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China Premier: Book Launch with Jacob Johansen

Price: ¥250 - 300

2021年7月29日 星期四 18:00 至 20:30
Jacob Jensen Design, 3F ANKEN Australia House, 80 Pingwu Rd (near Huashan Rd)
Organizer: Danish Chamber of Commerce in China More Events

Price: ¥250 - 300

China Premier: Book Launch with Jacob Johansen

2021年7月29日 星期四 18:00 至 20:30 Jacob Jensen Design, 3F ANKEN Australia House, 80 Pingwu Rd (near Huashan Rd)

Price: ¥250 - 300

When & Where

2021年7月29日 星期四 18:00 至 20:30

Jacob Jensen Design, 3F ANKEN Australia House, 80 Pingwu Rd (near Huashan Rd) Jacob Jensen Design, 3F ANKEN Australia House, 80 Pingwu Rd (near Huashan Rd)
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Danish Chamber of Commerce in China

Danish Chamber of Commerce in China

The Danish Chamber of Commerce (DCCC) serves as a platform to foster connections, promote commercial/industrial relations and trade between Denmark and China. 



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Views: 835

Meet Jacob Johansen, the Danish innovation and branding guru and now the author of the book From Customer to User, when he introduces the new book in China for the very first time.


Jacob Johansen boldly claims his book will enable you to crack the most significant challenge in business: applying and maintaining a constant outside-in perspective.  

His recipe is simple yet effective: Stop focusing on customers and expand your worldview to users. All you have to do is to fulfil the needs of users. Following user needs is the new compass that your business will always be able to navigate by.


His provoking and radical approach is well known, and his new book is no exception. Johansen’s uncompromising and out-of-the-box approach to business may be hard to swallow at first but is also the reason why both leading Danish, Chinese and international brands such as Bang & Olufsen, Carlsberg Group and IKEA has turned to Johansen in the quest for new revenue streams, growth and transformation.


Join us for an educating, thought-provoking and entertaining evening at Jacob Jensen Design Studio in Shanghai.




It will be possible to purchase the book at the event and the author has promised to sign copies on location. From Customer to User is available in both English and Danish in hard cover, premium edition only. The book is published by the Danish publishing house Turbine and is also available online as audio, e-book and paperback from




Time: July 29th, Thursday 18:00 - 20:30

Location: Jacob Jensen Design, 3F ANKEN Australia House, 80 Pingwu Rd (near Huashan Rd)

Tickets: 250RMB / 300RMB (Members/Non-Members)

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The Danish Chamber of Commerce (DCCC) serves as a platform to foster connections, promote commercial/industrial relations and trade between Denmark and China. 

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