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12/20 Fresh pres. 盖世乌龙 Oolong Gas (liveset) @ Oil Club
2017年12月20日 星期三 21:00 至 03:00
Oil Club, 深圳全新最佳地下场地。 冬至别只吃饺子,来 Oil 和盖世乌龙蹦迪 。。。
主办方: Muzikbox 更多活动

价格: ¥30

12/20 Fresh pres. 盖世乌龙 Oolong Gas (liveset) @ Oil Club

价格: ¥30

12/20 Fresh pres. 盖世乌龙 Oolong Gas (liveset) @ Oil Club
2017年12月20日 星期三 21:00 至 03:00
Oil Club, 深圳全新最佳地下场地。 冬至别只吃饺子,来 Oil 和盖世乌龙蹦迪 。。。
主办方: Muzikbox 更多活动

价格: ¥30

12/20 Fresh pres. 盖世乌龙 Oolong Gas (liveset) @ Oil Club

2017年12月20日 星期三 21:00 至 03:00 Oil Club, 深圳全新最佳地下场地。 冬至别只吃饺子,来 Oil 和盖世乌龙蹦迪 。。。

价格: ¥30

时间 地点

2017年12月20日 星期三 21:00 至 03:00

Oil Club, 深圳全新最佳地下场地。 冬至别只吃饺子,来 Oil 和盖世乌龙蹦迪 。。。 Oil Club, 深圳全新最佳地下场地。 冬至别只吃饺子,来 Oil 和盖世乌龙蹦迪 。。。


主办方 联系主办方








浏览: 4,072

Fresh Presents

Oolong Gas @ Oil Club

Wednesday, Dec 20, 9pm 

冬至别只吃饺子,来 Oil 和盖世乌龙蹦迪

周三,12月20日 21:00

Fresh 从2008年开始致力于为深圳带来形式多样的高品质地下音乐。在12月20日周三晚,我们将为你带来昆明的三人liveset团队:盖世乌龙—— 中国传统音乐和现代电音的完美融合,届时占领Oil Club: 深圳全新最佳地下场地。这天同时是冬至,除了吃饺子汤圆,我们提供了另一种可能。

Since 2008, Fresh has been pushing a myriad of quality underground music. On Wednesday, 12/20, we are proud present a liveset trio from Kunming! Combining traditional Chinese sounds with modern electronic flavours, and taking place in Shenzhen's best new underground venue: Oil Club.

What's the music like?

I'll leave it to their description...

由作品如丝般顺滑的昆明音乐人 dizkar 和龙翔共和国喝不醉的爱情少尉 Zeming Xu 共同烹调的独立电子音乐,以 及新媒体视觉系统实验家马六甲打造的极致幻视 live 体验,是你在这个百无聊赖的世界中一支强效的精神药剂。在 这个音乐产业越来越泡沫的时代,Oolong Gas 以 live set 为演出形式的硬件电子乐队会带来更真挚的音乐和极致 的派对体验。卧龙家私携全体职工欢迎您的到来。

"Independent musicians Dizkar and Zeming Xu from Kunming. Plus extreme trippy visuals by experimentalist Melaka. Hold a shot of psychotropic substance in one's boring life. The light bubbles of the music industry will be lost. Oolong Gas brings a live party where no one needs to conform."

*** Listen Here on Netease ***


DJ 嘉宾阵容将带来两个深圳老派DJ对头的博弈表演形式:Curtain和Quest。 Frontline和Fresh的创始人将在午夜在打碟机上“一较高下”。免费脸部彩绘将由Lexi提供,Niv从9点到11点上映她的VJ首秀

DJ Support will see a clash between two old-school Shenzhen rivals: Curtain & Quest. The Frontline & Fresh founders will go back to back before and after Oolong Gas. Lexi Lei will provide free facepainting and Niv will work the visuals for the first time ever, from 9-11pm!


DJ Curtain是深圳从2009年起,最早的派对组织 Frontline的发起人。Frontline成员有 DJ Curtain,Electra, Cook, 和 Farm。Frontline是臭名昭著的隧道派对的先驱,同时也在寺庙派对和沙滩派对十分出名。目前居住在澳大利亚的DJ Curtain,在深圳很少露面。

DJ Curtain is the founder of Frontline - one of Shenzhen's original party crews. Getting started in 2009, with an emphasis on tight mixing, Frontline pioneered the infamous tunnel parties, and were also well known for their temple parties and beach parties. Currently living in Australia, Curtain is making a rare appearance in Shenzhen.


