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SHE INSPIRES: Entrepreneurship stories fueling China 女企业家的中国创业故事
2020年7月10日 星期五 15:00 至 17:00
Business Casual 商务休闲
1Eins Bistro & Lounge 御锦轩西餐厅, 1F, KEMPINSKI THE ONE SUITES HOTEL SHANGHAI DOWNTOWN 上海御锦轩凯宾斯基全套房酒店( 静安区凤阳路601号 Fengyang Road 601, Jingan District, Shanghai)
Organizer: Digital BootCamp Asia More Events

Price: ¥88

SHE INSPIRES: Entrepreneurship stories fueling China 女企业家的中国创业故事

Price: ¥88

SHE INSPIRES: Entrepreneurship stories fueling China 女企业家的中国创业故事
2020年7月10日 星期五 15:00 至 17:00
Business Casual 商务休闲
1Eins Bistro & Lounge 御锦轩西餐厅, 1F, KEMPINSKI THE ONE SUITES HOTEL SHANGHAI DOWNTOWN 上海御锦轩凯宾斯基全套房酒店( 静安区凤阳路601号 Fengyang Road 601, Jingan District, Shanghai)
Organizer: Digital BootCamp Asia More Events

Price: ¥88

SHE INSPIRES: Entrepreneurship stories fueling China 女企业家的中国创业故事

2020年7月10日 星期五 15:00 至 17:00 1Eins Bistro & Lounge 御锦轩西餐厅, 1F, KEMPINSKI THE ONE SUITES HOTEL SHANGHAI DOWNTOWN 上海御锦轩凯宾斯基全套房酒店( 静安区凤阳路601号 Fengyang Road 601, Jingan District, Shanghai)

Price: ¥88

When & Where

2020年7月10日 星期五 15:00 至 17:00

1Eins Bistro & Lounge 御锦轩西餐厅, 1F, KEMPINSKI THE ONE SUITES HOTEL SHANGHAI DOWNTOWN 上海御锦轩凯宾斯基全套房酒店( 静安区凤阳路601号 Fengyang Road 601, Jingan District, Shanghai) 1Eins Bistro & Lounge 御锦轩西餐厅, 1F, KEMPINSKI THE ONE SUITES HOTEL SHANGHAI DOWNTOWN 上海御锦轩凯宾斯基全套房酒店( 静安区凤阳路601号 Fengyang Road 601, Jingan District, Shanghai)
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Digital BootCamp Asia

Digital BootCamp Asia


Digital Bootcamp Asia is powered by Tolmao Group, an integrated marketing agency that combines the traditional marketing methods with an innovative approach, creative thinking, and a full understanding of the Chinese market which specialize in creating a unique content marketing strategy for your brand through online-offline campaign activation.


Digital Bootcamp Asia为Tolmao Group旗下的品牌之一,Tolmao Group是一家综合营销机构,将传统营销方法与创新方法、创造性思维和对中国市场的全面了解结合起来,专门通过线上线下活动激活,为您的品牌创建独特的属性营销战略。


We aim to inspire those who want to excel in the digital world through a series of workshops, forums, panel discussions, and networking events.




Digital Bootcamp Asia produces different range of events covering topics including China Market Entry Strategy, Business in China, Content Marketing Strategy, Social Media Marketing, WeChat Marketing, Weibo Marketing, and many more. Follow our social media  ( DigitalBootcampAsia) to stay updated.


Digital Bootcamp Asia举办各种活动,主题包括中国市场进入战略、中国商业、属性营销战略、社交媒体营销、微信营销、微博营销等。关注我们的社交媒体(DigitalBootcamp Asia)以随时掌握最新的精彩活动。



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Views: 1,225

Surround yourself with aspiring female business leaders and mentors with diverse backgrounds, passions, pursuits for an afternoon of new ideas, and inspiring life stories. You will receive practical advice and feasible solutions on how to live a much healthier and balanced life, especially in the “new normal”.



Our guest speakers include the companies founders and CEOs, the board of directors at IPWS (International Professional Women's Society), corporate innovation coach, and mentor, from different backgrounds, and each will share with you the journeys and difficulties they have faced while pursuing their careers. 



This event will include snacks and 2 hours of unlimited drinking of red/white wine, soft drinks and chocolates sponsored by Pierre Ledent.

