The University Library's Expanding Mission: Higher Education in the Digital Age 大学图书馆不断扩展的使命:数字时代的高等教育
2015年9月22日 星期二 19:00 至 20:30 8 Jianguomenwai, 36th Floor, Tower B of IFC Building (Yong’anli Subway Station) 建国门外大街8号,国际财源中心B座36层(永安里地铁站C出口)
价格: 免费
2015年9月22日 星期二 19:00 至 20:30
Yale Center Beijing
Yale Center Beijing
Yale Center Beijing | 耶鲁北京中心 |
Housed in a 16,500-square-foot space in Chaoyang District, Yale Center Beijing advances Yale University’s fundamental dedication to developing leaders from all sectors of society and all regions of the globe. By leveraging Yale’s wealth of resources as a global research university and its historically strong ties to China, the center aims to facilitate the constructive exchange of ideas and knowledge among thought leaders and decision makers. 耶鲁大学北京中心坐落在北京市朝阳区,拥有1530平方米的空间。它可以帮助学校扩展现有的活动,与位于中国的机构和组织建立合作关系,支持学校各个学院和部门的研究和教学活动,并成为整个亚洲地区校友的聚集地。该中心的建立更加有助于耶鲁大学实现致力于为社会各界和全球各地区培养领袖的愿景。凭借耶鲁大学作为全球性研究型大学的丰富资源和其历来与中国的紧密联系,该中心的建立旨在促进决策者和思想领域领袖们就各种紧迫问题开展建设性对话及坦率交流。 |
浏览: 1,671
The Event | 活动简介
In the 21st century, the mission of the university library is expanding, not diminishing. Using Yale University Library as an example, Yale’s University Librarian, Susan Gibbons, will underscore the sustained importance of physical collections for teaching and research. She will then turn to Yale University Library’s latest technology-based services, highlighting the challenges of digital preservation, the emergence of the digital humanities, and the management of research data.
The Speaker | 演讲嘉宾
Susan Gibbons earned an MLS and M.A. in history from Indiana University, an MBA from the University of Massachusetts and a doctorate in higher education administration from the University of Rochester. She is well known in the library world, most significantly for the library user studies at Rochester she has undertaken since 2004. In collaboration with an anthropologist, Gibbons determined how faculty and students do their academic work, find information, and make use of the physical and technological resources offered by the libraries. The results have led to service, collections and physical space changes in the River Campus Libraries designed to better meet user needs. Gibbons has given talks around the world on this work, which has been featured in The Chronicle of Higher Education. In 2007 she co-edited "Studying Students: The Undergraduate Research Project at the University of Rochester"(ACRL Publications), and published her own book, "The Academic Library and the Net Gen Student: Making the Connections (ALA Editions)." 苏珊·吉本斯从印第安纳大学获得图书馆学硕士和历史学硕士学位,从马萨诸塞大学获得MBA学位,并从罗切斯特大学获得高等教育管理博士学位。她在图书馆界享有盛誉,最重要的成就是其自2004年以来在罗切斯特大学进行的图书馆用户研究。吉本斯与人类学家合作,指导师生如何更有效率地做学术研究,查找信息和利用图书馆的实体馆藏与技术资源。她的研究使河滨校区图书馆的服务,馆藏与馆内空间的设计更好地满足了用户需求。吉本斯的这项研究及其成果已刊登在《高等教育年鉴》上,她就此在世界各地巡回演讲。2007年,吉本斯联合编辑了《研究学生:罗切斯特大学本科生研究项目》(美国大学和研究型图书馆协会出版),并出版了著作《学术图书馆和网络一代的学生:建立联系》(美国图书馆协会版)。 |
Yale Center Beijing | 耶鲁北京中心 |
Housed in a 16,500-square-foot space in Chaoyang District, Yale Center Beijing advances Yale University’s fundamental dedication to developing leaders from all sectors of society and all regions of the globe. By leveraging Yale’s wealth of resources as a global research university and its historically strong ties to China, the center aims to facilitate the constructive exchange of ideas and knowledge among thought leaders and decision makers. 耶鲁大学北京中心坐落在北京市朝阳区,拥有1530平方米的空间。它可以帮助学校扩展现有的活动,与位于中国的机构和组织建立合作关系,支持学校各个学院和部门的研究和教学活动,并成为整个亚洲地区校友的聚集地。该中心的建立更加有助于耶鲁大学实现致力于为社会各界和全球各地区培养领袖的愿景。凭借耶鲁大学作为全球性研究型大学的丰富资源和其历来与中国的紧密联系,该中心的建立旨在促进决策者和思想领域领袖们就各种紧迫问题开展建设性对话及坦率交流。 |
Yale Center Beijing | 耶鲁北京中心 |
Housed in a 16,500-square-foot space in Chaoyang District, Yale Center Beijing advances Yale University’s fundamental dedication to developing leaders from all sectors of society and all regions of the globe. By leveraging Yale’s wealth of resources as a global research university and its historically strong ties to China, the center aims to facilitate the constructive exchange of ideas and knowledge among thought leaders and decision makers. 耶鲁大学北京中心坐落在北京市朝阳区,拥有1530平方米的空间。它可以帮助学校扩展现有的活动,与位于中国的机构和组织建立合作关系,支持学校各个学院和部门的研究和教学活动,并成为整个亚洲地区校友的聚集地。该中心的建立更加有助于耶鲁大学实现致力于为社会各界和全球各地区培养领袖的愿景。凭借耶鲁大学作为全球性研究型大学的丰富资源和其历来与中国的紧密联系,该中心的建立旨在促进决策者和思想领域领袖们就各种紧迫问题开展建设性对话及坦率交流。 |