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悠航鲜啤家庭日 - 儿童剧院 | Slow Boat Family Day - Kid's Theater

价格: ¥150 - 200

2018年6月2日 星期六 12:00 至 15:00
悠航鲜啤三里屯店内3层 | Slow Boat Sanlitun Brewpub 3F
主办方: Slow Boat Brewery 悠航鲜啤 更多活动

价格: ¥150 - 200

悠航鲜啤家庭日 - 儿童剧院 | Slow Boat Family Day - Kid's Theater

2018年6月2日 星期六 12:00 至 15:00 悠航鲜啤三里屯店内3层 | Slow Boat Sanlitun Brewpub 3F

价格: ¥150 - 200

时间 地点

2018年6月2日 星期六 12:00 至 15:00

悠航鲜啤三里屯店内3层 | Slow Boat Sanlitun Brewpub 3F 悠航鲜啤三里屯店内3层 | Slow Boat Sanlitun Brewpub 3F


主办方 联系主办方

Slow Boat Brewery 悠航鲜啤

Slow Boat Brewery 悠航鲜啤

Join us on Saturday, June 2 from 12PM to 3PM for Slow Boat Family Day! The theme is “Kid’s Theater” and we our proud to once again support Dew Drops Little Flower through the event.

We’ll have hand puppet crafts, a play stage, costumes and props, and story telling for the little ones. Parents can enjoy any brunch item plus tea, coffee, or a beer for 150 RMB for one parent or 200 RMB for two parents. Bring any number of children for free! Your ticket includes brunch and a drink, your child’s brunch, access to the craft table and material fees.

In addition to donating a portion of ticket sales to Dew Drops Little Flower, we encourage our guests to bring items for donation to Dew Drops. We’ll have a donation box onsite where you may leave the items. Find a list of their most needed items below.

See you in June!

各位大朋友们和小朋友们,让大家久等了!悠航鲜啤全新家庭日活动将于6月2日隆重举行!本次活动主题是:儿童小剧场!于此同时,我们还很荣幸的宣布本次家庭日活动我们仍将会帮助我们的老朋友 - 小水滴新生慈善项目。



Hand soap 洗手液
Clothes washing powder 洗衣粉
Paper towel 擦手纸
Wet wipes 湿纸巾
Poly-Vi-Sol with iron

Hand Sanitizer


010 6592 5388




浏览: 1,742





Join us on Saturday, June 2 from 12PM to 3PM for Slow Boat Family Day! The theme is “Kid’s Theater” and we our proud to once again support Dew Drops Little Flower through the event.

We’ll have hand puppet crafts, a play stage, costumes and props, and story telling for the little ones. Parents can enjoy any brunch item plus tea, coffee, or a beer for 150 RMB for one parent or 200 RMB for two parents. Bring any number of children for free! Your ticket includes brunch and a drink, your child’s brunch, access to the craft table and material fees.

In addition to donating a portion of ticket sales to Dew Drops Little Flower, we encourage our guests to bring items for donation to Dew Drops. We’ll have a donation box onsite where you may leave the items. Find a list of their most needed items below.

See you in June!

各位大朋友们和小朋友们,让大家久等了!悠航鲜啤全新家庭日活动将于6月2日隆重举行!本次活动主题是:儿童小剧场!于此同时,我们还很荣幸的宣布本次家庭日活动我们仍将会帮助我们的老朋友 - 小水滴新生慈善项目。



Hand soap 洗手液
Clothes washing powder 洗衣粉
Paper towel 擦手纸
Wet wipes 湿纸巾
Poly-Vi-Sol with iron

Hand Sanitizer


