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How to Work with Ctrip and Trip.com to Grow Your Business - An Expert Panel

价格: ¥120 - 150

2019年7月3日 星期三 19:00 至 21:30
番禺路1199弄,8号楼,Agora Space
主办方: Travel Massive - Shanghai Chapter 更多活动

价格: ¥120 - 150

How to Work with Ctrip and Trip.com to Grow Your Business - An Expert Panel

2019年7月3日 星期三 19:00 至 21:30 番禺路1199弄,8号楼,Agora Space

价格: ¥120 - 150

时间 地点

2019年7月3日 星期三 19:00 至 21:30

番禺路1199弄,8号楼,Agora Space 番禺路1199弄,8号楼,Agora Space


主办方 联系主办方

Travel Massive - Shanghai Chapter

Travel Massive - Shanghai Chapter

Travel Massive is a global network of Travel Professionals with local chapters in 50 countries and more than 50,000 members. The Shanghai chapter helps travel companies connect, build and improve their network in China by creating opportunities for partnerships and hosting events of topics matter to community members.

There are 400 members in the chapter, from different verticals of the industry – inbound and outbound travel agencies, media and content companies, hospitality professionals and some tech-companies as well.

Want to join us? Contact Miller or Yael for more details






浏览: 882

Working with Ctrip and Trip.com, so it works for YOU

Leverage the power of Ctrip's traffic and Trip.com's growing reach in South east Asia, and grow your own business - is it possible? And how?

Zoey Zhang and Bowen Sun, of Ctrip group, will answer these and other questions on July 3rd, at Travel Massive Shanghai chapter event. 

The Panel will address the following topics:

* Ctrip/Trip.com clients' profiles - who is buying online?

* How to decide on a theme for a marketing campaign for outbound travel (promote an overseas destination in China) and inbound travel (promote Chinese cities abroad)

* Differences between destination marketing in China & other countries

Make sure to prepare your questions too, for the Q&A session.





  • Bowen Sun

    Ctrip group

    General Manager of Inbound Tourism at Ctrip.com

  • Zoey Zhang

    Ctrip group

    Regional Manager of Destination Marketing for Ctrip Group



Travel Massive is a global network of Travel Professionals with local chapters in 50 countries and more than 50,000 members. The Shanghai chapter helps travel companies connect, build and improve their network in China by creating opportunities for partnerships and hosting events of topics matter to community members.

There are 400 members in the chapter, from different verticals of the industry – inbound and outbound travel agencies, media and content companies, hospitality professionals and some tech-companies as well.

Want to join us? Contact Miller or Yael for more details


