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CarbonPositive RESET! 1.5°C Global Tech-in

Price: Free

Tuesday, September 22, 2020 10:00 to 20:00
Free online Webinar on Zoom platform
Organizer: Architecture 2030 More Events

Price: Free

CarbonPositive RESET! 1.5°C Global Tech-in

Tuesday, September 22, 2020 10:00 to 20:00 Free online Webinar on Zoom platform

Price: Free

When & Where

Tuesday, September 22, 2020 10:00 to 20:00

... Free online Webinar on Zoom platform
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Architecture 2030


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Views: 1,806

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In addition, Huawei APP store does not have ZOOM. Please click this link to download ZOOM:


The ZOOM links are announced on this webpage and you can directly join the meeting now. We suggest you sign up in order to obtain the latest information and the learning materials after the webinar although the links will be shared publicly.Please download ZOOM in advance. This webpage has five sections:



1. Agenda ZOOM Links

2. Software Demons information

3. AIA Learning Units

4. Simultaneous Interpretation

5. Question and Contact

6. Speakers and Partners



1. Agenda of Tuesday Sept 22nd 2020


Morning General Sessions [ZOOM LINK

Meeting ID: 88214973807

Times noted are in Beijing, China (GMT+8)




Edward Mazria,Architecture 2030

The new imperative identifies the actions and provides a roadmap that will lead to an immediate global response in the built environment that meets the 1.5ºC Paris Agreement target.



Farhana Yamin, Track 0




RESET! URBANIZATION: Global Sprawl, Climate Change, and Equity

Harrison Fraker, UC Berkeley (Moderator)

Peter Calthorpe, HDR Calthorpe

Urban planning strategies, adaptive reuse and infill, and smart urban infill provide significant opportunities in mitigating new embodied carbon associated with the massive amount of global new construction and development projected to take place by 2030.




Transition: Partner Recognition




RESET! PRACTICE & POLICY: Professionals and Organizations Making Big Moves

Carl Elefante, Quinn Evans  (Moderator)

Caroline Pidcock, Australian Architects Declare

Organizations and organizing professionals from around the world are making big moves. Learn how top down and bottom up actions are changing practice as we know it.




RESET! ARCHITECTURE: Designing to Meet 1.5ºC

Luke Leung, SOM

Kongjian Yu, Tuernscape

The leaders transforming design and architecture practice to mitigate climate change discuss the impactful actions they are taking and proliferating to transform culture, industry, and practice to meet the 1.5ºC targets.




RESET! EMBODIED CARBON: Reduce, Reuse, Sequester

Carl Elefante, Quinn Evans (Moderator)

Paul Stoller, Atelier Ten

Jeremy Mansfield, Lendlease

Every year, 6.13 billion square meters of buildings are constructed, responsible for approximately 3729 million metric tons CO2 per year. This session explores major opportunities, technologies and material innovations for dramatically and immediately sequestering carbon in building materials, infrastructure and restorative landscapes.




Transition – Partner Recognition




Tool Tutorials: Dedicated Demos #1

Watch a demo of a tool or software available for reducing operational and embodied carbon impacts – or take a break!

Autodesk BIM 360 [ZOOM LINK]

Bimmer + SolarScore [ZOOM LINK]

Beacon [ZOOM LINK]




Pathfinder [ZOOM LINK]





Regional Sessions



DESIGN WITH CLIMATE: Form Follows Performance [ZOOM LINK] [ID:82543978173]

Alfredo Fernandez-Gonzalez, UNLV

Pablo La Roche, CallisonRTKL

Design choices are the first and most important step for energy efficient, zero carbon buildings. What regional passive design strategies can designers utilize in practice today?


(RE)DESIGN: Repurpose, Re-Skin, Renovate [ZOOM LINK] [ID:82798219646]

Carl Elefante, Quinn Evans

The greenest building, development, or neighborhood is the one that is already built. Can we reassess how we place a monetary, carbon, and social value on these existing assets in order to strengthen the case for reusing, repurposing, re-skinning, and renovating existing buildings?


CORE MATERIALS: Better Concrete, Better Steel [ZOOM LINK] [ID:84939657942]

Margaret Hansbrough, Mighty Earth

Sam Chen, Arup

Concrete and Steel alone are responsible for approximately 20% of global annual carbon emissions. What innovations in concrete and steel allow for lower-carbon materials now, and what innovations are down the pipeline?




