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[Music] Rechenberg Trio
2018年3月6日 星期二 19:30 至 21:00
北京市朝阳区工体北路4号 老书虫 The Bookworm, Gongti North Road 4, Chaoyang District, Beijing
主办方: The Beijing Bookworm 更多活动

价格: ¥100 - 150

[Music] Rechenberg Trio

价格: ¥100 - 150

[Music] Rechenberg Trio
2018年3月6日 星期二 19:30 至 21:00
北京市朝阳区工体北路4号 老书虫 The Bookworm, Gongti North Road 4, Chaoyang District, Beijing
主办方: The Beijing Bookworm 更多活动

价格: ¥100 - 150



[Music] Rechenberg Trio

2018年3月6日 星期二 19:30 至 21:00 北京市朝阳区工体北路4号 老书虫 The Bookworm, Gongti North Road 4, Chaoyang District, Beijing

价格: ¥100 - 150

时间 地点

2018年3月6日 星期二 19:30 至 21:00

北京市朝阳区工体北路4号 老书虫 The Bookworm, Gongti North Road 4, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京市朝阳区工体北路4号 老书虫 The Bookworm, Gongti North Road 4, Chaoyang District, Beijing


主办方 联系主办方

The Beijing Bookworm

The Beijing Bookworm

Jochen Settili, clarinet in D/A/Bb, altosax


Jochen Settili studied with Georg Zeretzke, Sabine Meyer, Giora Feidman and earned his Master in clarinet at the University of the Arts Berlin, Germany. His orchestral experience includes a wide diversity including “Les miserables” or “Tanz der Vampire” also as engagements in Symphony Orchestras all over Germany. In numerous performances throughout Europe he performed the entire range of the clarinet repertoire (incl. Bass- and Eb-Clarinet). Settili’s career profile in music is broad based with ongoing commitments in performance, conducting, writing a doctoral thesis, and teaching, currently as a teacher for music and philosophy at the School of the German Embassy Beijing. Additional professional skills in flute, oboe and saxes let him feels at home in classical music as well as jazz. Many years he was an executive of “Neuköllner Oper, Berlin” and jury member of the German music competition “Jugend musiziert” and latest in “China Youth Music Competition”

Jochen Settili 单簧管D/A/Bb, 高中音萨克斯


      Jochen Settili曾与Georg Zeretzke, Sabine Meyer, Giora Feidman一起在德国柏林艺术学院学习,并在那里获得了单簧管硕士学位。他有丰富的管弦乐团演奏经历,并参加了包括《悲惨世界》 《吸血鬼之舞》和遍布德国的其他乐团演出。在环游欧洲的众多演奏会中,他几乎演奏了单簧管曲目中的所有篇章。赛迪利的音乐职业生涯广阔,他不懈地投入到表演、指挥、博士论文写作和教学中,目前在北京的德国大使馆教授音乐和哲学。他还精通长笛、双簧管和萨克斯,这让他在古典乐和爵士乐演奏方面都游刃有余。他曾多年担任柏林Neuköllner歌剧院负责人,并在德国的青年艺术家音乐比赛以及最近的中国青少年音乐比赛担任评委。

Viola  I-fun Wu

I-fun Wu was born in Taipei and trained as a violin student since eight and as a viola student since thirteen. She served as Principal Violist of Taipei Century Symphony Orchestra between 1979 and 1987. During which time she won the first place in Taipei Southern District Adolescent Viola Competition and the championship in Taiwan District Adolescent Competition in 1982. In 1985, she performed with Taipei Century Symphony Orchestra in Europe and played viola solo in Mozart's Symphony Concertante, KV364 E-flat Major for Violin, Viola and Orchestra, and was elected as member of United Kingdom Aberdeen International Summer Camp Symposium Orchestra. In the same year, she held a recital with Yi-Ta Chen and I-Fang Wu in Shih Chien Hall in Taipei. I-fun joined Taipei Symphony Orchestra in 1986 and performed Carl Stamitz's D-Major Viola Concerto with the orchestra in the next year.

She was enrolled in University of Musik and Performing Arts in Vienna in September 1987 under the instruction of Prof. Hatto Beyerle in the first year and of Prof. Wolfgang Klos in the next year. She served as the first violist in regular concert held in music auditorium in March 1991 and played viola solo of J.S. Bach's Brandenburgisches Concerto No. 6 B-Major for several times in that year. In 1992, she served as the first violist playing Lecher Viola Duos in International Viola- congress in Wien. I-fun was awarded Diploma for performer and Master by the university in 1993.

She played viola solo of Ignaz Pleyel Violin and Viola Concerto in concert with Kaohsiung Symphony Orchestra in September 1994. She has also worked in Hong Kong Sinfoniett, Evergreen Symphony Orchestra and Beijing Symphony Orchestra. I-fun has been living in Beijing since 2008.

