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胜利之歌 双城战记 北欧维京战神ENSIFERUM十一月降临京沪

Price: ¥300

Sunday, November 30, 2014 20:00 to 23:00
Organizer: 愚公移山 More Events

Price: ¥300

胜利之歌 双城战记 北欧维京战神ENSIFERUM十一月降临京沪

Sunday, November 30, 2014 20:00 to 23:00 愚公移山

Price: ¥300

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Sunday, November 30, 2014 20:00 to 23:00

愚公移山 愚公移山
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1130 Sunday 星期日

胜利之歌 双城战记  北欧维京战神ENSIFERUM十一月降临京沪

千湖之国芬兰历来都以出产大气唯美的金属乐团闻名于世,极北之地锤炼出无数宏伟豪迈的金属之声。ENSIFERUM(圣剑),来自赫尔辛基,乐队成立于1995年,团名取自拉丁语(英译:The Sword-wearing),译为佩剑的人。乐队将风靡北欧的旋律死亡金属与维京/民谣音乐相结合,同样也从黑暗金属音乐中汲取灵感,曲风宏伟大气,且别具特色。ENSIFERUM(圣剑)是继NIGHTWISHSTRATOVARIUSCHILDREN OF BODOM之后又一来自千湖之国芬兰的顶级金属大团,是芬兰维京金属之开山鼻祖,被誉为芬兰维京三剑客之首。


新专辑《Unsung Heroes》再次展现了ENSIFERUM气势磅礴的北国情怀,豪气冲天的英雄主义,ENSIFERUM以其音乐中多种金属音乐手法的巧妙结合,民族旋律辅以史诗文化的神秘词作让每一位乐迷仿佛置身于充满传奇与幻想的北欧大地上。2010年乐队曾经为中国乐迷带来史无前例的中国巡演,而今冬伊始,时隔近5年,ENSIFERUM将再度降临北京和上海,为所有乐迷带来更为精彩的现场演出。让我们吹响胜利的号角,一起奏响初冬最嘹亮的维京战歌!!

8 // 380元(现场)/ 300元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)



Finnish Viking/Folk Metal Warrior

Winter legion ENSIFERUM Battle in CHINA

As the most outstanding Viking/Folk metal band in the world, finnish quintet ENSIFERUM was founded as a three-piece by Markus Toivonen, Sauli Savolainen and Kimmo Miettinen back in 1995. With 3 self-released demos they signed with the famous local label Spinefarm just before their debut album <Ensiferum>.

In their sophomore effort <Iron> ENSIFERUM built the music tower high on their dual sense of adventure and barbarism. This is the album that destined to challenge existing standards of triumph and glory. Somewhere between all the powerfolk and melodic death metal influences going on within this album make it the same level as their flawless debut.

They continue this battle with 3rd and the most famous chapter< Victory Songs >. The epic battles, the humble villages and the folk lore are presented in the veil of Viking metal holy sound here. ENSIFERUM show a hint of evolution in the following album <From Afar> and the latest one <Unsung Heroes>. In <Unsung Heroes> they focus on folk/acoustics and atmosphere more than ever which makes this one a fairly unique addition to ENSIFERUM 's discography so far.

Always standing on the Battlefield, they have kept the flame burning by spending the past 19 years honing the steel of their folk-infused battle metal auditory attack. Following the impressive 1st tour in CHINA, they will once again rise the flag and blow the horn for all you Chinese fans.

This winter night, all you need is to raise up your sword and shout out the Victory Song with ENSIFERUM!!

Pm 8 // Rmb 380 (door) / 300 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis) 

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Hotline: 010-62159844

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