IT’S ELECTRIFYING! Powering Our Buildings Without Fossil Fuels [ZOOM LINK] [ID:83033945382]

Erin McDade, Architecture 2030 (Moderator)

Claire McKenna, Rocky Mountain Institute

Meeting global climate goals will require a swift transition away from fossil-fuel powered heating, cooling, and cooking appliances within our buildings. Fossil-fuel free building technologies such as heat pumps and induction cooktops are rapidly evolving, making building electrification more affordable and efficient than ever. What is the current state of the industry and where is it headed? Is fossil-fuel free heating, cooling, and cooking currently feasible in all regions and climates? And what about heat pumps and HFC-emitting refrigerants?


THE URBAN FIX: Resilient Cities [ZOOM LINK] [ID:83896671049]

Doug Kelbough, University of Michigan

Harrison Fraker, UC Berkeley

How can we leverage urban scale planning and design to meet the 1.5ºC target? How can our cities adapt and become resilient in the face of climate change?


FOREST AND THE TREES (AND GRASS): Procuring Climate Smart Mass Timber & Bamboo [ZOOM LINK] [ID:81456963747]

Jan-Peter Koppitz, Arup (Moderator)

Troy Carter, RIZOME

Mass timber can offer a low-carbon alternative to concrete and steel, and it’s quickly growing in popularity. What do designers need to know to get mass timber right? What other carbon-sequestering structural materials are available and scalable?




PROLIFERATING RENEWABLES: Generating and Procuring Renewable Energy [ZOOM LINK] [ID:83761255704]

Orrin Cook, Center for Resource Solutions

Buildings will always consume energy, but the sources of that energy have significant impacts on carbon emissions. This session dives into on-site and off-site renewable energy availability and best practices in your region, so building operations are 100% renewably powered.


SOAK IT UP: Carbon Sequestering Sites [ZOOM LINK] [ID:83526774506]

Pamela Conrad, CMG Landscape Architects

Martin O’Dea, AILA’s Carbon Positive Design Taskforce

What are the opportunities for carbon sequestration in site development and landscape design? What are the best techniques, and what tools are available for calculating the carbon balance of these landscape materials and strategies now and over time? How can site and infrastructure design mitigate heat island effect?


GROWING UP: Designing with Mass Timber & Bamboo [ZOOM LINK] [ID:87439645223]

Ben Kaiser, Kaiser + Path Architecture

Julian Anderson, Bates Smart

What are the implications and advantages of selecting low embodied carbon systems like climate smart CLT, Glulam, and NLT? For project teams? Design and detailing? Permitting? Construction cost, schedule and logistics? Owner’s bottom line?




TOOL TUTORIALS: Dedicated Demo #2

Watch a demo of a tool or software available for reducing operational and embodied carbon impacts – or take a break!

Autodesk [ZOOM LINK]

Bimmer + SolarScore [ZOOM LINK]

Beacon [ZOOM LINK]





Pathfinder [ZOOM LINK]





TOOL TUTORIALS: Dedicated Demo #3

Watch a demo of a tool or software available for reducing operational and embodied carbon impacts – or take a break!

Autodesk [ZOOM LINK]

Bimmer + SolarScore [ZOOM LINK]

Beacon [ZOOM LINK]





Pathfinder [ZOOM LINK]





ACHIEVING ZERO: Codes and Policies for Zero Emissions in New and Existing Building Operations [ZOOM LINK] [ID:89472363227]

Vincent Martinez, Architecture 2030 (Moderator)


Sumedha Malaviya, World Resource Institute (WRI) India

Quickly achieving zero carbon in building operations is a critical dimension of a CarbonPositive future. This session covers the recent policies for decarbonizing building operations in both new construction and the existing building stock, including the ZERO Code, all-electric new construction, and critical considerations for electrifying existing buildings.


10 BILLION MOUTHS TO FEED! Emissions, Urban Agriculture and Development [ZOOM LINK] [ID:81076644118]

Michael Grove, Sasaki

Henry Gordon-Smith, Agritecture Consulting

By the end of the century, experts believe that our agricultural land will produce only half as much food as it does currently, even as the population is growing. Meanwhile, the bulk of population growth will occur in urban areas–where agriculture has historically been limited. How must our food systems transform to feed the growing urban population, protect forests and biodiversity, and prioritize resiliency?


RIGHT-SIZING: Core Building Material Optimization [ZOOM LINK] [ID:82319140368]

Robert Bamford, Web Structures
Gaurav Gupta, Web Structures

What is the structural “sweet spot” for optimizing materials in order to reduce embodied carbon? Are there rules of thumb designers can use in design, or does optimization occur on a case-by-case basis?




