeting for individuals and organizations wishing to understand and anticipate trends and innovation. Held every year in February in Geneva, the Lift Conference is a three-day event featuring talks, interactive workshops, exhibitions, and discussions bringing together over 1’000 participants from all society’s sectors and industries in a dynamic and informal environment with the aim to learn, connect, share and leverage innovation opportunities. Lift is organizing the first Lift China in Shanghai in partnership with swissnex China. Lift China will be the place for makers, artists, startups and pioneers alike to meet and make fruitful connections with our international community.
Lift总部座落在瑞士日内瓦湖畔,是一个分享创意,汇集科 技、商业、人文等多领域创新人才和激发灵感的互动平台,并已在欧洲、美国和亚洲举办过一系列国际会议和创新活动。2014年9月Lift将来到上海,在瑞士科技文化中心swissnex China的支持下举办Lift China,带来欧洲的演讲者、创客和科技行业领先人物,介绍欧洲的创新成果和思想,并努力与中国的创新群体建立联系,探索合作空间,开拓合作项目。因此,真诚邀请中国创新群体和个人,共同参与特邀嘉宾主题演讲、专题工作坊以及合作交互设计艺术展览。