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道瑜伽 TaoYoga

价格: 免费 - ¥555

2018年11月11日 星期日 17:00 至 18:30
舒适装着、可以自带瑜伽垫子或使用场地提供的圆坐垫;如果有过敏或任何身体状况请提前沟通。Please wear comfortable clothing for practice; you may use our meditation and practice mats or choose to bring your own. If you have any allergies or health conditions, please let us know in advance.
水上华城•滨河世家 北京东城区夕照寺中街16号
主办方: Artful艺术生活Living 更多活动

价格: 免费 - ¥555

道瑜伽 TaoYoga

2018年11月11日 星期日 17:00 至 18:30 水上华城•滨河世家 北京东城区夕照寺中街16号

价格: 免费 - ¥555

时间 地点

2018年11月11日 星期日 17:00 至 18:30

水上华城•滨河世家 北京东城区夕照寺中街16号 水上华城•滨河世家 北京东城区夕照寺中街16号


主办方 联系主办方



紅線國際是一個藝術 (redthread.cn) 慈善 (eduthread.org) 項目


對美的感觸是我們全人類的一個共同點,紅線國際通過一種artful藝術生活living的理念,促成優秀藝人與藝術愛好者之間的連接、我們與自己身體、 環境、其他生物、甚至與大自然之間的連接。我們為提供解決方案的個人與組織給予不同層面 、深度的支持,通過一個藝術生活的平台,為世界帶來一個更美好、更健康的未來。 

Redthread International is a part of an art (redthread.cn) and charity (eduthread.org) project. 

Through arts and culture, we promote a philosophy of Art of Living, enriching the mind, body, and soul through a variety of community engagement activities, events, and initiatives. 

Response to the aesthetics is a commonality we all share, and through what's common between us, Redthread Int’l makes connections not only between art and art lovers, but also important connections we have with our bodies, health, our environment, and all life on this planet. We support organizations and individuals providing solutions at various levels through a platform for collaborations, for a better, healthier, more artful life. 


Follow us on WeChat


Nancy Zhou (Beijing/California) is a unique teacher who is passionate about health and wellbeing and is the only certified TaoYoga instructor in China.  Nancy has an eclectic background in finance, education, arts, philanthropy, Indian yoga and more.  Through teaching the TaoYoga Arts System, Nancy wishes to bring more harmony and balance both within ourselves and all that surrounds us in life. 

Nancy是一位在北京出生、和爸爸在美国加州长大的中国人;在健康及生活品质方面极具热忱。她具有在美国Wall Street金融公司4年的理财经历,2007年回到了中国,归根祖国并投入于教育事业,在国际教育领域做了10年多的贡献,具有世界权威的教师和教育管理资质和学历,也是中国唯一获得道瑜伽资质认证的职业教练。现在从事着教育、艺术、慈善、道瑜伽等公益活动。通过她的付出,Nancy希望可以给我们以及周围的人带来更多的身心健康与青春活力。






浏览: 838




Experience the Way of 

TaoYoga Arts

drawn from the Ancient Taoist Tradition to 

assist you in self healing, 

restoring vibrant health,

and self transformation...


道瑜伽是中国古代道家养生藝術的現代呈現, 運用柔韧和富有张力的身体運動、伸展、呼吸、形象和冥想、平衡与協調,达到強健和療愈身體的作用。

TaoYoga Arts is a Modern Expression of the ancient Taoist Arts of Mind-Body harmony that uses gentle movement, stretches, breath work, visualization and meditation to balance, harmonize, strengthen and heal the body.

道瑜伽養生藝術體系由傑西•李•派克設計。傑西•李•派克从13岁师从国内外多名道教大师研习各种道教养生之术、融汇近40年的所学精华高度提煉;包括自我療愈、自我轉化和靈性深度提高的方法,所有這些都是在現代語境中呈現的, 但卻遵循著過去道教大師的古老理論和公式,為當代第二十一世紀的現代人提供了一套清晰易懂的當代道家養生模式。

TaoYoga Arts System has been designed by Jesse Lee Parker to give a contemporary Taoist Practice for modern day people in the 21st Century in a clear and easy to understand format. TaoYoga Arts System has been highly refined by Jesse Lee Parker, and includes in-depth methods of self-healing, self transformation and spiritual development – all are presented in a modern context, yet follows the Ancient Theory & Formula of the Past Taoist Masters of Old.

