MEGA City | Shanghai Demographics and Smart Cities
2021年9月8日 星期三 17:00 至 19:30 BoConcept Flagship Store in Shanghai HongKong Plaza, L1-07, 283 Huaihai Middle Rd
Price: ¥80 - 150
2021年9月8日 星期三 17:00 至 19:30
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Danish Chamber of Commerce in China
Danish Chamber of Commerce in China
The Danish Chamber of Commerce (DCCC) serves as a platform to foster connections, promote commercial/industrial relations and trade between Denmark and China.
Views: 1,235
For the first event of the MEGA city series, we are pleased to invite Jacob Aldaco, Commercial and Innovation Director of SmartShanghai, and Martin Rune Hoxer, Executive Director of the Innovation Centre Denmark Shanghai to share with us on the topic of Shanghai's Demographics and China's Smart Cities.
SmartShanghai is a platform with a large penetration rate amongst foreign international residents and during this event, they will open up some of their data sets to look at different segments of Shanghai. Insights into user demographics, technology shifts, differences in tech use between foreign residents and locals, and fascinating industry trends and insights. Is the expat population a dying breed? What industries have learned/grown as a result of the pandemic? How might populations be impacted by coming policies changes?
Following this, the Innovation Centre Denmark will share details about the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities. They will share China's Smart City strategy and policies looking at case examples from a variety of Chinese mega cities and discuss how Danish companies can stand out and do more business.
We look forward to seeing you at this insightful evening learning more about Shanghai and megacities.
Event details
Date: 8th September, Wednesday, 17:00-19:30
Location: BoConcept Flagship Store in Shanghai
HongKong Plaza, L1-07, 283 Huaihai Middle Rd
Ticket: 80 for members, 150 for non-members
Incl. a drink & canapes
- Jacob Aldaco, Commercial and Innovation Director of SmartShanghai
- Martin Rune Hoxer, Executive Director of Innovation Centre Denmark Shanghai
17:00 – 17:15 Registration
17:15 – 17:20 DCCC Introduction
17:20 – 18:00 Jacob Aldaco, SmartShanghai – Shanghai Demographics
18:00 – 18:20 Q&A
18:20 – 18:45 Martin Rune Hoxer, Innovation Center DK – Smart City & Danish Solutions
18:45 – 19:00 Q&A
19:00 – 19:30 Networking
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The Danish Chamber of Commerce (DCCC) serves as a platform to foster connections, promote commercial/industrial relations and trade between Denmark and China.