本次活动包含下午茶茶点、Pierre Ledent赞助的比利时进口巧克力及两小时无限畅饮红白酒及软饮。



Event Language: English




Agenda 活动流程: 

Registration注册签到: 2:40 - 3:00 pm

Event start活动开始: 3:00 - 4:30 pm

Networking交流: 4:30 - 5:00 pm



Chocolates sponsored 巧克力赞助:


Pierre Ledent皮埃尔菜登


Pierre Ledent, from Belgium, is a high-end dessert brand founded by Mr. Pierre Ledent. Based on Belgium's traditional high-quality practice, through many years of winning experience in numerous competitions from various countries, the continuous pursuit of perfection, plus the embellishment of life memories and beautiful encounters, we have made the dessert that can satisfy you.


Pierre Ledent来自比利时,是由皮埃尔菜登先生所创立的高端甜点品牌。 Etre soi-même忠于自我:为皮埃尔莱登先生的座右铭,贯彻了整个品牌核心。 以比利时传统高品质的作法为基底,透过多年各国无数竞赛 的得奖经验层层堆叠,不间断的追求完美,加上以人生回忆及美丽邂逅作为点缀,制作出能满足每个舌尖且抚慰人心,温柔且坚定的甜点!只把最好的,托付于每个对美好事物绝不让步的你!


Maybe you've thought about your lover's special taste? She is pure and sweet, romantic and affectionate, loved by her elders, the eternal white moonlight in her heart, or the way you love, she has You are attracted by the different looks of your lover, and there are many wonderful chocolates for you to choose from! Different ways to say love you, is to send you a specific chocolate, tell you about your moving appearance in my heart! Pierre Ledent's classic heart-shaped chocolate wants to tell you about her anytime, anywhere.


或许你也曾细细思考,你的爱人是哪种特别的口味?她是清纯甜美、还是浪漫多情,长辈喜爱、还是心中永恒的白月光或者,你爱的样子她都有… … 爱人的不同模样令你心动,巧克力也有多种美妙夹心任你挑选!不同的方式说爱你,就是送你特定的巧克力,对你讲述你在我心中动人的模样!Pierre Ledent推出的经典心形巧克力,随时随地,都想告白你的她。


In addition to "heart-shaped chocolate" , Pierre Ledent also launched a special sandwich chocolate "year of the rat limited edition", which brings Belgian local delicacy to Chinese cities and presents new year's wishes. Five flavors, three sizes of large, medium and small, each with rich layers of strong sandwich, high quality, handmade, exotic romance, looking forward to full delivery in your hands and love! Nibble and suck, one, enjoy the wonderful taste ~


除了「心形巧克力」,Pierre Ledent还特别推出了夹心巧克力「鼠年限定版」,为中国城市带来比利时的本土美味,并送上新年的美好祝愿。五种口味,大中小三款尺寸规格,每粒都含有层次丰富的浓郁夹心,高品质、手工制,异域的浪漫,期待浓情满满交付于您与爱人手中!轻咬细吮,一粒,尽享绝妙滋味~

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Contact the Host

  • Nishtha Mehta

    CollabCentral Consulting, Inc.

    Corporate Innovation Coach|Collaborative Leadership Trainer|Change Facilitator

  • Paula Mueller



  • Nora Fang

    FairyMo Retail Tech


  • Natasha Fang

    Tolmao Group



Contact the Host

  • Chocolates sponsored 巧克力赞助

    • Pierre Ledent皮埃尔菜登


Contact the Host


Digital Bootcamp Asia is powered by Tolmao Group, an integrated marketing agency that combines the traditional marketing methods with an innovative approach, creative thinking, and a full understanding of the Chinese market which specialize in creating a unique content marketing strategy for your brand through online-offline campaign activation.


Digital Bootcamp Asia为Tolmao Group旗下的品牌之一,Tolmao Group是一家综合营销机构,将传统营销方法与创新方法、创造性思维和对中国市场的全面了解结合起来,专门通过线上线下活动激活,为您的品牌创建独特的属性营销战略。


We aim to inspire those who want to excel in the digital world through a series of workshops, forums, panel discussions, and networking events.




Digital Bootcamp Asia produces different range of events covering topics including China Market Entry Strategy, Business in China, Content Marketing Strategy, Social Media Marketing, WeChat Marketing, Weibo Marketing, and many more. Follow our social media  ( DigitalBootcampAsia) to stay updated.


Digital Bootcamp Asia举办各种活动,主题包括中国市场进入战略、中国商业、属性营销战略、社交媒体营销、微信营销、微博营销等。关注我们的社交媒体(DigitalBootcamp Asia)以随时掌握最新的精彩活动。

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