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Latest Trends 
in China’s 
Retail Tech (FULL)

价格: 免费

2018年7月31日 星期二 18:30 至 21:00
Wework, West Nanjing Road, 3F (entrance is 158 Wujiang Road, MTR exit 3 - in front of Wagas)
主办方: Le Wagon Shanghai - Coding Bootcamp 更多活动

价格: 免费

Latest Trends 
in China’s 
Retail Tech (FULL)

2018年7月31日 星期二 18:30 至 21:00 Wework, West Nanjing Road, 3F (entrance is 158 Wujiang Road, MTR exit 3 - in front of Wagas)

价格: 免费

时间 地点

2018年7月31日 星期二 18:30 至 21:00

Wework, West Nanjing Road, 3F (entrance is 158 Wujiang Road, MTR exit 3 - in front of Wagas) Wework, West Nanjing Road, 3F (entrance is 158 Wujiang Road, MTR exit 3 - in front of Wagas)


主办方 联系主办方

Le Wagon Shanghai - Coding Bootcamp

Le Wagon Shanghai - Coding Bootcamp

Le Wagon is a global community for startups, creative people and digital entrepreneurs. We are a network of 3000+ tech professionals, active in 29 cities: Paris, Barcelona, Sao Paulo, London, Chengdu, Shanghai...

Our mission is to bring technical skills to creative people. To make code accessible so more people want to play around with it and build fun, exciting new things!






浏览: 1,543

China, without doubt, is taking the lead in Retail Tech!

Chinese firms like Alibaba, Tencent and JD.com are experimenting with various forms of tech-driven ‘new retail’ in the O2O world, making the industry more dynamic than ever.

Enabled by emerging technologies such as big data, mobile payment, sensors and artificial intelligence (AI), new retailers are closing the gap between the digital and physical world for consumers.

In this special Le Wagon meetup for all retailers, technologists, and entrepreneurs, we gather the industry to meet with two experts: Diego Fernandez, Global Leadership Associate at Alibaba Group and Li Bo, CEO of Heyshop.

Together we aim to review the technologies you can adopt to stay competitive in the new retail revolution!


Part 1

How New Retail concepts like Hema 盒马 disrupted the offline and online shopping experience
Big Data as a step-changing enabler of Smart Cities and Industry

Part 2

OMO (Online merge offline): how New Retail connect users, experience, marketing and marketplace
What kind of data should New Retailers focus on

#####Meetup schedule#####

Tuesday, 31st July 2018

06:30 - 07:15 PM

07:15 - 07:40 PM
Diego Fernandez (Alibaba group)

07:45 - 08:10 PM
Li Bo (Heyshop)

08:10 - 08:30 PM
Group Q&A

08:30 - 09:00 PM

We welcome guests from different backgrounds to join us for the discussion: founders, retail managers, strategists, marketers, journalists, and of course engineers... It will be a great occasion to meet people from the industry and enjoy a night of learning!

Diego Fernande
Diego heads business developments for Alibaba’s Tianchi Platform (Data Sciences) and used to be business development manager for Spain & Latin America for Aliexpress. He is also part of Alibaba’s Global Leadership Program, based in Hangzhou. Before Alibaba, Diego worked as Finance Analyst for Procter & Gamble in London and earnt his MBA at CEIBS in Shanghai. He is originally from Spain and enjoys sailing & scuba diving in his free time.

Li Bo
Li Bo is the CEO of HeyShop. Gained a Master Degree of Computer Science from the University of Illinois, he is also a member of the League of China's chief Data Scientists. He has extensive experience working with large brands including Bayer pharmaceutical, Sears and Lockheed Martinas as Big Data Business Intelligence consultant.

In 2016, Li Bo co-founded Heyshop, an e-commerce platform which allows retailers to set up virtual stores without having to know coding or design. Leveraging its technology and large e-commerce client base, HeyShop went further and stepped into New Retailer space. Its data-driven "shared retail model" aims to bring online celebrity brands to offline and bring consumers a different and rich new retail experience.

##### See you there? #####





Le Wagon is a global community for startups, creative people and digital entrepreneurs. We are a network of 3000+ tech professionals, active in 29 cities: Paris, Barcelona, Sao Paulo, London, Chengdu, Shanghai...

Our mission is to bring technical skills to creative people. To make code accessible so more people want to play around with it and build fun, exciting new things!


