beijingkids and 菁Kids 10th Halloween Costume Party
Saturday, October 29 09:30 to Sunday, October 30, 2016 16:00 Canadian International School of Beijing
Price: ¥150 - 250
Saturday, October 29 09:30 to Sunday, October 30, 2016 16:00
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True Run Media
True Run Media
Views: 9,145
Every year so far has been a sell-out, so get your tickets early before they run out. There's discounts for groups (20% off for 6 or more, 40% off for 11 or more), so get your friends on the horn and bring a crowd! 每一年的万圣节化妆派对门票都很快被抢购一空,所以,为了体验最纯正的万圣节文化,强烈建议您提前买票。我们特别推出了团体优惠价,6人以上购买可以享受门票8折优惠,11人以上可以享受6折优惠。所以,呼朋引伴就是现在!
This year, expect to be spooked and have fun with the following (让孩子充分感受万圣节的每一个环节,是我们的化妆派对的宗旨。今年的万圣节化妆派对,将有以下精彩环节):
This is the can't-miss event of the season!
There's a total of 4 sessions this year at the Canadian International School of Beijing (这场不容错过的万圣节活动,一共有四场,分为上午场和下午场):
10/29: Saturday Morning (周六上午场): 9:30-11:3010/30: Sunday Afternoon (周日下午场): 14:00-16:00
Also: Professional babysitting/childcare is not provided on site, so all children must be accompanied by an adult or guardian.
For any general queries regarding this event, please contact the Beijinger's marketing department by emailing:; furthermore, you can reach us directly at 5934-6708
如果您有任何关于这项活动的疑问, 请直发邮件至thebeijinger市场部:, 或者您可以直接致电5934-6708
Another Way to Buy Tickets (其他购票方式):
Not accustomed to making purchases online? If so, you can also buy a good old fashioned paper ticket at the reception desk of Sanfine International Hospital (Bldg 4 Shimao International Center, 13 Gongti Beilu, 6413 6688, click here for map). This payment option is only available after Oct. 10
如果您不喜欢网上购票, 可以直接在我们的官方售票点北京善方医院购票(北京朝阳区工体北路13号院世茂国际中心4号楼, 010-6413 6688)这个付款方式只在10月10号之后有效。
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