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The Birthright of Music 音乐教育——每一个小孩与生俱来的权利
2015年10月31日 星期六 19:00 至 21:00
主办方: Yale Center Beijing 更多活动

价格: 免费

The Birthright of Music 音乐教育——每一个小孩与生俱来的权利

价格: 免费

The Birthright of Music 音乐教育——每一个小孩与生俱来的权利
2015年10月31日 星期六 19:00 至 21:00
主办方: Yale Center Beijing 更多活动

价格: 免费



The Birthright of Music 音乐教育——每一个小孩与生俱来的权利

2015年10月31日 星期六 19:00 至 21:00 由于报名人数爆满,我们关闭了友付报名。

价格: 免费

时间 地点

2015年10月31日 星期六 19:00 至 21:00

由于报名人数爆满,我们关闭了友付报名。 由于报名人数爆满,我们关闭了友付报名。


主办方 联系主办方

Yale Center Beijing

Yale Center Beijing

Yale Center Beijing | 耶鲁北京中心

Housed in a 16,500-square-foot space in Chaoyang District, Yale Center Beijing advances Yale University’s fundamental dedication to developing leaders from all sectors of society and all regions of the globe. By leveraging Yale’s wealth of resources as a global research university and its historically strong ties to China, the center aims to facilitate the constructive exchange of ideas and knowledge among thought leaders and decision makers.  





浏览: 2,441

The Event | 活动简介

Music is the common language of all people and can build bridges of understanding between people of different nations, creeds, faiths, and colors. Please join us for a musical performance followed by a discussion of collaborative ventures between the U.S. and China and why these efforts are important to future generations.

音乐是人类的共同语言,在不同国家、信仰和肤色的人之间架起了沟通的桥梁。我们诚邀您欣赏Blocker 院长的音乐演奏并参与随后的讨论,探讨中美两国在音乐领域的合作探索对子孙后代的重要影响。

The Speaker | 演讲嘉宾

Robert Blocker, the Henry and Lucy Moses Dean of Music at Yale University, is internationally regarded as a pianist, as a leader in arts advocacy, and as an extraordinary contributor to music education. Dean Blocker holds dual appointments as Professor of Piano and as an affiliate Professor with Yale University’s School of Management. In 2006, Blocker was named honorary Professor of Piano at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing.

Mr. Blocker concertizes throughout the world. His performances have won him critical acclaim: as noted in a Los Angeles Times review, he is a pianist of “…great skill and accomplishment, a measurable virtuoso bent and considerable musical sensitivity.” A Steinway Artist, Dean Blocker appears regularly on national radio and television as an artist and commentator and is active as a consultant to several major educational institutions and government agencies. In 2004, Yale University Press published The Robert Shaw Reader, a collection of Shaw’s writings edited by Blocker and now in its third printing.

耶鲁大学音乐学院院长 Robert Blocker 是一位享有国际声誉的钢琴家,他致力于艺术推广与宣传,为音乐教育做出了卓越贡献。Blocker 院长担任耶鲁大学音乐学院钢琴系教授,兼任耶鲁大学管理学院合聘教授。2006年,Blocker 先生在北京被聘任为中央音乐学院“荣誉钢琴教授”。

Blocker 先生的音乐会演出遍及世界各地,获得广泛赞誉。他被洛杉矶时报誉为“具有高超技巧和造诣,拥有大师级别的才能和敏锐乐感” 的钢琴家。作为斯坦威艺术家,Blocker 院长时常以艺术家和评论家身份登上国家广播电台和电视台,并以顾问身份活跃在数个主要教育机构和政府部门。2004年,耶鲁大学出版社出版了由他编辑的《罗伯特.肖解读者》一书,目前该书已是第三次印刷。

Yale Center Beijing | 耶鲁北京中心

Housed in a 16,500-square-foot space in Chaoyang District, Yale Center Beijing advances Yale University’s fundamental dedication to developing leaders from all sectors of society and all regions of the globe. By leveraging Yale’s wealth of resources as a global research university and its historically strong ties to China, the center aims to facilitate the constructive exchange of ideas and knowledge among thought leaders and decision makers.  






Yale Center Beijing | 耶鲁北京中心

Housed in a 16,500-square-foot space in Chaoyang District, Yale Center Beijing advances Yale University’s fundamental dedication to developing leaders from all sectors of society and all regions of the globe. By leveraging Yale’s wealth of resources as a global research university and its historically strong ties to China, the center aims to facilitate the constructive exchange of ideas and knowledge among thought leaders and decision makers.  



