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Dialog on Global Affairs全球事务对话:A Conversation with David M. “Mike”Lampton on “Where are U.S.-China Relations Going and What Does It Mean?”对话蓝普顿教授:漫谈中国领导人和中美关系
2015年7月1日 星期三 19:30 至 20:30
8 Jianguomenwai, 36th Floor, Tower B of IFC Building (Yong’anli Subway Station) 建国门外大街8号,国际财源中心B座36层(永安里地铁站C出口)
主办方: Yale Center Beijing 更多活动

价格: ¥60

Dialog on Global Affairs全球事务对话:A Conversation with David M. “Mike”Lampton on “Where are U.S.-China Relations Going and What Does It Mean?”对话蓝普顿教授:漫谈中国领导人和中美关系

价格: ¥60

Dialog on Global Affairs全球事务对话:A Conversation with David M. “Mike”Lampton on “Where are U.S.-China Relations Going and What Does It Mean?”对话蓝普顿教授:漫谈中国领导人和中美关系
2015年7月1日 星期三 19:30 至 20:30
8 Jianguomenwai, 36th Floor, Tower B of IFC Building (Yong’anli Subway Station) 建国门外大街8号,国际财源中心B座36层(永安里地铁站C出口)
主办方: Yale Center Beijing 更多活动

价格: ¥60

Dialog on Global Affairs全球事务对话:A Conversation with David M. “Mike”Lampton on “Where are U.S.-China Relations Going and What Does It Mean?”对话蓝普顿教授:漫谈中国领导人和中美关系

2015年7月1日 星期三 19:30 至 20:30 8 Jianguomenwai, 36th Floor, Tower B of IFC Building (Yong’anli Subway Station) 建国门外大街8号,国际财源中心B座36层(永安里地铁站C出口)

价格: ¥60

时间 地点

2015年7月1日 星期三 19:30 至 20:30

8 Jianguomenwai, 36th Floor, Tower B of IFC Building (Yong’anli Subway Station) 建国门外大街8号,国际财源中心B座36层(永安里地铁站C出口) 8 Jianguomenwai, 36th Floor, Tower B of IFC Building (Yong’anli Subway Station) 建国门外大街8号,国际财源中心B座36层(永安里地铁站C出口)


主办方 联系主办方

Yale Center Beijing

Yale Center Beijing

Yale Center Beijing | 耶鲁北京中心

Housed in a 16,500-square-foot space in Chaoyang District, Yale Center Beijing advances Yale University’s fundamental dedication to developing leaders from all sectors of society and all regions of the globe. By leveraging Yale’s wealth of resources as a global research university and its historically strong ties to China, the center aims to facilitate the constructive exchange of ideas and knowledge among thought leaders and decision makers.  





浏览: 2,838

The Speaker/

David M. “Mike” Lampton is Hyman Professor and Director of SAIS-China and China Studies at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, having also served as Dean of Faculty from 2004-2012. Formerly President of the National Committee on United States-China Relations, he is the author of many books including, his newest book, Following the Leader: Ruling China, with prior publications appearing on: Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The American Political Science Review, The China Quarterly, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and many other popular and academic both in both the western and Chinese-speaking world.


Dr. Lampton headed the China Studies programs at the American Enterprise Institute and at The Nixon Center (now The Center for National Interest), having previously worked at the National Academy of Sciences and having started his teaching career at Ohio State University. He consults with government, business, foundations, and is on the board of several non-governmental and educational organizations, including the Executive Committee of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations and Colorado College’s Board of Trustees. He received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University.






Yale Center Beijing/耶鲁北京中心

Housed in a 16,500-square-foot space in Chaoyang District, Yale Center Beijing advances Yale University’s fundamental dedication to developing leaders from all sectors of society and all regions of the globe. By leveraging Yale’s wealth of resources as a global research university and its historically strong ties to China, the center aims to facilitate the constructive exchange of ideas and knowledge among thought leaders and decision makers.  







Yale Center Beijing | 耶鲁北京中心

Housed in a 16,500-square-foot space in Chaoyang District, Yale Center Beijing advances Yale University’s fundamental dedication to developing leaders from all sectors of society and all regions of the globe. By leveraging Yale’s wealth of resources as a global research university and its historically strong ties to China, the center aims to facilitate the constructive exchange of ideas and knowledge among thought leaders and decision makers.  



