Yale U.S.-China Forum: Medical Innovations and Alumni Story-sharing 耶鲁中美论坛北京分会:医疗创新与校友创业
2015年8月17日 星期一 14:00 至 18:00 活动地点将会在报名成功后通知
价格: 免费 - ¥60
Yale Center Beijing
Yale Center Beijing
Yale Center Beijing | 耶鲁北京中心 |
Housed in a 16,500-square-foot space in Chaoyang District, Yale Center Beijing advances Yale University’s fundamental dedication to developing leaders from all sectors of society and all regions of the globe. By leveraging Yale’s wealth of resources as a global research university and its historically strong ties to China, the center aims to facilitate the constructive exchange of ideas and knowledge among thought leaders and decision makers. 耶鲁大学北京中心坐落在北京市朝阳区,拥有1530平方米的空间。它可以帮助学校扩展现有的活动,与位于中国的机构和组织建立合作关系,支持学校各个学院和部门的研究和教学活动,并成为整个亚洲地区校友的聚集地。该中心的建立更加有助于耶鲁大学实现致力于为社会各界和全球各地区培养领袖的愿景。凭借耶鲁大学作为全球性研究型大学的丰富资源和其历来与中国的紧密联系,该中心的建立旨在促进决策者和思想领域领袖们就各种紧迫问题开展建设性对话及坦率交流。 |
浏览: 4,728
The Speaker | 演讲嘉宾
蒋立新,博士生导师,教授,主任医师,现任国家心血管病中心主任助理、中国牛津国际医学研究中心联合主任、国家临床医学研究中心执行主任、《柳叶刀中文版》杂志主编、Circulation: Cardiovascular
Quality and Outcomes杂志编委。主要研究方向为国际大规模、多中心临床试验,临床注册登记研究,药物遗传学研究和流行病学研究等。
Lixin Jiang, MD, PhD is Assistant
Director of National Centre for Cardiovascular Diseases (NCCD), Co-Director of
China Oxford Centre for International Health Research and Executive Deputy
Director of National Clinical Research Centre. Prof. Jiang also serves as
Editor-in-Chief, The Lancet Chinese Edition, and is on
the Editorial Board of Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.
Prof. Jiang's research areas include international large-scale multi-center
clinical study, clinical registration research, pharmacogenetics
and epidemiology.
Matthew Jaskol (MBA ’08) 是Pioneer Academics (国际先锋研究项目) 的创始人。Pioneer Academics项目旨在选拔全世界优秀的高中生参与美国大学的研究课题和项目。
Matthew Jaskol (MBA ’08), Founder, Pioneer Academics. Pioneer Academics pairs outstanding high school students from around the world with faculty from leading American institutions for undergraduate-level collaborative research.
黄任 (MBA ’10) 是“常青藤爸爸”(Ivy Dad) 的创始人。“常青藤爸爸”是一个致力于传播科学育儿知识并推荐优质教育资源的社交网络平台。
Ren Huang (MBA ’10), Founder, Ivy Dad. Ivy Dad is a platform that promotes scientific early-childhood education knowledge and recommends high-quality education resources.
张旋 (MS ’10) 是风云直播的CEO兼创始人。风云直播是中国最大的直播分享平台之一,主营体育赛事,电子竞技直播,以及娱乐节目等。
Xuan Zhang (MS ’10), Founder and CEO, Fengyunzhibo is one of the largest online TV broadcasting platforms in China, and it focuses on sports, E-sports and entertaining shows.
James Lin (MBA ’15) 是 Alacrity半导体公司联合创办人兼总裁。Alacrity 是半导体行业的创新企业,致力于生产低耗能,高效率的多功能记忆存储器。
James Lin (MBA ’15), Co-Founder and President, Alacrity Semiconductors, Inc. Alacrity is commercializing Versatile Memory, which is a new core technology platform for computing.
Connie Leong 和 James Lau是益启慈善(Philanthropy in Motion)的创始人。益启慈善是由一群来自耶鲁大学、哈佛大学、康奈尔大学和北京大学的校友创立的教育类非盈利组织,旨在为年轻人提供资金、培训和网络,让他们能够更多地参与到有效的慈善行动中去。
Connie Leong and Jasmine Lau, Co-Founders, Philanthropy in Motion is a social enterprise that uses education as well as technology to engage the next generation to make impact in the social sector across Greater China.
Chen Chen (MBA ’16) 是美国高科技公司Saphlux的创始人。Saphlux目前正致力于研发并生产大功率、高光效、低成本、电池寿命长的半极性LED芯片。
Chen Chen (MBA ’16), Co-Founder and CEO, Saphlux, Inc. Saphlux is a venture-backed company commercializing a high-power, high-efficiency and low-cost semi-polar LED chip for use with most LED applications including general lighting and laser.
Yale Center Beijing/耶鲁北京中心
Housed in a 16,500-square-foot space in Chaoyang District, Yale Center Beijing advances Yale University’s fundamental dedication to developing leaders from all sectors of society and all regions of the globe. By leveraging Yale’s wealth of resources as a global research university and its historically strong ties to China, the center aims to facilitate the constructive exchange of ideas and knowledge among thought leaders and decision makers.
Yale Center Beijing | 耶鲁北京中心 |
Housed in a 16,500-square-foot space in Chaoyang District, Yale Center Beijing advances Yale University’s fundamental dedication to developing leaders from all sectors of society and all regions of the globe. By leveraging Yale’s wealth of resources as a global research university and its historically strong ties to China, the center aims to facilitate the constructive exchange of ideas and knowledge among thought leaders and decision makers. 耶鲁大学北京中心坐落在北京市朝阳区,拥有1530平方米的空间。它可以帮助学校扩展现有的活动,与位于中国的机构和组织建立合作关系,支持学校各个学院和部门的研究和教学活动,并成为整个亚洲地区校友的聚集地。该中心的建立更加有助于耶鲁大学实现致力于为社会各界和全球各地区培养领袖的愿景。凭借耶鲁大学作为全球性研究型大学的丰富资源和其历来与中国的紧密联系,该中心的建立旨在促进决策者和思想领域领袖们就各种紧迫问题开展建设性对话及坦率交流。 |