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12月5日 Friday 星期五
重型音乐2014最终一战 平价美式敲击大趴再临北京
那就是来自马萨诸塞州首府波士顿的超重型激流/技术死亡军团REVOCATION!由主唱/吉他David Davidson在2001年成立(2006年之前的名字为Cryptic Warning),与“草莽街头”出身的普通摇滚乐手不同,David作为新一代美国东海岸最优秀的技术派金属吉他手之一,是著名的伯克利音乐学院高材生,拥有极为了得的演奏技巧。创作手法兼具传统与创新风格,其出色的编曲能力使得REVOCATION成为敲击回潮大军中极为少见,完美融合Thrash与Death精髓的猛虎军团。
2008年发行的处女作《Empire of the Obscene》.一鸣惊人,厚重急速,极其技术化的吉他演奏以及令人窒息的鼓击,更辅以精彩的编曲与出色的唱腔为乐迷呈现了一张近乎满分的高质量重型专辑,众多知名媒体更给予年度高分评价。乐队随后接连推出《Existence Is Futile》、《Chaos of Forms》两张实力之作,延续前作的Death/Thrash风格再度交出精彩出色的坚实之作。进入2013年,同名专辑《Revocation》强力出击,爆裂高速的乐器音浪结合更为入耳的歌曲,绝对是近年来此类风格的顶尖作品,甚至破天荒般的在敲击金属演奏中大量使用了七弦吉他。
此时的David Davidson也知名度暴涨,不但成为老牌金属吉他JACKSON代言人,更在知名吉他杂志[Guitar World]开坛授课,甚至被前MEGADETH吉他手Marty Friedman找去共同创作新专辑。2014年乐队转签至传奇金属厂牌Metal Blade Records并重磅祭出第五张专辑《Deathless》,一如既往的高质量作品,一经发行就冲进公告牌硬摇滚榜TOP 10。
David以其更加深邃复杂的音乐构思使得REVOCATION再次超越自己成为北美金属乐坛最为耀眼的新星。在与CANNIBAL CORPSE, DEATH ANGEL等诸多一线大牌共同巡演后。今冬12月5日周五,REVOCATION将首次挟新专辑降临北京,为所有乐迷献上最为劲爆的美式死亡/激流盛宴!!
这一次同台开燥的是不久前为CARCASS开场后大受好评的北京死亡金属乐队氰氢以及硬朗帅气的北京敲击金属强团裂缝,更有一支中国菲律宾混合女主唱残死军团异常感染乐队ABNORMAL INFECTED初次登台亮相!
老广告词:这个冬日的周末夜晚,属于每一位真心热爱金属的朋友,这将是一场最盛大的老学校派对,为了让更多的朋友能够参与,票价也创下历史新低!!穿上你最心爱的T-Shirt与马甲,准备好置身MOSH PIT的体能与连续三小时甩头的镇痛剂,把肾上腺激素水平逼至最高,一起开燥!!!
晚8点 // 200元(现场)/ 130元(预售 | 截止到12月4日24点)
New Millennium King of Death/Thrash Metal
American Extreme Metal Legion REVOCATION Live in Beijing
Boston, Massachusetts-based technical metal striker Revocation has been holding the top of the extreme metal world since their inception back in 2006.
2008’s extraodinary debut《Empire Of The Obscene》is one of the best released that year in any genre. Besides the obvious influences of Dark Angel、Morbid Angel,t he fantastic production、great vocals and intense songwriting still leaves them at the top of the heap.
They continued to tear up the metal world with their sophomore album, 《Existence Is Futile》. The album was catchy、full of technical riffs、jaw-dropping solos and memorable instrumentals. The following album 《Chaos of Forms》saw a second guitarist adding to the ranks, the guitar work is even more expansive and mesmerizing. A couple of twists are thrown in as well, making the band even harder to categorize.
Last year’s self-named effort《Revocation》once again proves their trademark with blistering riffs、speed and agility. The technical and thrash-inspired brand of death metal they forge is even far beyond mature in their latest album《Deathless》released in October 2014.
As one of the most exciting modern metal bands on the planet, Revocation have always stunned audiences worldwide with their thrashing, virtuosic melodies, top-notch technical drumming and an all-out vocal assault.
Last year, REVOCATION live as part of the Summer Slaughter Tour 2013 with The Dillinger Escape Plan、Animals As Leaders and more. This year fans see them touring with Crowbar、Cannibal Corpse and more. Now it’s time for all you fans here in Beijing to add your fealties to REVOCATION’s empire!!
Pm 8 // Rmb 200 (door) / 130 (presale | stop at midnight on December 4th)
Tickets online: www.dragonskin2009.cn
Tel.: 010-62159844