中提琴 I-fun Wu

I-fun Wu出生于台北,8岁开始学习小提琴和13岁转学中提琴。1979 至 1987 年,她担任台北世纪交响乐团首席中提琴手。在此期间,她赢得台北南部区青少年中提琴比赛第一名和并在1982 年获得台湾区青少年比赛冠军。 1985 年,她与台北世纪交响乐团合作到欧洲演出,并且在演出《莫扎特降E大调小提琴、中提琴与管弦乐协奏曲》,K.364时负责中提琴独奏。在欧洲,她被选为英国阿伯丁国际夏季营研讨会乐团的成员。同年,她在台北实践大厅与 Yi-Ta Chen和I-Fang Wu共同举办了音乐会 。I-fun Wu于 1986 年加入台北交响乐团并在第二年演出和乐团演奏了Carl Stamitz的《D大调中提琴协奏曲》。

1987 年 9 月,I-fun Wu到维也纳音乐与表演艺术大学学习,师从Hatto Beyerle教授,并在第二年师从Wolfgan Klos教授。1991 年 3 月她曾参与音乐礼堂举行的正规音乐演出会,并担任首席中提琴手。并在同年多次独奏巴赫的《B大调勃兰登堡协奏曲第六号》。她于1991年成为维也纳国际中提琴大会Lecher中提琴二重奏(Lecher Viola Duos in International Viola- congress in Wien)的首席中提琴手,并于1993年获得演奏硕士学位。

I-fun在1994年9月举行的音乐会上与高雄交响乐团演奏gnaz Pleyel 《小提琴与中提琴协奏曲》。她也曾在香港小交响乐团, 长荣交响乐团以及北京交响乐团任职。2008年至今, I-fun北京居住

Narey Park, piano


Pianist Narey Park was born in South Korea in 1982 and studied piano in Ewha Womans University in Seoul. From 2005 to 2008, she studied piano and chamber music under Professor Dr. Saule Tatubaeva in Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik in Karlsruhe. She graduated with a master degree in art education with distinguish. From 2008 to 2012, she studied piano and chamber music from professor Wolfgang Wagenhäuser in Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik Trossingen und schloss. In 2006, she won the first prize in International Chamber Music Competition Pietro Argentoin Gioia del Colle, Italien and in 2007 Honorable Mention in International Chamber Music Competition Gaetano Zinetti in Verona, Italien. Also in 2008, she won the third prize in International Skriabin Piano Competition in Paris, France. In addition, she won numerous best interpretation prices for piano with Fach Oboe, Oboe and Bassoon.

She played as a soloist with Orchestras and is active as a concert pianist and chamber music pianist in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Japan, Korea and China. These years she has concert sessions in Korea and China.

Narey Park  

       Narey Park 1982年出生于韩国,在首尔梨花女子大学学习钢琴。2005年至2008年,她在德国卡尔斯鲁危的国家音乐学院师从Saule教授学习钢琴和室内音乐。她以优异的成绩毕业并获得艺术教育学的硕士学位。2008至2012年,她在Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik Trossingen und Schloss师从Wolfgang Wagenhäuser教授学习钢琴和室内乐。2006年她获得Pietro Argento国际室内乐比赛的第一名,2007年获得Gaetano Zinetti国际室内乐比赛的荣誉奖。2008年,获得斯克里亚宾国际钢琴比赛第三名。她还因钢琴演奏与双簧管、巴松的出色配合,获得过许多最佳演绎奖。






浏览: 4,541





Jochen Settili, clarinet in D/A/Bb, altosax


Jochen Settili studied with Georg Zeretzke, Sabine Meyer, Giora Feidman and earned his Master in clarinet at the University of the Arts Berlin, Germany. His orchestral experience includes a wide diversity including “Les miserables” or “Tanz der Vampire” also as engagements in Symphony Orchestras all over Germany. In numerous performances throughout Europe he performed the entire range of the clarinet repertoire (incl. Bass- and Eb-Clarinet). Settili’s career profile in music is broad based with ongoing commitments in performance, conducting, writing a doctoral thesis, and teaching, currently as a teacher for music and philosophy at the School of the German Embassy Beijing. Additional professional skills in flute, oboe and saxes let him feels at home in classical music as well as jazz. Many years he was an executive of “Neuköllner Oper, Berlin” and jury member of the German music competition “Jugend musiziert” and latest in “China Youth Music Competition”

Jochen Settili 单簧管D/A/Bb, 高中音萨克斯


      Jochen Settili曾与Georg Zeretzke, Sabine Meyer, Giora Feidman一起在德国柏林艺术学院学习,并在那里获得了单簧管硕士学位。他有丰富的管弦乐团演奏经历,并参加了包括《悲惨世界》 《吸血鬼之舞》和遍布德国的其他乐团演出。在环游欧洲的众多演奏会中,他几乎演奏了单簧管曲目中的所有篇章。赛迪利的音乐职业生涯广阔,他不懈地投入到表演、指挥、博士论文写作和教学中,目前在北京的德国大使馆教授音乐和哲学。他还精通长笛、双簧管和萨克斯,这让他在古典乐和爵士乐演奏方面都游刃有余。他曾多年担任柏林Neuköllner歌剧院负责人,并在德国的青年艺术家音乐比赛以及最近的中国青少年音乐比赛担任评委。

