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Entrepreneurship + Art/Design
2017年3月10日 星期五 18:30 至 21:00
Yale Center Beijing, 36th Floor, Tower B, IFC Building 耶鲁北京中心,北京建国门外大街8号国际财源中心B座36层 Tel: 59090200
主办方: the Yale Club of Beijing 更多活动

价格: ¥40 - 80

Entrepreneurship + Art/Design

价格: ¥40 - 80

Entrepreneurship + Art/Design
2017年3月10日 星期五 18:30 至 21:00
Yale Center Beijing, 36th Floor, Tower B, IFC Building 耶鲁北京中心,北京建国门外大街8号国际财源中心B座36层 Tel: 59090200
主办方: the Yale Club of Beijing 更多活动

价格: ¥40 - 80



Entrepreneurship + Art/Design

2017年3月10日 星期五 18:30 至 21:00 Yale Center Beijing, 36th Floor, Tower B, IFC Building 耶鲁北京中心,北京建国门外大街8号国际财源中心B座36层 Tel: 59090200

价格: ¥40 - 80

时间 地点

2017年3月10日 星期五 18:30 至 21:00

Yale Center Beijing, 36th Floor, Tower B, IFC Building 耶鲁北京中心,北京建国门外大街8号国际财源中心B座36层 Tel: 59090200 Yale Center Beijing, 36th Floor, Tower B, IFC Building 耶鲁北京中心,北京建国门外大街8号国际财源中心B座36层 Tel: 59090200


主办方 联系主办方

the Yale Club of Beijing

the Yale Club of Beijing

The Yale Club of Beijing was founded in 1995 and is a volunteer organization that aims to serve the Yale-affiliates and greater community in Beijing. We hold regular speaker series and other special events, charity projects in and beyond Beijing, and support Yale's programs and mission in China.

Questions, comments, and membership inquiries can be directed to

Please visit our website at yaleclubofbeijing.net to sign up for this newsletter. Both Yalies and friends are welcome to join our email list!




浏览: 4,294

Entrepreneurship + Art/Design

7:00-9:00pm, Friday, March 10

The Yale Club of Beijing invites you to an entrepreneurship panel discussion in the art and design field with alumni from Yale University and American University. The panelists will discuss their personal and professional experiences in entrepreneurship in Beijing with art and design. They will also take audience questions. When registering, please send us one or more questions for the panelists. 

Panelists include: 

Min Wang (YGSAS '88), Professor at China Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) and Vice Chair of CAFA’s Academic Committee

Jay Wang (AU '10), co-founder of Minds at Play

Aaron Berkovich (AU '12), founder of Peking Productions

The event will be moderated by Christina You from UCCA. 

Event details:
Date: Friday, March 10
Time: 6:30~7:00pm  Registration & Reception
          7:00~9:00pm  Panel Discussion and Q&A
Eligibility: This event is open to all. 
Language:  English
Costs:  On-line: RMB80 for regular admission or RMB40 for Yale/American U undergraduate college graduates of 2014 or later. Walk-ins: RMB100. 

Language: The event will be in Chinese with some English. 

About the Panelists:

Min Wang 王敏 

Min Wang is Professor at China Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in Beijing, and he is Vice Chair of CAFA’s Academic Committee. Min Wang was the Dean of School of Design at CAFA from 2003 to 2016, he was appointed by the Ministry of Education as Chang Jiang Scholars Professor in 2007 and he was Chair Professor at School of Design of Hong Kong PolyU in 2013. Min Wang was council member of Creative Economy, World Economic Forum and he is member of AGI (Alliance Graphique Internationale) and was President of AGI China Chapter from 2013 to 2016. Min was the Design Director for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Committee and the Director of Art Research Center for Olympic Games at CAFA. Under his leadership, the Center had created the medal, the pictogram, the color system, the image and identity guidelines, etc. for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Min was Vice President of ICOGRADA (the International Council of Graphic Design Associations).  He was the key person for organizing the ICOGRADA World Design Congress 2009. 

Min Wang is DeTao Master and partner at De Boer & Wang Studio in Shanghai. Min was the Design Director at Square Two Design in San Francisco from 1998 to 2003, he joined Square Two in 1998 after serving 8 years at Adobe as Design Manager, Senior Art Director, Graphic Designer. Min received MFA from Yale University in 1988 and he had been a visiting fellow in Germany. In 1989, he began lecturing in graphic design at Yale University, teaching graduate students until 1997. Min’s work has been exhibited internationally and in the collection of Museums. Square Two Design clients include: Adobe, IBM, Intel, Netscape, and Stanford University.