ENERGY UPGRADED! Scaling Building Renovations for Decarbonization [ZOOM LINK] [ID:82484121735]

Davina Rooney, Green Building Council Australia

Steve Ford, The GPT Group

The large majority of the existing building stock will continue to be operating over the next decades. This showcase will feature how designers are upgrading these buildings for a decarbonized future.


CITIES LEAD: An Embodied Carbon Policy Framework [ZOOM LINK] [ID:81047148084]

Natasha Balwit, Architecture 2030

Cities are often at the forefront of climate policy, and the opportunities for impactful embodied carbon interventions at the city-scale are plentiful. What municipal embodied carbon policies have currently been implemented, and what are the most promising opportunities for future municipal embodied carbon action to drive impactful, large-scale reductions?


LET’S GET REAL: The Power of Real Estate and Procurement [ZOOM LINK] [ID:81750619253]

Zhiyao LU, SEE Foundation

Chris Nunn, AMP Capital

What is the role of real estate in addressing issues and challenges including climate change, waste, biodiversity, social impact, accessibility and supply chain sustainability?





Philip Enquist, SOM (Moderator)  

Kongjian Yu, Turenscape

Yinying Zhou, SOM

Ellen Lou, SOM

It is anticipated that the global building stock will double in the next four decades. This showcase will feature the best carbon positive designs and their scalable strategies for zero operating and embodied emissions.


COMPLETING THE CIRCLE: Towards a Circular Economy [ZOOM LINK] [ID:81860940947]

Richard Boyd, Arup

Unlocking the circular economy holds great potential for dramatically reducing greenhouse gas emissions. How does it apply to buildings and cities? What are the circular strategies that make a compelling business case for low carbon buildings?


INTERIORS MATTER: Material Impacts, Innovation & MEP [ZOOM LINK] [ID:86104770053]

Louisa Bowles, HawkinsBrown
Louise Hamot, Integral Group

Over its lifespan, building use and renovation can have significant embodied carbon impacts. How important are interior materials in a project’s overall embodied carbon footprint? Which interior materials are most important to focus on? Does CarbonPositive provide a lens for thinking differently about how we design interiors for remodel cycles, resiliency and the circular economy?




TOOL TUTORIAL: Dedicated Demo #4

Watch a demo of a tool or software available for reducing operational and embodied carbon impacts.

Autodesk BIM 360 [ZOOM LINK]

Bimmer + SolarScore [ZOOM LINK]

Beacon [ZOOM LINK]





Pathfinder [ZOOM LINK]





The ZOOM APP will automatically pop up when you click the ZOOM link. Please check the following links if you are not familiar with the usage of ZOOM

Download ZOOM




2. Software Demons

Autodesk: BIM360, Bimmer + SolarScore, Beacon, cove.tool, EC3, EDGE, One Click LCA, the Pathfinder and Tally will be demonstrated in the webinar between 13.30-14.00, 16.15-17.15 and 19.30-20.00. You may check the introduction from this link, then decide which session to attend. Some of them will use other tools other than ZOOM for demonstration, please click the meeting link and download in advance.



3. AIA Learning Units

If you have not provided AIA membership number during the registration, please contact We will add your membership number manually. Please fill in the email used for registration when you log on ZOOM. We will submit the attendance according to the meeting record.


4. Simultaneous Interpretation

The presentations are in English. The mandarin simultaneous interpretation will be provided for all sessions except the software demos. When you use ZOOM, please click the language button to switch between the languages and you may need to mute original audio. Please refer to image below.



5. Questions

If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us at, call 18616588883, 13701745405 or join the wechat group of the webinar.




6. Speakers



The webinar will use Zoom (mobile/ computer).

The language of the presentation is English. Chinese simultaneous interpretation will be provided (except the software demos).

After successful registration, the ZOOM links will be announced on this webpage on 21st Sept. We suggest you sign up in order to obtain the latest information and the learning materials after the webinar although the links will be shared publicly.

Learning units are available for AIA Members.



By attending, you will be joining thousands of others from across the world who are shaping the new built environment and making the 1.5°C targets a reality.


We look forward to seeing you online at CarbonPositive RESET! 1.5°C Global Teach-In.  




Contact the Host

Architecture 2030 Consulting LLC provides consulting services on reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the built environment. Architecture 2030 Consulting LLC is affiliated to Architecture 2030, which is established in 2002 in response to the energy and climate crisis by architect, author and educator Edward Mazria. Architecture 2030’s mission is to rapidly transform the built environment from being the major contributor of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to a central part of the solution to the climate crisis.



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