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重型音乐2015开年巨制 春节金属嘉年华 哥德堡旋死教父 瑞典传奇极端金属乐团 AT THE GATES乐队北京专场演出

Price: ¥200

Saturday, February 7, 2015 20:00 to 23:00
Organizer: 愚公移山 More Events

Price: ¥200

重型音乐2015开年巨制 春节金属嘉年华 哥德堡旋死教父 瑞典传奇极端金属乐团 AT THE GATES乐队北京专场演出

Saturday, February 7, 2015 20:00 to 23:00 愚公移山

Price: ¥200

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Saturday, February 7, 2015 20:00 to 23:00

愚公移山 愚公移山
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重型音乐2015开年巨制 春节金属嘉年华

哥德堡旋死教父 瑞典传奇极端金属乐团

AT THE GATES乐队北京专场演出

 二十五年前,作为最重要的发源地之一,极端金属音乐浪潮席卷了斯堪地纳维亚半岛。一干瑞典死金乐团如 ENTOMBEDDISMEMBER等正用他们的凶猛声浪在欧洲大陆横扫千军。就在此时,一股直至今日仍对全球金属音乐发展产生巨大影响的音乐运动正在这里酝酿 – 瑞典式旋律死亡金属 SWEDEISH MELODIC DEATH METAL , 也就是通常所说的“哥德堡之声”,代表乐团包括大名鼎鼎的 IN FLAMES  DARK TRANQUILLITY 等等,而AT THE GATES则是这场运动的中流砥柱,旗手与精神领袖。

1992年乐队以一张狂风暴雨般的处子作《The Red in the Sky Is Ours》横空出世,急速狂暴的音乐依稀带有北欧前辈的影子,而独具匠心的小提琴弦乐以及出色的律动却显示出AT THE GATES在当时北欧传统死亡一统天下背景下不俗的创作思路。其中蕴含的潜力已经预示了他们接下来惊人的蜕变。

1995年在传奇厂牌耳痛唱片发表的惊世之作《Slaughter of the Soul》毋庸置疑作为旋律死亡金属里程碑以及极端金属历史上最伟大的作品之一永载史册,乐队以一种极为天马行空的创作编排与独具匠心的旋律性,主唱Tomas Lindberg创作的歌词涵盖了从现实生活到抽象文学的多个层面,赋予了死亡金属前所未有的艺术美感与可听性,美妙却绝不落俗套的音符与律动,结合北欧死亡暴躁的气质,成就了这张独一无二的经典作品。乐队所独创的北欧旋律死亡创作手法即模糊传统金属乐中节奏与旋律的相对独立性, 以极其旋律化的手法创作主要riff,这在接下来的时间里对整个金属乐坛产生了极其深远的影响,今日占据重型乐坛半壁江山的旋律死亡,金属核等各类新派金属风格无不受益于此。也许是高山仰止,深感难以超越自己这张传奇之作,AT THE GATES在提名瑞典格莱美奖后不久宣告解散,成员忙于各自的分支乐队。


经过近19年的漫长等待,2014年,AT THE GATES在著名金属厂牌Century Media旗下重磅发行了新专辑《At War with Reality》,这也是乐队首次尝试深度融汇哲学思想于死亡金属之中。这一次,我们没有失望!Tomas Lindberg基于“魔幻现实主义”这一文学流派创作了新专辑的歌词部分,而音乐部分完全是最为纯正,刚柔并济ATG式瑞典旋律死亡金属。近20年时间盼来的这张作品,足以捍卫AT THE GATES瑞典旋死教父的地位。

在2015春节除夕的前十天,2月7日,一个寒冷但注定在心中燃起冲天烈焰的周六夜晚。我们将迎来这支传奇乐队的再度来华,同时也是乐队20年来首度携最新专辑的全球巡演,在这个冬夜,用尽所有的汗水与呐喊,矗立在炼狱之门,与AT THE GATES并肩作战!更多强悍同场嘉宾乐队,确认中!!!

As the greatest Swedish Death Metal band ever---AT THE GATES has established Melodic Death Metal style with their classic《Slaughter of the Soul》back in 1995. This is the turning point which makes them not only one of the most important legions in the history of death metal but also the most special one to date.

From the debut《The Red in the Sky Is Ours》they have already showed their tremendous ambition for the Death Metal music. Adding violin and string to the death metal-based music makes them very special at that time and it’s just a cornerstone for the upcoming classic《Slaughter of the Soul》. This is just the bible for Melodic Death Metal of all times. After the peak of both their career and MDM era is a nearly 2-decades hiatus until their reunion in 2007.

6 years later, their ultimate throne has been reclaimed with the latest album《At War with Reality》which is based on the conception of Magic Realism. What makes this album so special it that it just stands on its own merits but also pure AT THE GATES. Few bands have managed to keep the flame burning after almost 2 decades hiatus as AT THE GATES. They not only touch the topic of philosophy with death metal but also explore the essence of Death Metal with their unique talent.

For the first time AT THE GATES will perform their latest songs for Chinese fans,   so this winter they just need you guys to be armed to the teeth, not only for the war with reality but also the war At The Gates!!!

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