中央美术学院长江学者特聘教授,博导,中央美术学院学术委员会副主任。曾任中央美院设计学院院长、香港理工大学设计学院讲座教授、AGI中国区主席、AGI 执行理事、国际平面设计联合会副主席。2001 年参与北京市申奥工作,设计北京申奥多媒体陈述报告。2004建立中央美院奥运艺术研究中心并任主任,奥运艺术研究中心完成了奥运会体育图标、奥运会奖牌、奥运形象规范手册、奥运色彩系统、奥运门票、火炬接力景观等项目的设计。2006年10月至2008年10月任北京奥组委形象与景观艺术总监,负责奥运形象与景观设计工作。由于奥运艺术研究中心的工作,中央美术学院2009年获得了国务院嘉奖。
自2003年王敏担任中央美术学院设计学院院长后,学院规模扩大三倍,从正式成立至2009年仅用七年时间便被美国商业周刊评为世界最好三十所设计学院之一。王敏被聘为中国艺术研究院研究生院特聘教授、上海美术学院特聘教授、广州美术学院、上海视觉艺术学院客座教授。2009年作为学术总监与主要发起人负责申请、筹备、举办了ICOGRADA 北京世界设计大会与首届北京设计周。王敏是国际平面设计师协会(AGI)会员;世界经济论坛创意经济理事会理事;北京奥运城市发展促进会会员;2009被北京市评为突出贡献专家;德稻品牌、公共空间与视觉传达设计大师,王敏与博恩工作室合伙人。
王敏1977 年考入中国美术学院,后留学于德国柏林艺术大学与美国耶鲁大学艺术学院。曾任教于美国耶鲁大学艺术学院并担任世界最大出版设计软件公司Adobe 高级艺术指导与设计总管,负责公司设计工作。1998-2003年做为两方设计合伙人与设计总监在旧金山与硅谷为很多高科技公司做品牌形象与产品交互设计,客户包括Intel, IBM, Adobe, Netscape, HTC, 以及斯坦福大学。作品多次参加国际重大展览并获奖,作品被多家博物馆收藏;多次被邀请作为设计比赛评委;在世界多地举办过学术讲座,主持过很多与设计相关的学术活动。

Jay Wang 王造玢

Born in China and raised in the US, Jay has lived in the intersection of these two cultures his entire life. He made his way to Beijing after graduating from American University in 2010, obtaining his masters in international relations at Peking University and working at a variety of different startups and NGOs in the meantime. He has since found his calling in the world of improvised theater, where he leads Beijing Improv into a new era of "impactful" comedy. In the 5 years that he has spent learning, performing, and teaching improv, Jay has worked with a variety of different organizations, including: PlusOne bilingual improv troupe, Beijing Improv, Kaixin Mahua comedy group, and Upright Citizens Brigade (UCB) New York. Jay's latest project Minds at Play, a creative-based corporate training startup, has already successfully run a series of improv-based workshops for a variety of different clients in the few months since launching in late 2016. 

出生于中国,在纽约成长的王造玢(Jay)从小就在中西两个文化之间生活。2010年本科毕业于美利坚大学后去北大读研,之后在一系列创业团队与NGO工作。自从5年前接触到即兴话剧之后,他充满激情地投入做有“影响力”的喜剧,率领北京即兴(BJI)改变更多人的思维方式。在这段时间里,他曾在纽约的Upright Citizens Brigade (UCB)学院学习与表演即兴,带领过北京PlusOne双语即兴团队在北京演出,并且在开心麻花教素人即兴课程。在2016年年底,Jay和朋友一起创立了思维工坊(Minds at Play)创意性企业培训组织,通过即兴工作坊的方式给团队带来欢乐的软实力培训。

Aaron Berkovich

Since arriving in China nearly five years ago, Aaron has been immersed in the ever evolving world of creative production and consulting. Inspired to come to China by the rapid cultural, economic and historical changes driving the Middle Kingdom into the 21st century, Aaron has dedicated countless hours to documenting and sharing these insights with commercial and public audiences. 

Using skills honed as a photojournalist and producer in Washington DC, and with myriad clients and projects in China under his belt, including photographing the Hangzhou G20 and ASEM Conferences for the European Union, photographing a campaign to launch Rise of the Tomb Raider for Xbox, teaching for national geographic student expeditions, and completing a documentary for Audi, Aaron continues to strive to use visual media to bridge language and culture gaps across global boundaries.

After founding Peking Productions, Aaron has built a strong network of creative producers across China, and facilitates storytelling and content creation to corporate and private clients across multitudes of industries. Beyond providing marketing and content solutions, Peking Productions is also actively involved in supporting charitable initiatives through storytelling, and event organizations. 


About the Moderator:

Christina You 
In her role as the Senior Development Manager, Christina is responsible for the museum’s outreach strategy, fundraising and sponsorship programs, as well as relevant special projects, marketing and communications. Prior to joining UCCA, Christina spent time in various professional capacities at Christie’s, Sotheby’s, and Philips, as well as the New York Community Trust, a nonprofit organization based in New York City. She holds a Master's degree in Arts Management from Columbia University, and a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Arts from Wesleyan University, where she was a recipient of Freeman Asian Scholarship.






The Yale Club of Beijing was founded in 1995 and is a volunteer organization that aims to serve the Yale-affiliates and greater community in Beijing. We hold regular speaker series and other special events, charity projects in and beyond Beijing, and support Yale's programs and mission in China.

Questions, comments, and membership inquiries can be directed to

Please visit our website at yaleclubofbeijing.net to sign up for this newsletter. Both Yalies and friends are welcome to join our email list!