Viola  I-fun Wu

I-fun Wu was born in Taipei and trained as a violin student since eight and as a viola student since thirteen. She served as Principal Violist of Taipei Century Symphony Orchestra between 1979 and 1987. During which time she won the first place in Taipei Southern District Adolescent Viola Competition and the championship in Taiwan District Adolescent Competition in 1982. In 1985, she performed with Taipei Century Symphony Orchestra in Europe and played viola solo in Mozart's Symphony Concertante, KV364 E-flat Major for Violin, Viola and Orchestra, and was elected as member of United Kingdom Aberdeen International Summer Camp Symposium Orchestra. In the same year, she held a recital with Yi-Ta Chen and I-Fang Wu in Shih Chien Hall in Taipei. I-fun joined Taipei Symphony Orchestra in 1986 and performed Carl Stamitz's D-Major Viola Concerto with the orchestra in the next year.

She was enrolled in University of Musik and Performing Arts in Vienna in September 1987 under the instruction of Prof. Hatto Beyerle in the first year and of Prof. Wolfgang Klos in the next year. She served as the first violist in regular concert held in music auditorium in March 1991 and played viola solo of J.S. Bach's Brandenburgisches Concerto No. 6 B-Major for several times in that year. In 1992, she served as the first violist playing Lecher Viola Duos in International Viola- congress in Wien. I-fun was awarded Diploma for performer and Master by the university in 1993.

She played viola solo of Ignaz Pleyel Violin and Viola Concerto in concert with Kaohsiung Symphony Orchestra in September 1994. She has also worked in Hong Kong Sinfoniett, Evergreen Symphony Orchestra and Beijing Symphony Orchestra. I-fun has been living in Beijing since 2008.

中提琴 I-fun Wu

I-fun Wu出生于台北,8岁开始学习小提琴和13岁转学中提琴。1979 至 1987 年,她担任台北世纪交响乐团首席中提琴手。在此期间,她赢得台北南部区青少年中提琴比赛第一名和并在1982 年获得台湾区青少年比赛冠军。 1985 年,她与台北世纪交响乐团合作到欧洲演出,并且在演出《莫扎特降E大调小提琴、中提琴与管弦乐协奏曲》,K.364时负责中提琴独奏。在欧洲,她被选为英国阿伯丁国际夏季营研讨会乐团的成员。同年,她在台北实践大厅与 Yi-Ta Chen和I-Fang Wu共同举办了音乐会 。I-fun Wu于 1986 年加入台北交响乐团并在第二年演出和乐团演奏了Carl Stamitz的《D大调中提琴协奏曲》。

1987 年 9 月,I-fun Wu到维也纳音乐与表演艺术大学学习,师从Hatto Beyerle教授,并在第二年师从Wolfgan Klos教授。1991 年 3 月她曾参与音乐礼堂举行的正规音乐演出会,并担任首席中提琴手。并在同年多次独奏巴赫的《B大调勃兰登堡协奏曲第六号》。她于1991年成为维也纳国际中提琴大会Lecher中提琴二重奏(Lecher Viola Duos in International Viola- congress in Wien)的首席中提琴手,并于1993年获得演奏硕士学位。

I-fun在1994年9月举行的音乐会上与高雄交响乐团演奏gnaz Pleyel 《小提琴与中提琴协奏曲》。她也曾在香港小交响乐团, 长荣交响乐团以及北京交响乐团任职。2008年至今, I-fun北京居住

Narey Park, piano


Pianist Narey Park was born in South Korea in 1982 and studied piano in Ewha Womans University in Seoul. From 2005 to 2008, she studied piano and chamber music under Professor Dr. Saule Tatubaeva in Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik in Karlsruhe. She graduated with a master degree in art education with distinguish. From 2008 to 2012, she studied piano and chamber music from professor Wolfgang Wagenhäuser in Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik Trossingen und schloss. In 2006, she won the first prize in International Chamber Music Competition Pietro Argentoin Gioia del Colle, Italien and in 2007 Honorable Mention in International Chamber Music Competition Gaetano Zinetti in Verona, Italien. Also in 2008, she won the third prize in International Skriabin Piano Competition in Paris, France. In addition, she won numerous best interpretation prices for piano with Fach Oboe, Oboe and Bassoon.

She played as a soloist with Orchestras and is active as a concert pianist and chamber music pianist in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Japan, Korea and China. These years she has concert sessions in Korea and China.

Narey Park  

       Narey Park 1982年出生于韩国,在首尔梨花女子大学学习钢琴。2005年至2008年,她在德国卡尔斯鲁危的国家音乐学院师从Saule教授学习钢琴和室内音乐。她以优异的成绩毕业并获得艺术教育学的硕士学位。2008至2012年,她在Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik Trossingen und Schloss师从Wolfgang Wagenhäuser教授学习钢琴和室内乐。2006年她获得Pietro Argento国际室内乐比赛的第一名,2007年获得Gaetano Zinetti国际室内乐比赛的荣誉奖。2008年,获得斯克里亚宾国际钢琴比赛第三名。她还因钢琴演奏与双簧管、巴松的出色配合,获得过许多最佳演绎奖。