Mettasonic (慈声唱 ) 创始 DJ Quest——唱片收集者,DJ,音乐狂热徒。在深圳,他于2008 创立了首个深圳每月地下音乐系列活动,在2010年 创建了 FRESH, 并且于2014年创立了Muzikbox、 香蜜湖音乐节, 以及2015 的First Fridays, 出席草莓音乐节。他支持所有形式的地下音乐的作品,永远致力于推动地下电子乐的发展,同时是第一个将国际知名Drum&Bass艺人引入深圳的DJ(包括: Makoto, Command, Strange和Arkaik)。Quest热爱创作具有牙买加传统的音响系统体验,深耕Bass, reggae, deep house, techno, hip hop, soul等类型的音乐


"I've recently begun focusing more on my love for creating experimental visuals. I like expanding people's minds a little - whether through art or movement or all my wisdom ;) I move through a variety of spaces and interests that keep me evolving. I feel strongly about the importance of moving all parts of my body and sharing warmth with my world. Quivering and stretching and cackling. If u see me come dance with me !" - Niv Rajendra


Lexi是来自湖南的平面设计师和插画师,同时也是“内裤少女”插画系列的创作者,所有的首发插画都在她的Instagram上发布(@meilaoban)。自从2015年初的脸部彩绘首秀后,Lexi已经成为深圳炙手可热的脸绘师。通过每天在素描本上的练习,近一年她把专注力放在了AI和PS数字绘画上。对于 Lexi来说艺术能帮她捕捉到只可意会不可言传的感受。Lexi是深圳一家drum&bass厂牌“慈声唱片”的官方艺术家。

Lexi Lei is a graphic artist from Hunan and creator of the series “Girl In Underwear”, which she publishes to Instagram (@meilaoban) on a regular basis. Since her first face-painting gig in early 2015, she has been in high demand on the event circuit.  Developing her talent every day in a sketchbook, she has recently crossed into the digital world with AI and PS. Art enables her to capture the feelings she cannot express with words. She studied by herself and is the official artist for the new Shenzhen drum & bass record label Mettāsonic.


预售 Presale: 30元

入场 Door: 50元

* 预售票含慈声唱片所有音乐CD *

* Presale includes a free Mettasonic CD *



(下沙站D出口 )

11A Ground Floor, Tairan Mansion, Tairan 8th Rd 

Xiasha Metro Station Exit D, Futian District, SZ

RSVP : +86 - 15817479767 

Email : info@oilsz.com

OIL 是位于深圳的新晋 Underground Club,致力于为南中国的地下音乐场景注入新鲜活力,呈现最好的先锋电子音乐现场,OIL有着中国地下俱乐部中首屈一指的声音系统以及灯光效果。在第一周的试营业,OIL已经迎来了柏林先锋制作人 mechatok,电子爵士神童Swindle,以及英国低音传奇和音乐厂牌 Hyperdub的老板 - Kode9。以及 DECISIONS主理人 Air Max '97。国内前沿厂牌 Genome6.66Mbp,和 Say Yes 呈现的俄罗斯 FullPanda 厂牌实力女将 Yuka,以及 Glasgow音乐人NIGHTWAVE,日本 UK Bass 推动者 Prettybwoy和上海制作人Swimful的助阵。


如果你在这买预售票,凭此在活动现场获得一张含有Mettāsonic • 慈声唱片所有音乐的CD。Buy presale and get a free Mettasonic CD with all of our music at the event. Thx for the support!

Fresh has been pushing underground music in Shenzhen since 2008. After starting with monthly drum & bass nights at True Color 25th floor, we branched out and hosted just about every kind of music under the sun. Never succumbing to commercial trends, Fresh is also the parent of Muzikbox and new label Mettasonic.

Frontline is another one of Shenzhen's original party crews, founded by DJ Curtain. After starting in 2009, with an emphasis on tight mixing, Frontline pioneered the infamous tunnel parties, and were also well known for their temple parties and beach parties.

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