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7月7日 Friday 星期五
SPLASHH New Album "WAITING FOR A LIFETIME" First China Tour - Beijing
成组于2012年澳洲郊区。Sasha Carlson和小伙伴Toto Vivian作为核心搭档,俩人从青少年时期就开始一起做音乐,说来也没多久,就是几年前。
他们首张专辑《Comfort》发行于2013年,广受好评,而这张专也是完全由他们自己在伦敦的家中录音棚完成的。他们一跃成为如NME, BBC, CLASH, The Guardian, Clash, Drowned in Sound, Q等多家权威媒体的新宠。乐队紧接着一路巡演至英国、欧洲、美国和澳洲,获粉无数。
2015年,乐队不断往返于伦敦和纽约,根据不同创作的环境来捕捉新灵感。这种“自我放逐”式的创作方式,加之独特的城市性格,让他们的音乐也焕然一新。随着新成员Jaie Gonzalez和Tom Beal以及Deerhunter、War On Drugs、Animal Collective等乐队制作人Nicolas Vernhes的加入,这张《Waiting A Lifetime》可谓是乐队呕心沥血准备的精品。这第二张专辑已由Sony音乐旗下厂牌 Cinematic Music Group于今年4月14号发行。
另外值得一提的是这张专辑的设计美学。专辑封面是由知名雕塑艺术大师Lucien Smith亲自创作完成实品,并拍摄为乐队使用。加之第一轮宣传照全部出于纽约正火的时尚摄影师Zachary Chick之手,人们熟知的坂本龙一、Babymetal、DIIV的主唱Cole以及Beach Fossils的贝斯手Jack及女友都是他的御用模特。
Splashh was formed in 2012 by friends Sasha Carlson and Toto Vivian. The pair have been making music together since they were teenagers in the suburbs of Australia, which to be fair, was only a few years ago.
Their debut album, Comfort, recorded entirely on their own with a home studio in their London flat, was released in 2013 to critical acclaim. With praise from NME, BBC, CLASH, The Guardian, Clash, Drowned in Sound, Q, and many other tastemakers, the band hit the road in support of the album touring extensively through the UK, Europe, America and Australia.
In 2015, the band divided themselves between London and New York City for a time of "self-imposed exile to write.” The idea being that the time apart, and the different influences of the two cities, would bring a new dimension to the music. With the addition of new members Jaie Gonzalez and Tom Beal, plus the production skills of Nicolas Vernhes (War on Drugs, Deerhunter, Dirty Projectors), the sound that this creative time had cultivated has been beautifully captured on Waiting A Lifetime. Their sophomore effort will be released by Cinematic Music Group on April 14, 2017.
"When we first went in the studio, we had a different idea of how we wanted the record to sound,” says Vivian. "We had been sitting with the demos for 3 years, so we had an idea of what we thought the album should sound like. When we went into the studio with Nicolas, we started fresh and tore the songs apart. It was a lot of fun to experiment and take it as far as we could. It was liberating.”
Adding another layer to the album is the band’s aesthetic. The album artwork is by artist Lucien Smith, who created original works of sculpture he then photographed for the band to use. The first round of press photos is by rising photographer Zachary Chick.
The band now has the resources to preach their gospel worldwide, and will be touring extensively in support of their release.
晚9点 // 160元(现场)/ 120(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 9 // Rmb 160 (door) / 120 (presage | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)