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The psychology of wealth creation with Adrian Cahill
2019年10月16日 星期三 19:00 至 21:00
@Wework, 819 West Nanjing Road, 3F Metro Stations: West Nanjing Road (line 2, 12 and 13, exit 2)
主办方: MOTIVATE Shanghai 更多活动

价格: ¥150

The psychology of wealth creation with Adrian Cahill

价格: ¥150

The psychology of wealth creation with Adrian Cahill
2019年10月16日 星期三 19:00 至 21:00
@Wework, 819 West Nanjing Road, 3F Metro Stations: West Nanjing Road (line 2, 12 and 13, exit 2)
主办方: MOTIVATE Shanghai 更多活动

价格: ¥150



The psychology of wealth creation with Adrian Cahill

2019年10月16日 星期三 19:00 至 21:00 @Wework, 819 West Nanjing Road, 3F Metro Stations: West Nanjing Road (line 2, 12 and 13, exit 2)

价格: ¥150

时间 地点

2019年10月16日 星期三 19:00 至 21:00

@Wework, 819 West Nanjing Road, 3F Metro Stations: West Nanjing Road (line 2, 12 and 13, exit 2) @Wework, 819 West Nanjing Road, 3F Metro Stations: West Nanjing Road (line 2, 12 and 13, exit 2)


主办方 联系主办方



MOTIVATE Shanghai runs weekly community driven self-development meetups and occasional full day training session. Each week a different topic from different facilitators. Welcome to join us for food, discussion and a warm, supportive atmosphere.

MOTIVATE Shanghai Ticket Policy 

All tickets are purchased through Yoopay. (If you can not please email for a quick response from the team) 

Tickets often sell out so best to buy in advance.

Tickets are non-refundable once sold. 

Dinner will be included for those who book before 11am the Sunday before the event only. Thank you for your understanding.

Find us on...

WeChat:  motivateshanghai

Email:  team@motivateshanghai.com

Website: www.motivateshanghai.com

Weibo: https://weibo.com/motivateshanghai

Facebook: https://facebook.com/motivateshanghai/

Instagram: #motivateshanghai






浏览: 513

Everyone has a story they tell themselves. Those stories, and the beliefs we hold onto to make that story a reality define who we are. The funny thing about beliefs though, is that they change. If we learn something new, we might change what we believe about that subject. It stands to reason, then, that we should be able to change what we believe about ourselves as well, right?
Easier said than done.
Our beliefs define who we are, even when those beliefs stop serving us. Everyone has a set of core beliefs. Those core beliefs can be changed, but it usually takes a lot of work. It’s difficult, but by no means impossible. Money, and our beliefs surrounding it, normally form a part of that core.

I am a big fan of books like 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' by Robert Kiyosaki. I remember reading his book, 'Retire Young, Retire Rich' in 2003. It challenged my beliefs about money, and helped me to change them.

In just a couple of years I went from a net wealth of $0, to $100k. I followed some simple strategies and was able to exit the Rat Race early. I experienced huge success, and felt hugely motivated to share what I had learned.

I told my friends, I told my colleges, and I told my family everything I was doing. I encouraged them, and pushed them to make the same simple changes I did, and share in the success I was experiencing.

Yet they didn't.

In that book I read in 2003, Robert predicted the coming financial crisis that defined the 2000s. If you watch movies like 'The Big Short', or 'The China Hustle' on Netflix, it's evident we’re probably due another one.

Mainstream media, multinational investment companies, and families all around the world have it wrong time and time again, whilst a select a few are able to cash in.

Now you can be one of them.

If you’re like most people, this workshop will be excellent for you. The problem is, like most people, you won’t attend, because you’ll probably be too busy on your phone, or busy hustling so you can hustle in a nicer suit next year.

If you have above average net worth, you will have a blast at this workshop.

If you don't know your net worth, bring a notepad, your partner and best friend. They will love you for it.

Fair warning: I may insult some people.

What you’ll take from this workshop
Changing your beliefs around money is necessary. If those beliefs don’t serve you, discard them. Throughout the course of this workshop, you will:
• Understand why most people are not financially free, but should be.
• Learn how I exited the rat race pre-30's with no schemes.
• Learn 2 ways I would do it again, in a fraction of the time.
• Understand how coaches, trainers, and freelancers can earn and serve more ethically

About the facilitator
Adrian Cahill is an ICF certified executive coach, and NLP Trainer, certified by Dr. John Grinder, the co-creator of NLP. Adrian works with business owners, founders, entrepreneurs from all over the world in helping them to achieve their ambitions faster and more effectively. Through combining emotional intelligence, positive psychology, mindfulness, and NLP, Adrian works with people who take action and unlocks their full potential.





MOTIVATE Shanghai runs weekly community driven self-development meetups and occasional full day training session. Each week a different topic from different facilitators. Welcome to join us for food, discussion and a warm, supportive atmosphere.

MOTIVATE Shanghai Ticket Policy 

All tickets are purchased through Yoopay. (If you can not please email for a quick response from the team) 

Tickets often sell out so best to buy in advance.

Tickets are non-refundable once sold. 

Dinner will be included for those who book before 11am the Sunday before the event only. Thank you for your understanding.

Find us on...

WeChat:  motivateshanghai

Email:  team@motivateshanghai.com

Website: www.motivateshanghai.com

Weibo: https://weibo.com/motivateshanghai

Facebook: https://facebook.com/motivateshanghai/

Instagram: #motivateshanghai