道瑜伽培養和喚醒 "氣" 或宇宙癒合能量帶來的微妙、和諧、 健康、平衡的狀態。氣的能量可以被認為是所有生命的根本本質、整個宇宙的構成。

TaoYoga Arts cultivates and awakens the "Qi" or the Universal Healing Energy within the practitioner – bringing one to a subtle state of harmony, health and balance. Qi Energy can be thought of as the underlying essence of all life, all form and literally the very fabric of the entire universe.

. . . 道遵循自然的方式 . . . 

. . . Tao Follows The Way Of Nature . . . 


Benefits of TaoYoga

  • 深度放松,改变身体状态,获得深层次的生命动力

            Transform the Body & Gain a deep level of Flexibility     

  • 增加身体的自愈能力

            Increase Healing Energy in the body    

  • 帮助人感到更年轻自信,积极和富有活力

            Help one to feel more youthful, positive and vibrant

  • 保持内在的心灵和谐与平和的心态

            Gain the experience of a Still & Quiet Mind 

  • 加强和平衡身体的免疫功能和内分泌系统

            Balance the Hormonal System

  • 激活和发挥身体潜在的能量

            Activate and Develop the Energy Centers

  • 獲得散發美丽和年轻態的光芒

            Gain a beautiful and youthful radiance

  • 加深天人相应的的内心连接

            Deepen one's Heart Connection with Nature

  • 提高内在的和谐与平靜

            Develop Inner Harmony & Peace

  • 实现身体、心灵和精神的和谐统一

            Unify Body, Mind & Spirit

  • 治愈情绪创伤

            Heal Emotional Trauma

  • 加强免疫系统

            Strengthen the Immune System

  • 赋权 灵气场

            Empower the Aura Field    

  • 獲得深度放松

            Gain a deep relaxation

  • 在日常生活中实现和保持快乐健康的良好状态

            Gain a happy and healthy condition in daily life 

Group Size: max 5 people

班级大小: 最多5人





紅線國際是一個藝術 (redthread.cn) 慈善 (eduthread.org) 項目


對美的感觸是我們全人類的一個共同點,紅線國際通過一種artful藝術生活living的理念,促成優秀藝人與藝術愛好者之間的連接、我們與自己身體、 環境、其他生物、甚至與大自然之間的連接。我們為提供解決方案的個人與組織給予不同層面 、深度的支持,通過一個藝術生活的平台,為世界帶來一個更美好、更健康的未來。 

Redthread International is a part of an art (redthread.cn) and charity (eduthread.org) project. 

Through arts and culture, we promote a philosophy of Art of Living, enriching the mind, body, and soul through a variety of community engagement activities, events, and initiatives. 

Response to the aesthetics is a commonality we all share, and through what's common between us, Redthread Int’l makes connections not only between art and art lovers, but also important connections we have with our bodies, health, our environment, and all life on this planet. We support organizations and individuals providing solutions at various levels through a platform for collaborations, for a better, healthier, more artful life. 


Follow us on WeChat


Nancy Zhou (Beijing/California) is a unique teacher who is passionate about health and wellbeing and is the only certified TaoYoga instructor in China.  Nancy has an eclectic background in finance, education, arts, philanthropy, Indian yoga and more.  Through teaching the TaoYoga Arts System, Nancy wishes to bring more harmony and balance both within ourselves and all that surrounds us in life. 

Nancy是一位在北京出生、和爸爸在美国加州长大的中国人;在健康及生活品质方面极具热忱。她具有在美国Wall Street金融公司4年的理财经历,2007年回到了中国,归根祖国并投入于教育事业,在国际教育领域做了10年多的贡献,具有世界权威的教师和教育管理资质和学历,也是中国唯一获得道瑜伽资质认证的职业教练。现在从事着教育、艺术、慈善、道瑜伽等公益活动。通过她的付出,Nancy希望可以给我们以及周围的人带来更多的身心健康与青春活力。


