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TED Talks for Designers: Meet the tools and magic of TED
Sunday, January 17, 2016 14:00 to 17:00
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Organizer: Successful Design Organization More Events

Price: ¥100 - 125

TED Talks for Designers: Meet the tools and magic of TED

Price: ¥100 - 125

TED Talks for Designers: Meet the tools and magic of TED
Sunday, January 17, 2016 14:00 to 17:00
SOLD OUT! RESPONSE BEYOND OUR EXPECTATIONS! PLEASE JOIN THIS WAITING LIST! so we can contact you for the next event! Details not yet available. Thanks for your patience!
Organizer: Successful Design Organization More Events

Price: ¥100 - 125



TED Talks for Designers: Meet the tools and magic of TED

Sunday, January 17, 2016 14:00 to 17:00 SOLD OUT! RESPONSE BEYOND OUR EXPECTATIONS! PLEASE JOIN THIS WAITING LIST! so we can contact you for the next event! Details not yet available. Thanks for your patience!

Price: ¥100 - 125

When & Where

Sunday, January 17, 2016 14:00 to 17:00

SOLD OUT! RESPONSE BEYOND OUR EXPECTATIONS! PLEASE JOIN THIS WAITING LIST! so we can contact you for the next event! Details not yet available. Thanks for your patience! SOLD OUT! RESPONSE BEYOND OUR EXPECTATIONS! PLEASE JOIN THIS WAITING LIST! so we can contact you for the next event! Details not yet available. Thanks for your patience!
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Successful Design Organization

Successful Design Organization

Hosted by Successful Design Organization

Delivered by Emerge Consulting's Larry Schuster

Contact: Larry Schuster,

phone and wechat: 13764669268


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Views: 3,433

TEDx Talks for Designers
An intro to the tools and magic of TED

An Emerge Consulting Event featuring Senior Consultant and Executive Speech Coach Larry Schuster

Sponsored and hosted by Successful Designs Organization

What is the point of a speech or a presentation if no one can remember it or no one cares?

The very best TED Talks solve that common problem. TED Talks have now been viewed 1 billions times. Because the very best are memorable and inspiring. In some cases, they have changed the life of the speaker, because the speech was so successful at delivering a message that touched the audience.

 How could that be? They don’t do what most people do. Most people don’t really know how to build an engaging speech. They’re guessing. And the world is full of non-speakers copying other non-speakers. And that’s a short cut to disaster and deep disappointment for delivering what an audience really wants and hopes from you.

If you want magic in your speech, don't guess!

In this three hour-workshop, you will learn:

  • The key elements that all the very best TED Talks have in common. These are the keys that drive people to view these speeches again and again.
  • A few secrets about how they made magic happen, so you can start to apply that same magic in your own speaking.
  • How your speech concept might meet the “TED” standard. We’ll invite several speakers from the audience to test out their concepts for the entire audience and your coach to let you know whether your idea has potential to engage and inspire an audience for 18 minutes, the standard length of a TED Talk. So please come prepared to share your message in 60 seconds.

And you’ll learn by watching and analyzing video clips of TED design-related and other TED and non-TED talks, so you can feel how these same speaking approaches are used to deliver memorable messages that matter to their audiences.

What can happen -- if you don't guess!
Imagine giving a speech on a topic that would not interest most general audiences. At an event, such as a TED conference that prohibits fundraising of any kind.

But instead, you received the longest standing ovation in the history of that event. And attracted $1 million in contributions for your particular mission. And you didn’t ask for it? You didn’t use PPT. Not one slide. And the video of your speech attracted a worldwide audience of millions.

That happened to Bryan Stevenson, a speaker at a TED event in 2012. In his speech, he recalled a touching moment when his grandmother took him aside to tell him he was special. He later was shocked to learn, “She told all the grandkids they were special.” With that, he engaged the audience to listen to his more serious legal topic.

If you are reading this, I believe you or someone you know have an important message to deliver to the world, now or in the future. That will make a profound difference for the speaker and the audience.

Who should attend this workshop to deliver an idea worth spreading:

  • Anyone who wants to take the next step to deliver a compelling message at a TEDx event, annual industry or major company meeting  or other venue, to make a difference for your audience and yourself.
  • You have special insight into trends that will affect the future of your industry and ultimately how people will communicate, entertain, design, connect, decide, buy, learn, and make the world safer, more humane place.
  • You want to enhance your image as an effective, influential and engaging public speaker


Larry Schuster

Executive Speech Coach
TEDx Speech Coach in Shanghai
Toastmasters International 2012 Speech Evaluation Contest Champion, North China

Senior Consultant, Emerge Consulting

What’s the point of a speech or presentation if no one remembers or cares?

I work to change that common problem, one speech, one story at a time. To help speakers deliver presentations of every shape that are engaging and memorable with storytelling: TEDx talks, business presentations, job interviews, leadership communications and organizational development, including for change management.

Every professional job I've had for the past 25 years has been about telling stories: as a journalist in the US, and as international business development manager for a pharmaceutical company in China.

Now I apply that experience as speaking coach and trainer based in Shanghai. I apply my interviewing and coaching skills to help speakers find their stories and their meaning. I apply my writing and editing expertise to help shape those stories and link them to their key points, messages and to the audience. I apply my training as a speech coach to support the speaker’s development of the entire speech, and how all the parts fit together.

I have presented seminars about storytelling for influence, in business and leadership for MBA programs at the MIT-Shanghai Jiaotong University joint MBA program, and at Manchester Business School in Shanghai. I've conducted storytelling and communications training and seminars at multinational companies in Shanghai, in banking, automotive and pharmaceutical industries.

Testimonial from Aedas, one of the world’s leading global architecture and design practices.
Regarding Mr. Schuster’s speech coaching in preparation for his Nov. 15 TEDxfuxingpark talk for 600 people at the Mercedes-Benz Arena, Shanghai:

“Larry was a great help to bring this more complex (city) planning topic to a wider audience. They were extremely interested in the ideas behind it. He was able to extract the message from what I was trying to say and personalize it for those people so I could captivate them … and deliver an exciting talk. Thank you very much Larry.” -- Keith Griffiths, Aedas Chairman.

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Contact the Host

Hosted by Successful Design Organization

Delivered by Emerge Consulting's Larry Schuster

Contact: Larry Schuster,

phone and wechat: 13764669268

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