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战马时代巡演品牌启动 野鸟集「春雷初响」音乐会 大飞 / 16分钟乐队 / THE HARRIDANS WILD BIRDS - SPRING THUNDER DAFAY / 16MINS / THE HARRIDANS

Price: ¥80

Saturday, April 4, 2015 20:30 to 23:00
Organizer: 愚公移山 More Events

Price: ¥80

战马时代巡演品牌启动 野鸟集「春雷初响」音乐会 大飞 / 16分钟乐队 / THE HARRIDANS WILD BIRDS - SPRING THUNDER DAFAY / 16MINS / THE HARRIDANS

Saturday, April 4, 2015 20:30 to 23:00 愚公移山

Price: ¥80

When & Where

Saturday, April 4, 2015 20:30 to 23:00

愚公移山 愚公移山
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44 Saturday 星期六



大飞 / 16分钟乐队 / THE HARRIDANS



随着「野鸟集」巡演品牌的启动,去年底新加盟的16分钟乐队(16mins)与The Harridans乐队也将正式在舞台上跟大家见面。这是一股混血新浪潮,两支乐队组成皆来自世界各地,十足国际范,厚实的创作力及音乐野心令人惊艳。


乐迷心中「民谣版Led Zeppelin」,The Harridans核心成员来自英国、美国及新西兰,他们丰富的创作经历让The Harridans的音乐不仅有民谣的迷幻魅力,更有摇滚的张力激情。乐队演出时总能让全北京的外国人及美女歌迷倾巢而出,嗨翻现场,看他们的演出,想不躁起来都难!

这三组才华洋溢的战马音乐人风格奇异多变,不受地域语言所限,就像不同物种的野鸟在外探索游历,寻着各自的音乐轨迹,积累能量,重聚起点。「野鸟集:春雷初响」将在43日在天津13Club, 44日于北京愚公移山开唱,像惊蛰一样震醒你沉睡痲痹的感官,带来勃发的音乐生机,给你耳目一新的春天。





The Harridans

The Harridans是由Dan Taylor领军的英国五人迷幻民谣摇滚乐队。乐队成员分别来自英国、美国、巴西、以色列和新西兰。他们每个人都有着丰富的音乐经历,在北京的相遇成就了这支极富活力的乐队。乐队核心人物Daniel Taylor,来自英国,自小学习古典音乐。乐队的另一名吉他手Robin,来自16分钟乐队。贝司手Ryan来自美国,长笛、萨克斯手来自以色列,鼓手Carlo同样来自美国。受六七十年代诸多民谣与艺术摇滚等经典乐队的影响,其作品透露出浓厚的民谣迷幻气质,结构编排细腻,传统民谣的架构中融入即兴的器乐与人声成分,通常是十分钟以上的长篇大作。有乐迷称其为民谣版Led Zeppelin2015年初签约战马时代。





Wild Birds presents, Spring Thunder, the most incredible music party in Beijing on April.

We give you, the talented rocker Dafay, the best alternaltive band 16mins and your favorite psychedelic band THE HARRIDANS.

Dafay is a great singer-songwriter and guitar player based in Beijing. With his remarkable talent for music, Bules, Funk, Reggae, he can perfectly fuse any kind of musicin his work and make it his unique style. At the end of 2014, He attended Sing My Song, the TV talent contest of CCTV and became one of the popular singers of the show.

16mins, selected as one of the best bands by magazine The Beijinger. It’s hard to define what kind of music style that16mins belongs to, it could be Electro, retro, free improv, Xingjiang folklore,or fusion, which makes 16mins sound highly original with unusual arrangementand musical tension.

The Harridans, a five-piece British psychedelic folk rock band. Led by Dan Taylor, they are influenced by 60’s and 70’s folk andart rock, with a strong psychedelic folk style, exquisite composition, traditional folk mixture of instrument and vocal improvisation.

They are ready to bring you a night of thunder and make you go wild.

Don't miss it! Come enjoy the widest spring!


Dafay is a great singer-songwriter and guitar player based in Beijing. With his remarkable talent for music, Bules, Funk, Reggae, he can perfectly fuse any kind of music in his work and make it his unique style. In 2001, he signed onto Warner Music and played the leading role in his rock-n-roll band.

In 2010, he released his first albumR&Bthen the second one in 2014. At the end of 2014, He attended Sing My Song, the TV talent contest show of CCTV and his original songs have been pretty well-received.

Not only a all-rounded musician, Dafay has been a Famous pop music producer for a decade. He was the producer of many Chinese pop singers like Tanya, Zhang Zhenyue, Renee Liu etc. and wrote plenty of pop songs. Distinguished by his  Chinese Blues style, Dafay’s music is catchy while the lyric is sharp but full of sense of humor, it is this contrast that makes his music so popular and inspiring among Chinese young people.


Selected as one of the best bands by magazine The Beijinger, 16mins is not just an indie alternative band but more like a hybrid cross-cultural one. The members are from three different countries, Siyu from Xinjiang and Robin from New Zealand, lately Kalimero from Germany joined the band and brought a new set of skills that finally allows the band approaching their music from a unique aesthetic. It’s hard to define what kind of music style that 16Mins belongs to, it could be Electro, retro, free improv, Xingjiang folklore, or fusion, which makes 16mins sound highly original with unusual arrangement and musical tension.     

In 2013, band’s vocal Siyu has won the best female singer of CRI the soundstage. In 2014, 16Mins singed onto Stallion Era, the first world music and cross over music label in China. Their first album will be released soon in 2015.

The Harridans

The Harridans, a five-piece British psychedelic folk rock band. Led by Dan Taylor, they are influenced by 60’s and 70’s folk and art rock, with a strong psychedelic folk style, exquisite composition, traditional folk mixture of instrument and vocal improvisation.   

Band leader Daniel Taylor is a singer/song writer from England, he arrived in Beijing in 2013. Dan focused on folk music and song writing for the best part of a year, then he met his musical brothers Carlo and Robin, the circle was complete and the stars aligned for the group. From the heat plains of Spain, to the highlands of Scotland, via the jazz clubs of Paris and the pubs of England…the road to the Harridans were built and led their way here to Beijing.

晚8:30 //  100元(现场)/ 80元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)

Pm 8:30 // Rmb 100 (door) / 80 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)

在线购票Tickets online:

电话Tel:010 - 6332 1959

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