9月30日 Tuesday 星期二
MUMIY TROLL乐队正式于1983年成立,乐队有一个叫“伊利娅拉古坚科”的队员,他懂吉他,风琴,音乐和有很强的乐队观念。他出生不久,他的家人就迁移到符拉迪沃斯托克(中国传统称海参崴),在学校他开始学习中文,他加入学校的小合唱团,并就此机会,他随团去了很多俄罗斯的城市做巡回表演,同时他也游了半个俄罗斯。
MUMIY TROL是俄罗斯音乐史上最著名的流行摇滚乐队。成军20载,他们的足迹遍布俄罗斯、乌克兰、立陶宛、爱沙尼亚和拉脱维亚,并且多次首邀参加英国、德国、丹麦、挪威、南非及日本的大型音乐节,并且曾经于几年前访华进行了一系列演出。并且作为固定的压轴嘉宾出现在俄罗斯的每一次大型国际流行音乐节中。MUMIY TROLL乐队对于俄罗斯流行音乐的影响力之大是其他本国艺人无可比及的。
在俄罗斯的流行音乐历史上,有着“MT前时期”和“MT后时期”的说法。皆因MUMIY TROLL乐队的出现开创了俄罗斯新的音乐纪元。1997年,随着专辑《NAUTICAL》在欧洲范围内热卖,MUMIY TROLL乐队的名字被更多俄罗斯以外的音乐爱好者所接受及认可,进一步奠定了其“俄罗斯摇滚乐一哥”的地位。同年的另一张专辑《CAVIAR》是乐队最为经典之作,海外销量超过300万张。
除了音乐上的影响,MUMIY TROLL乐队也是俄罗斯及整个前苏联地区青少年时尚文化的风向标。乐队主唱Ilya Lagutenko被奉为俄罗斯青少年的时尚代言人。他的衣着品味,生活方式等等都被无数俄罗斯青少年所效仿和膜拜。
此外,MUMIY TROLL乐队也关注社会,积极投身社会公益活动。乐队长期赞助俄罗斯本国的艾滋病公益组织“PSI”,并且是“WWF”世界野生动物保护组织的一员,每年都会资助WWF组织保护中国东北及中俄边境濒临灭绝的东北虎。
2005年,符拉迪沃斯托克市特意授予MUMIY TROLL乐队“荣誉市民”称号,以表彰乐队对符拉迪沃斯托克市及整个俄罗斯现代文化发展的突出贡献。
主唱/吉他:Ilya Lagutenko
贝斯:Eguene “Sdwig” Zividionny
鼓:Oleg Pungin
晚9点 // 350元(现场)/ 250元(预售 | 数量优先,售完为止)
Legendary Russian rock-back "Mumiy Troll" is coming to Beijing for one night show only!
Taking their name from a character in the famous children's books of Tovi Jansson, Mumiy Troll have become one of Russia's most popular and critically acclaimed contemporary pop/rock acts of the '90s and 2000s. Centered around the offbeat romantic lyrics and intelligent, charismatic presence of songwriter and frontman Ilya Lagutenko, the band has developed separately from the rest of the Russian music scene, opting to work with foreign producers and recording the majority of its work in England. Although experimenting with different musical genres over the years, Mumiy Troll have developed an idiosyncratic sound placed halfway between traditional Russian rock and Brit-pop.
Voted «Best Band of the Millennium» by Russian music fans, Mumiy Troll is without question the most significant musical entity Russia has produced since Perestroika. The group`s popularity is so great that contemporary Russian music is broken down in terms of what came before and after Mumiy Troll. They have sold out tours internationally and are recognized as one of the most well-traveled bands on the planet.
Their sound is a blend of flamboyant glam and Stones-like swagger with original wit and a great deal of fun. The talent, charisma and work ethic of band frontman Ilya Lagutenko have made him the quintessential Russian superstar.
«I wanted to travel all my life - I wanted to join the navy just to see the world» - Ilya Lagutenko, Mumiy Troll frontman says. «And now I realize it’s much better to see the world by playing your songs for people. Having been a professional interpreter for so many years, I understand you can’t really speak one language to the entire world; you have to find a way to learn from each other. We’re on a mission, and every show we do proves to us that the mission is going well. At the same time, we’re breaking stereotypes about Russians and the «evil Soviet empire». If you want to see how people behaved in Soviet times, go to a Russian community in America like Brighton Beach. That’s no longer the way people live and act in modern Russia. Some people may see what we do as childish entertainment, when in fact we’re not just building popular culture; we’re building liaisons between continents. I call what we’re doing «musical tourism». Year 2012 was announced to be the Year of Russian history by the President of Russia. May 20, 2012 starts the circumnavigation of Federal Agency For Fishery barque Sedov in Saint-Petersburg. It is dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Russian statehood and will continue until summer 2013, finishing in Saint-Petersburg. The most «maritime» Russian band Mumiy Troll will take part in this journey together with the team of Sedov barque. All the band’s members served
in the Russian Navy in the past and onboard the Sedov they’re going to fulfill all the common sailor duties together with the team. Ilya Lagutenko, Mumiy Troll frontman says: «Out of all the bands in Russia Mumiy Troll is the band that tours the most. For most of the year we’re traveling - playing concerts in Russia and abroad as well.
That’s why whilst crossing the ocean we have a plan not only to record a new album onboard the Sedov but also to visit distant lands and continents. With the language of Mumiy Troll music we would like to tell the story of the amazing world of Vladivostok 3000».
EPK video:
Pm 9 // Rmb 350 (door) / 250 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)