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French Healthcare Alliance Plenary Meeting
Friday, September 17, 2021 13:30 to 17:30
Business Casual
PWC Shanghai Innovation Centre 3F, Infinitus Tower 168 Hubin Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 200121 普华永道创新中心 上海市湖滨路168号无限极大厦3楼 邮政编号 200021
Organizer: French Healthcare Alliance More Events

Price: Free - ¥250

French Healthcare Alliance Plenary Meeting

Price: Free - ¥250

French Healthcare Alliance Plenary Meeting
Friday, September 17, 2021 13:30 to 17:30
Business Casual
PWC Shanghai Innovation Centre 3F, Infinitus Tower 168 Hubin Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 200121 普华永道创新中心 上海市湖滨路168号无限极大厦3楼 邮政编号 200021
Organizer: French Healthcare Alliance More Events

Price: Free - ¥250

French Healthcare Alliance Plenary Meeting

Friday, September 17, 2021 13:30 to 17:30 PWC Shanghai Innovation Centre 3F, Infinitus Tower 168 Hubin Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 200121 普华永道创新中心 上海市湖滨路168号无限极大厦3楼 邮政编号 200021

Price: Free - ¥250

When & Where

Friday, September 17, 2021 13:30 to 17:30

PWC Shanghai Innovation Centre 3F, Infinitus Tower 168 Hubin Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 200121 普华永道创新中心 上海市湖滨路168号无限极大厦3楼 邮政编号 200021 PWC Shanghai Innovation Centre 3F, Infinitus Tower 168 Hubin Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 200121 普华永道创新中心 上海市湖滨路168号无限极大厦3楼 邮政编号 200021
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French Healthcare Alliance

French Healthcare Alliance

The French Healthcare Alliance (FHA) Steering Committee is delighted to invite you to its 10th plenary meeting on September 17th 2021 (from 1.30pm to 5.30pm). 


The French Healthcare Alliance is honored to invite its members to our annual meeting. It will enable you to understand the latest trends of the market and to meet with colleagues of our industry. This event will happen at the PwC Innovation Centre in Shanghai.



For those who are less familiar with the French Healthcare Alliance:

  • - The FHA brings together 100+ key French healthcare players active in China (pharma/biotech, medtech, e-health, public/private hospitals, nursing home operators, architects, collective services and training providers, research institutes, etc.).
  • - It aims at collectively promoting French companies know-how, expertise and products/services to Chinese decision makers.
  • - The FHA is organized around 5 thematic groups: 1. Hospital design & management, 2. Healthy aging & elderly care, 3. Chronic diseases, 4. Infectious diseases, 5. E-health.
  • - Its Steering Committee includes the following Members: Air Liquide, bioMérieux, Colisée, Ethypharm, Euris, Hinounou, Institut Pasteur Shanghai, Jumo, Sanofi, Thuasne, Urgo + Business France and the Scientific / Economic / Health, Social Departments of the French Embassy in China.

For further information, please consult the FHA’s website :


Registration is compulsory (fee = CNY250).



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As announced earlier, the French Healthcare Alliance (FHA) Steering Committee is delighted to invite you to its 10th plenary meeting on Friday, September 17 2021 at PWC Shanghai Innovation Centre (from 1.30pm to 5.30pm, Beijing time / address: 3F, Infinitus Tower, 168 Hubin Road, Huangpu District, 普华永道创新中心, 上海市湖滨路168号无限极大厦3楼). 




The main topics of this plenary meeting will be “INNOVATION AND THE FUTURE OF HEALTHCARE IN CHINA” / “MEDICAL MARKETING IN THE NEW REGULATORY FRAMEWORK” / and “BUSINESS CHALLENGES IN SILVER ECONOMY IN 2022”, with speakers and panelists from Aden, Amulet Health Technology,  bioMerieux, Colisée, DS avocat, Euris, Hinounou, Legrand, Orpea, Sanofi, Servier and Thuasne. 

Special thanks to PWC who has kindly offered to host our event this year.

Advanced registration is compulsory (fee = CNY250 per person).


NEW THIS YEAR: the French Healthcare Alliance in China invites you to meet its steering committee members: 30 min. business matchmaking meetings opportunities with representatives from Colisée, Euris, Hinounou, Jumo, Sanofi, Servier, Thuasne, Business France. (10.30 am -12 pm)

Free registration through the dedicated section as follows: 1) click on “Register” at the bottom of this page; 2) after you tick for the plenary session registration, you will see the names and presentations of the 8 companies / institution appear; 3) tick the names of the companies / institution you wish to meet (you may choose more than 3, but after they validate or decline, you will have a maximum of 3 meetings. No minimum number of meeting is guaranteed. Thank you in advance for your understanding); 4) click on “Register” and follow the final indications for validation. We will get back to you with a list of potential meetings. Location is the same as the plenary meeting. Registration deadline: August 23rd.


Please, find attached the detailed program with the QR code to register. Available seats are limited.


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Contact the Host

The French Healthcare Alliance (FHA) Steering Committee is delighted to invite you to its 10th plenary meeting on September 17th 2021 (from 1.30pm to 5.30pm). 


The French Healthcare Alliance is honored to invite its members to our annual meeting. It will enable you to understand the latest trends of the market and to meet with colleagues of our industry. This event will happen at the PwC Innovation Centre in Shanghai.



For those who are less familiar with the French Healthcare Alliance:

  • - The FHA brings together 100+ key French healthcare players active in China (pharma/biotech, medtech, e-health, public/private hospitals, nursing home operators, architects, collective services and training providers, research institutes, etc.).
  • - It aims at collectively promoting French companies know-how, expertise and products/services to Chinese decision makers.
  • - The FHA is organized around 5 thematic groups: 1. Hospital design & management, 2. Healthy aging & elderly care, 3. Chronic diseases, 4. Infectious diseases, 5. E-health.
  • - Its Steering Committee includes the following Members: Air Liquide, bioMérieux, Colisée, Ethypharm, Euris, Hinounou, Institut Pasteur Shanghai, Jumo, Sanofi, Thuasne, Urgo + Business France and the Scientific / Economic / Health, Social Departments of the French Embassy in China.

For further information, please consult the FHA’s website :


Registration is compulsory (fee = CNY250).

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